Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1404: Break out of encirclement

Chapter 1404 Breaking Out of Encirclement

Hearing what Zhuo Feng said, Lin Hao finally understood why they had such a big reaction after hearing Meng Chuci say that they were from the Palace of Dreams.

Weakening the opponent's strength and increasing one's strength, this big dream heart sutra really has something extraordinary.

"Brother Lin, the only people who can cultivate the Heart Sutra of the Dream God Palace are the blood descendants of the Palace Lord of the Dream God Palace, and only a very small part can practice this technique.

Now, there are no more than ten people in the entire Dream God Palace who can display the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream. These ten people are all built on the foundation of countless thousands of years of existence in the Dream God Palace.

Moreover, every time our human race warrior protoss erupts in a war, the people in the Dream Palace who can display the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream are all under special protection, and there is no fall.

It has been more than a hundred thousand years since the last time someone who could practice the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream appeared in the Palace of Dreams.

Therefore, Meng Chuci is very important. She will act with you, and hope that Brother Lin can take care of her. "

Lin Hao just listened to Zhuo Feng's introduction of the Heart Sutra of the Dream God Palace. Actually, there is no need for Zhuo Feng to explain so. He also knows the importance of Meng Chuci. He nodded and said, "Brother Zhuo, time is almost up, I Take the people out first. After I attract the attention of those guys from the Protoss, you will act as soon as possible and gather a group of our Terran warriors before you can really start the counterattack!"

"Brother Lin, proceed carefully!" Zhuo Feng exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao took the three people from the God of War, Di Lie of the God of Flames, Ouyang Jing of the God of Swords, and Meng Chuci of the God of Dreams, a group of seven, and left the place where the curtain of the sky covered the breath.

"Mr. Dream, let's act together now, your ability, I hope you can talk about it, so that you can do things next." Lin Hao said on the way.

Meng Chuci gave a hum, and then said: "I have just practiced the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream for a long time, and it can only have an effect on the warriors within ten miles of me.

With my current strength, it can weaken the combat effectiveness of about ten imperial peak martial artists, and at the same time increase the combat effectiveness of ten imperial peak martial artists, lasting only half an hour at most.

Of course, there are not many people in us now, and the time I can maintain will be longer. Don't worry, Young Master Lin, I won't be holding back, I will definitely try my best! "

Meng Chuci was obviously a little unconfident. It was very likely that it was the first time to participate in the war, and this first time to participate in the war, people from the Palace of Dreams came out secretly.

In fact, Lin Hao was already quite shocked by the ability of Meng Chuci's Great Dream Heart Sutra.

Boost your own combat power by 10% while weakening your opponent's combat power by 10%. Although there are limitations on distance, number of people, and time, this is already quite powerful!

No wonder Meng Chuci is the first time to participate in the war, think about it, the powerhouse of Dreams Palace, all regard her as a baby bump, without really becoming strong, how can she be willing to let her take risks.

The current Meng Chuci, because she is only the cultivation base of the emperor realm, so the use of the Great Dream Heart Sutra can only have an impact on the emperor martial artist, but if she reaches the heavenly **** realm, the false **** king realm, or the **** king realm, then she will be able to affect the same level The warriors who cultivated have an impact.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Feng said before that every time a great war breaks out, the powerhouses of the Dream God Palace will be protected by the Void God Realm.

The ability of the Dream Palace to cultivate the existence of the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream is of extraordinary significance.

"Girl Ouyang, if there is a fight later, you will protect the safety of Miss Meng." Lin Hao looked at Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing was also very aware of the importance of this matter, nodded and said: "Understand."

"I'm don't care about me, I won't be holding back!" Meng Chuci bit his lip.

Ouyang Jing said: "Mengci girl, you don't have to be so self-confident. You didn't hold back. The Heart Sutra of the Dream Palace is not charged."

Di Lie, a hot-tempered guy, also enlightened Meng Chuci, saying: "Meng girl, if you meet a protoss guy later, you will increase my combat power by 10%. I will kill two protoss bastards, one of them, The credit is yours, hehe!"

Lin Hao also nodded, and said: "Don't be presumptuous. You come to join the war with the strong of Dreams Palace on your back. This is already great courage. I believe you will do well!"

With everyone's encouragement, Meng Chuci's expression finally gained a little more self-confidence, and was no longer as timid as before!

The seven quickly flew by, and it didn't take long before they encountered a team of warriors from the Protoss race.

"Do it!" Lin Hao ordered immediately.

In the next moment, Lin Hao took the lead with a sword, a sword aura swept through the air, and instantly killed two people.

The three people in the God of War did not hesitate, rushed to this team of protoss warriors, burst out tyrannical power fluctuations, and launched an attack.

"Protoss bastard, Master Di Lie of the Flame Palace is here, take his life!" Di Lie roared, exuding an extremely hot aura, and attacked the team of protoss warriors.

Ouyang Jing was guarding Meng Chuci's side, Meng Chuci's expression became a little nervous, and she made a series of handprints, a layer of light shining away, covering Lin Hao and others, as well as the remaining Protoss warriors.

At this moment, Lin Hao clearly sensed that the power he controlled had become even more violent!

As for the remaining warriors of the Protoss, a sense of weakness emerged.

The Great Dream Heart Sutra of Meng Chuci has come into effect!

This team of protoss warriors was not strong in the first place, and now they have been weakened by 10%. Lin Hao and the others have increased their combat effectiveness by 10%. It only took a moment for the battle to be over!


Di Lie couldn't help but yelled excitedly, returned to Meng Chuci, and said, "Meng Chuci, I killed two just now, count you one!"

This time, Lin Hao had personally experienced the uniqueness of the Heart Sutra of the Big Dream. However, it is not the time to be happy. Qi Chuan has already mobilized a large number of Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe warriors in this area. The fight that broke out just now has caused it. Many people from the Tianqi Divine Tribe noticed that a lot of the breath of Protoss warriors has emerged from all directions.

"Meng girl, don't use the power increase of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, use it at the critical moment." Lin Hao exhorted, and then said: "Break through to the left!"

Next, Meng Chuci did not use the assistance of the Great Dream Heart Sutra. Lin Hao, the three of God of War and Di Lie, relying on their own strength, forcibly opened a hole in the encirclement of the warriors of the Protoss and rushed out.

Among them, Lin Hao killed more enemies alone than the three of God of War and Di Lie combined!


At this time, Zhuo Feng of the Sword God Palace, and Tan Ming of the Sword God Palace also selected fifteen human warriors with relatively strong combat effectiveness, ready to set off.

Before leaving, Zhuo Feng looked at everyone and said: "If you encounter trouble, everyone is scattered. No one is allowed to come back here without being sure of safety.

Moreover, if you don't have enough confidence to break through, you can't let yourself fall into the hands of the warriors of the Protoss, do you understand? "


The human race warriors who were selected to act with Zhuo Feng Tan Ming all had a look of determination on their faces.

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