Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1390: Please fight

The first thousand and ninety chapters please fight

Originally in the tunnel that Lin Hao and the others had struck down.

The deputy masters of the five major shrines of Reincarnation Shrine, God of War, Sword Shrine, Sword Shrine, and Flame Shrine have arrived.

In addition to the deputy masters of these five major shrines, other shrines have also arrived.

These powerhouses did not come here because this channel was broken down!

After all, even if this is the first channel laid by the Void God Realm, this channel is not big, not very important, and there is no need to arrange so many powerful people to station here.

A group of top powerhouses from the Void God Realm came, mainly because this passage left the altar of resurrection of the temple!

The Altar of Resurrection, not only appeared in the confrontation of the emperor level.

The top powerhouses of both sides have appeared in the altar of resurrection in countless battles!

The strange resurrection technique mastered by the temple has caused the warriors of the virtual **** realm to suffer a lot and caused great casualties.

The Void God Realm has always wanted to figure out the secret of this resurrection art, to find a way to deal with this strange secret art, but there has been no progress, and a complete resurrection altar is a good thing to explore this strange secret art. .

This time I heard that this passage has been knocked down by the imperial warriors of the Void God Realm, and a complete resurrection altar has been retained. The deputy palace lord of the Reincarnation Shrine, Duan Xiao immediately notified some of the top powers of other shrines. Who came.

The deputy masters of the five major shrines gathered around the altar of resurrection.

There was a relieved smile on Duan Xiao's face, and he sighed: "Unexpectedly, we have planned so many times that we haven't got it, but we got it here."

Immediately, Duan Xiao looked at the Void God Realm martial artist who had laid this passage, and said: "You have laid a chaotic battlefield channel for the Void God Realm. Now you have also helped the Void God Realm obtain a complete resurrection altar. After the battle is over, In addition to your own merits in killing the warriors of the Protoss, you will also have rewards for laying channels and getting the altar of resurrection!"

In the thirty-six temples of the Void God Realm, every person who came to the chaotic battlefield to participate in the battle had something like the token in Lin Hao's hand to record his merits.

The rewards are the resources and materials collected by the thirty-six temples of the Void God Realm. Of course, the reincarnation temple is mainly responsible for these things.

Nie Ru glanced at their three disciples in the God of War, and said nothing, Lin Hao was not here, she had guessed that Lin Hao had entered the God Realm.

"Zhuo Feng, tell me, how did you win this battle?" The Vice Palace Master of Sword God Palace looked at Zhuo Feng.

"Yes, all tell me what's going on?" Duan Xiao also asked.

All the experts in the virtual **** realm who rushed over felt strange in their hearts.

There is an altar of resurrection in this passage. It is incredible. This thing can only be mastered by some core personnel of the temple. It is even more incredible. The gods used the altar of resurrection here, and the warriors of the Void God Realm have completely defeated the warriors of the gods. !

Zhuo Feng took a step forward, and then told about the plot of the Protoss warrior to open up a side road.

Before Zhuo Feng finished speaking, Duan Xiao, the deputy palace lord of the Reincarnation Shrine, immediately interrupted, saying: "You mean, our Reincarnation Shrine's Lin Yuan is also here to fight?"

Lin Yuan, this name, already has an extremely deep impression in Duan Xiao’s mind. Duan Xiao, who has not personally accepted disciples for hundreds of thousands of years, is already ready to find Lin Yuan and accept disciples immediately, for fear of the rest of the reincarnation temple. A vice palace master robbed him...

Zhuo Feng nodded and said: "Returning to the Palace Master, it is indeed Lin Yuan from the Reincarnation Shrine. After Lin Yuan broke down the protoss warrior's conspiracy to break the road, he killed the Beigongliu of the Beigong family of the temple, and then Our own power helped us defeat a powerful attack by the warriors of the Protoss.

Later, the warriors of the Protoss suddenly performed the technique of resurrection. We were faced with great danger. It was Lin Yuan who used his own power to break through the barrier of the diversion road and smashed to the back of the Protoss. Gong Yun, at the same time beat Qi Chuan, who is also a Tier 5 divine body...

If there were no reincarnation shrine Lin Yuan, we might have been wiped out this time. "

When Zhuo Feng finished speaking.

Rao rushed to this side of the virtual **** realm experts are used to seeing the wind and waves, and their hearts are all shocked.

The deputy palace lord of the Sword God Palace, the Sword God Palace, and the Yan God Palace looked at Duan Xiao with envy.

Such an outstanding young man, no matter which shrine he appears in, is a great event worthy of joy!

Nie Ru was silent, and did not envy Duan Xiao like everyone else.

The Lin Yuan they were talking about was his younger brother Lin Hao.

She now finally knows why the younger brother Lin Hao was so anxious to use the mental power division she left behind to clear the way... It turned out that the situation was already so serious at that time!

At this time, Duan Xiao didn't say anything, but the look on his face was obviously proud!

They reincarnation shrine, ranked first in the thirty-six shrines of the virtual gods, not only the strongest people in reincarnation shrine, but also the outstanding young generation in reincarnation shrine!

"By the way, where is Lin Yuan?" Duan Xiao asked faintly. In fact, he couldn't wait to see this miraculous Lin Yuan. He was ready. When he saw Lin Yuan, he just Accept disciples!

Such a good seedling must not fall into the hands of other people!

"Lin Yuan has entered the God Realm!" Zhuo Feng said.

"What?" Duan Xiao's expression suddenly changed!

Such a good seedling was so adventurous that he went directly to the God Realm!

Di Lie, who was on the side, also stepped out at this time, looked at their deputy palace master of the Yanshen Palace, and said: "Palace Master Xu, disciple Di Lie, are also ready to enter the God Realm!"

The deputy palace lord of the Yanshen Palace was about to scream at Di Lie for his mischief... But Tan Ming of the Sword God Palace also stepped out at this time, looked at the deputy palace lord of the Sword God Palace, and said: "Palace Master Zhou, disciple Tan Ming , Has also decided to enter the God Realm!"

The Deputy Palace Master of the Sword God Palace was also stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of the vice palace lord of the Sword God Palace twitched, because Zhuo Feng also looked at him. Zhuo Feng is the direct bloodline of his direct disciple. He also has some understanding of Zhuo Feng and he values ​​Zhuo Feng very much. , Good talent, calm temper...

"Master, Zhuo Feng has also decided to enter the God Realm!" Zhuo Feng said.

"Palace Master Nie, I have waited for the three people, they have almost recovered, now they can set off to the God Realm!" The three people in the War God Palace also spoke.

Nie Ru nodded, and said, "It's okay to enter the God Realm, but I'll listen to it all. I must come back alive!"


After the three people in the Palace of Wars finished speaking, they left immediately.

Di Lie stared at their Deputy Palace Master of the Flame God Palace for a while...

The deputy palace lord of the Yanshen Palace was depressed. He knew that even if he was not sure, Di Lie would have he waved his hand and said, "Go to the God Realm, be careful, don't be so impulsive!"

Di Lie grinned and said: "Palace Master Zhou, don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"

The Deputy Palace Master of the Sword God Palace also sighed and said, "Go, don't fall for the prestige of Master Mieshen Tiandao."

The palace lord of the Sword God Palace also said: "Remember, coming back alive is the most important thing!"

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