Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1405: Unreasonable Yang Guang

Chapter 1405: The Unreasonable Yang Guang

Zhuo Feng and Tan Ming set off with people.

Before each of them set off, they had already had the idea of ​​either succeeding or dying outside and never returning!

On the other side, Qi Chuan looked excited, that guy finally appeared again!

Now, the warriors of the Tianqi Divine Tribe are gathering quickly to encircle and kill Lin Hao. Qi Chuan is anxious to immediately take the initiative, personally direct and witness Lin Hao's fall!

"Brother Qi, the kid from the Void God Realm is very cunning. He took the initiative to show up, I'm afraid he has no ulterior motives." Yang Chao frowned slightly.

Qi Chuan disapproved, and said: "This time, I mobilized so many people from the Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe to deal with him, and he cannot escape!

I have failed several times before, this time, I will never fail again!

Even if the guy from the Void God Realm Human Race has other plans, so what? He has already appeared, I killed him, what else should I worry about?

Yang Chao, could it be this point, are you scared? "

Yang Chao raised his eyebrows.

Li Wenguang, who also came from the temple on the side, said angrily: "Qi Chuan, you don't ridicule us here. If it weren't because you had no brains and they captured a chaotic battlefield channel, how could it become like this!"

"Li Wenguang, this is not a temple, believe it or not, I will suppress you now!" Qi Chuan was furious when Li Wenguang exposed his scars.

Yang Chao had a headache, and said: "Calm down, Brother Qi is right, I was worrying too much. Now that the Tianqi Divine Tribe has gathered 500 people here, the guy from the Void God Realm Human Race has shown his whereabouts. , Even if he can escape now, but the people of the Tianqi God Ministry are constantly rushing to encircle and suppress, and it will not take long for him to escape.

As for whether he has other plans, it really doesn't matter. Except for him, none of the warriors of the Void God Realm in this area can become a climate. Just kill him, and the others will not attack and destroy themselves! "

"Then let's go. Although your temple has not many people, but the fighting power is not weak, you should always use some force. Don't think about letting our people from the Tianqi Divine Tribe go to death." Qi Chuan said.

"Don't worry, our temple must take action." Yang Chao said.

After all, Qi Chuan, Yang Chao, and Li Wenguang also brought a group of protoss warriors to personally participate in the encirclement and suppression of Lin Hao.


In the chaotic battlefield, at the end of the Void God Realm, in the palace built by the God of War Palace, Nie Ru was fidgeting.

She has done everything she can.

She was no longer able to help the younger brother Lin Hao.

Just now, she went to Samsara Shrine to discuss the situation with Duan Xiao, and then took another look at the merit list of Samsara Shrine.

His junior brother Lin Hao has been promoted to the second place in the total merit list of the Reincarnation Shrine, and the total number of protoss warriors killed has exceeded a hundred.

The next additions of feats for killing enemies are at least Tier 2 Divine Body, Tier 3 Divine Body occupies more than half, and Tier 4 Divine Body is also a lot.

The higher the merits, the less optimistic the situation of the junior brother Lin Hao in the God Realm is, and he has been fighting...

Nie Ru walked back and forth in the main hall. If it hadn't been for the agreement between the Void God Realm and the Protoss, she would have been rushing to the God Realm and brought back the younger brother Lin Hao!

Suddenly, two familiar auras appeared in the palace.

"Big Brother, Junior Brother Yang!" In Nie Ru's heart, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and there was someone who could really discuss countermeasures.

"Where are the junior brothers now?" Yang Guang's first sentence was this.

"Little Junior Brother, he has entered the God Realm, and his situation is not very good." Nie Ru said.

"It's weird that the situation can be good. That is the stronghold of the Protoss. Even if the strong of the Protoss doesn't take action, the imperial warriors of the Protoss can use the human sea tactics to bring down the younger brother. No, I will go over now and find the younger brother. Bring him back and talk about it, you can't let him go on such a fool!"

"Junior Brother Yang, don't be impulsive!" Huo Cang said.

"Big brother, it's not that I am impulsive now, but the younger junior is too impulsive!" Yang Guang muttered.

