Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1403: Dream Heart Sutra

The first thousand four hundred and three chapters

Lin Hao also stopped selling Guanzi, saying: "When I came back, I paid special attention to some movement in this area. Qi Chuan has already joined a group of people in the temple, and Qi Chuan is recruiting a large number of protoss warriors in this area.

Next, they will seal off this area and start a carpet search.

The thing that I conceal everyone's vitality is a treasure named Rolling Sky Curtain, but if they really do a carpet search, everyone will be exposed.

So, next, it is time for us to fight back. "

When Di Lie heard the words counterattack, his expression suddenly became excited.

Zhuo Feng said: "Brother Lin, if we fight on a large scale head-on, we will all suffer in terms of number and combat effectiveness."

Lin Hao nodded and said, "That's right, so this counterattack must also be fully prepared.

Now, there are 51 people on our side, and at least more than 500 people from the Protoss will participate in this search and siege, but there are still people in the virtual gods scattered in this area.

Next, I will show up to attract the attention of the warriors of the Protoss, and Brother Zhuo, you are mainly responsible for finding the warriors of our human race scattered in this area.

While disintegrating the strength of the Protoss warrior, while expanding our strength, I will be responsible for killing Qichuan and the two leaders of the temple.

When the time is right, this group of protoss warriors will be annihilated in one fell swoop! "

"Brother Lin, Di Lie is not good at finding people, so I will leave it to Brother Zhuo and the others. I will follow you to attract the attention of the warriors of the Protoss, and then find the opportunity to kill them!" Di Lie immediately asked to follow Lin Hao acted together.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Well, there should not be too many people who act with me."

"I'm also with Brother Lin on your side," Tan Ming said.


"And I!"

Suddenly, a group of people rushed to act with Lin Hao.

It was not because they knew that Lin Hao was strong, and felt safe following Lin Hao.

On the contrary, they all know that it is extremely dangerous to act with Lin Hao to attract the attention of the warriors of the Protoss, but even if they know the danger, they will not hesitate and want to do this.

Lin Hao said: "Everyone, this plan is very important in two aspects. If we can't bring together more warriors of our human race, then even if we can consume a lot of the strength of the warriors of the Protoss race, we will not be able to quickly annihilate these warriors of the Protoss race in the end.

When the final battle broke out, we did not have time to spend little by little with the protoss warriors, we must fight quickly, otherwise, the protoss warriors will soon have more reinforcements.

In this way, I, the three of the God of War, Brother Di, and the five can act together.

Brother Tan, you and Brother Zhuo take care of each other and are responsible for finding other people.

There are still injured, stay here, adjust and recover as soon as possible. "

"I will act with you." Ouyang Jing of the Sword God Palace stood up at this time and looked at Lin Hao.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao nodded and agreed. Ouyang Jing's strength has improved rapidly, and her combat effectiveness is no longer weaker than Tan Ming, and she can indeed help herself.

Moreover, Ouyang Jing had previously proposed to act with Lin Hao, but Lin Hao did not agree, but let her stay here.

Now, a lot of human warriors have gathered here, and safety is guaranteed.

"Okay, then the six of us are responsible for attracting the attention of the warriors of the Protoss..."

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, another young woman with no sense of existence in the crowd uttered, "I...I will go with you."

Lin Hao and others looked over.

This person is not tall and has a petite body. When everyone's eyes are on her, her face turns red with the sound of brushing. She lowered her head and dared not look at everyone, and said in a low voice, "I'm from the Palace of Dreams. ...I...I can use the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream...It won't hold you back..."

Lin Hao didn't feel anything when hearing the words of the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Are you a descendant of the Lord of the Palace of Dreams? Meng Chuci?" Ouyang Jing asked immediately.

The woman nodded and said: "I came to the chaotic battlefield without telling my ancestors... I was injured before, so I couldn't use the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream to help everyone, but now my injury has recovered a bit, I can... …"

Zhuo Feng obviously found that Lin Hao didn't know anything about the Dream Palace, so he immediately agreed to Lin Hao, and said, "Okay, Meng girl, then you will act with Brother Lin and the others!"

Lin Hao knew it clearly. Obviously, the Great Dream Heart Sutra of the Dream God Palace was very extraordinary, otherwise Zhuo Feng would not be so.

"Then make this decision first. I also need to adjust my status. You will wait for a while. After I take the people to act, it will take a long time for Brother Zhuo to act again."

After the arrangements were made, Lin Hao was alone in an area, and began to meditate cross-legged, running Qi and blood, and nourishing the flesh.

In the previous battle, he was alone and led away Qi Chuan and a large number of elite warriors from the Tianqi Divine Tribe. Not only was his strength wasted greatly, he also suffered serious injuries.

It took two hours for Lin Hao to recover from his injury, and then it took another half an hour to raise his strength to its peak state.

There is no shortage of Emperor Road, and there is also diligence, reaching two thousand miles!

Even if you encounter those common Tier 5 gods of the Protoss, you can kill them with one sword!

Qi Fang, who had previously controlled the Tianqi God Tribe, learned from Qi Fang that the person whose Tian Qi God Tribe was in charge of attacking the Void God Realm Human Race warrior was named Qi Xiao.

Qi Xiao is also a Tier 5 divine body, and the road to the emperor has gone more than two thousand miles. Among the warriors of the same level of the gods in the next three days, Qi Xiao's strength is enough to rank in the top ten!

With Lin Hao's current strength, even if Qi Xiao could rank among the top ten martial artists of the God Realm Emperor Realm in the next three days, he was definitely not his opponent.

And the people headed by the other two gods guarding the chaotic battlefield, the Tianyun gods and the Tiansui gods, were a bit weaker than Qi Xiao.

After Lin Hao completely adjusted his state, Zhuo Feng came to Lin Hao alone and said, "Brother Lin, once the plan is successful, it may attract a large number of protoss warriors from the God Realm."

During the war, if Qichuan and the group of people in the temple were really wiped out, the impact would be great. What Zhuo Feng said was not just a casual statement.

Lin Hao said: "I have already thought about it, so I must fight quickly. After the battle, I immediately return to the chaotic battlefield channel. The reason why I did not tell you this in advance is because the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. If it is not appropriate to withdraw to the chaos The battlefield channel, then you have to act by chance."

Zhuo Feng nodded and said, "Also, Brother Lin, you may not be too clear about the Dream Palace."

Lin Hao made an excuse and said, "I have been practicing in retreat before, so I really don't know much about the thirty-sixth palace of the Void God Realm."

Zhuo Feng didn't think much, and said: "The Heart Sutra of the Dream God Palace is extremely special. In the thirty-six divine palace of the Void God Realm, the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream is not strong in terms of combat power or defense. Cultivation techniques have extraordinary significance. Once the Great Dream Heart Sutra is deployed, it can weaken the opponent's strength and increase the strength of the warrior on your side!"

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