"Things have not yet reached the point where we need to pass. The reason why the Void God Realm was able to set some mutual restraints on the chaotic battlefield with the Protoss this time is because our human race powerhouses in the Yanhuang Temple in the God Realm have paid extremely The opportunity was won at a high price. If we take the lead in breaking this constraint, the war of the strong on the chaotic battlefield will break out again. It will not take long before the entire chaotic battlefield will collapse!

At that time, all thirty-six temples of the Void God Realm will face unbearable consequences! "

"Big brother, what do you say now?" Yang Guang said depressed.

"Little Junior Brother's current identity should not have been exposed yet. Even if there are many people on the other side of the God Realm who are attacking Junior Brother, the strength of Junior Brother can be used. Even if he is defeated, he will not be unable to guarantee his safety." Huo Cang said .

When Nie Ru passed the letter to him before, he told Huo Cang that their junior brother Lin Hao had already broken through the limit and reached the point where they could compete with the Tier 6 divine body, and they were still in the chaos of the true martial world. Got the inheritance of Wuquedilu.

"The strength of the junior brother should be enough to guarantee his own safety, but what I am worried about is that the junior brother will not only care about himself. There are already many younger generations in the **** realm in the virtual **** realm, and the junior brother will definitely help. "Nie Ru said.

"Junior Sister Nie, Junior Brother Yang, the three of us, each of us sit in a chaotic battlefield channel struck down by the Void God Realm, and be ready to meet the younger brother at any time.

In addition, let Duan Xiao and the others give up a few chaotic battlefield channels to allow more warriors of the Protoss to come, especially the elites of the temple and the three major gods.

It is best to let the young commanders of the Heavenly Sui Divine Tribe, Heavenly Cloud Divine Tribe, and Tianqi Divine Tribe all over!

After they came, they did not encircle and suppress, only sent people to guard those passages, and did not give these protoss warriors a chance to withdraw. Once the identity of the little junior was exposed, and the strong protoss wanted to do something against the younger, we would destroy all the young protoss who came over. generation.

In this way, our side will not be so passive, at least there are chips in hand. "

Huo Cang made a decision immediately.

"It shouldn't be too late, big brother, I'll go and notify Duan Xiao that guy to do the work first!" Yang Guang put down these words and left immediately.

Nie Ru said: "Big brother, if we really have nothing to do, we enter the realm of God...break the mutual restraint..."

Huo Cang said, "If that is the case, Huo Cang, I will use my own methods to make up for this loss for the Human Race!"


In the Reincarnation Shrine, the head of the Deputy Palace Master Broken Xiaoxiao would be bigger.

The original move this time was already extremely risky, but just now, the unreasonable fellow Yang Guang, the big bald head of the God of War, unexpectedly ran and asked him to give up a few passages.

Can he make a decision about this matter?

He didn't say anything yet, Yang Guang just cleaned up his meal. Before leaving, Yang Guang also let go of his ruthless remarks. If he doesn't handle this matter well, I will see him once again...

Thinking of Yang Guang's strength... Duan Xiao was also shocked. The God of War had just left Huo Cang on the road of the invincible king. I am afraid it will not be long before Yang Guang will take this step!

"What the **** is going on in the Palace of the Gods of War? Why are all three of them all at once? Even Huo Cang, who participated in the battle in the God Realm, ran back?"

Just when Duan Xiao was suffering from a headache, a strong **** from the Reincarnation Palace rushed in.

This strong deity was someone Duan Xiao specially arranged to stare at on the merit list.

"What's wrong, but Lin Yuan has another change?"

"Palace Broken Lord, Lin Yuan, just got second from the total merit list, rushed to first..."

"What? Good boy, this disciple, I am accepted by Duan Xiao!" Duan Xiao said, feeling extremely excited. Fortunately, he was guarding here this time. Otherwise, such a good seedling would fall in the Reincarnation Shrine. In human hands, he is estimated to be depressed to death!

"Palace Master... one more thing..."

"Say." Duan Xiao said.

"Yang Guang of the God of War... directly demolished a piece of our reincarnation palace... the merit list is also in it. He also said that if the palace master doesn't hurry up... he will demolish our reincarnation then. The main hall of the shrine..."

Hearing this, Duan Xiao's face turned green!

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