The first thousand six hundred and sixteen chapters explode

Sect Master Liu Jing of Heavenly Sword Holy Land, although his combat effectiveness was good, he was able to fight the soul blood palace with two powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm, but he seemed extremely strenuous.

At the moment when Tianhen Sword smashed an opponent's body for him, Liu Jing screamed, and the long knife slashed out, shining sharply, illuminating the void, and falling on the wafting divine fire.


The sacred fire exploded and screamed, although the soul blood palace powerhouse had not been completely beheaded, it also caused an opponent's strength to plummet and the pressure was greatly reduced.


And when Lin Hao helped Liu Jing, the Blood Palace Master of the Soul Blood Palace also thought that the opportunity had arrived, and launched a violent offensive!

In this case, Lin Hao could not use the armor of the God of War.

Because the power of the soul hall master and blood hall master of the soul blood palace is related to the second generation descendant of the **** of war palace, and Lin Hao's current armor of the **** of war comes from the second generation descendant of the **** of war palace.

Once the armor of the **** of war is used, it will not only bring no benefit to Lin Hao, but will also become an opponent.

The blood palace master's violent attack method at this time contained the power of the battle body's blood, but it was not pure, but the power should not be underestimated.

After all, the two main hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace, the avenues they stolen, came from the second-generation heirs of the God of War Palace, although the one who failed to successfully walk out of the road of the invincible king, was also extremely powerful.

Moreover, in the power of blood and blood of the Hall of Blood, in addition to the aura of the battle body, it is also mixed with the aura of the power of the heavenly demons from outside the territory. The two are integrated, which is very strange.

If you change to the True God Realm powerhouse who cultivates the first battle body, they will definitely be extremely severely suppressed by the power of the Blood Palace Master.

Fortunately, Lin Hao's true martial art body was not much stronger than the original combat body, and even much stronger than the supreme combat body technique after the initial battle body advanced.

Coupled with Lin Hao's physique, he has now reached a level comparable to a seventh-order divine body.

Therefore, facing the violent offensive of the Blood Palace Master, he not only was not at a disadvantage, but gradually suppressed the power of the Blood Palace Master!


Lin Hao punched out, this is the secret technique of the sky-shaking fist, the sky-shaking fist, and the fierce aura contained in the huge fist, the blood palace master flew out.


The crisp sound of the sword sounded, and the Skymark Sword broke through the void barrier and returned to Lin Hao's hands.

The **** mask on the face of the Lord of the Blood Palace has completely turned into a surging viscous blood. In his tone, with a strong shock, he said: "Your battle body... has broken through the limit and has reached the limit. Another height!"

Lin Hao snorted coldly, and said, "You steal the ancestor Avenue of the God of War, this is provoking our God of War!

In today’s battle, I, Lin Hao, not only represented the True Martial Realm human race to eradicate the cancer of your Soul Blood Palace, but also defended the prestige of my God of War Palace as the Lord of the Fourth Palace! "

"Lin Hao, you don't have to be high-sounding here. The original blood of the battle body you got originally belongs to our soul and blood palace!"

"Fortunately, your battle body has been cultivated beyond imagination, killing you and devouring your avenue, the main hall master can not only perfect the original avenue, but even go further!"

The Lord of Blood yelled, with a sorrowful voice in his voice, very sharp, while screaming, a palm slapped out, between his palms, the tyrannical divine power turned into **** rivers towards Lin Hao Slapped.

Lin Hao swept across with a sword, and the Scarlet River was cut off by him.

One of the blood palace master's arms suddenly exploded, his blood tumbling, and turned into the body of a blood demon from outside the territories. With a violent roar, he attacked Lin Hao.

Regarding the two main hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace, by coincidence, they practiced the methods of the extraterritorial demon. Lin Hao had already prepared in his heart to deal with the power of the extraterritorial demon. He has a lot of experience and contains the imprint of the will of the extraterritorial demon ancestor. I don’t know how much it has been refined by him.

The power of the Suppressing Demon Visualization Heart Sutra is not only capable of spurring in the sea of ​​divine soul consciousness, but also erupting outside of the body, gathering the mighty golden light in Lin Hao’s sword. This sword is cut down extremely quickly, the blood of the Lord The body of the blood demon made by an arm collapsed suddenly.

The storm swept through, and the Lord of Blood made a scream, was lifted out, smashed the heavy void barrier, and the position of the broken arm, his blood surged, and he wanted to regenerate a new arm, but for a while, Unable to erase the residual power of the Suppressing Demon Visualization Heart Sutra at the wound.

Lin Hao took advantage of the situation and attacked again, and the blood palace master of the soul blood palace that was hit was flying horizontally in the void.

While resisting Lin Hao's offensive, the Lord of the Blood Palace flees towards the deeper, endless void area.


At this time, on the other battlefield, Liu Jing, the lord of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land, finally succeeded in killing the soul blood palace **** fire realm powerhouse that Lin Hao had helped severely before.

In order to kill this person, Liu Jing also paid a considerable price, and was shattered several times by another opponent.

Xia Jiuyou, whose body is the Nine Nether Sparrow, originally used one enemy and two to stop two Divine Fire Realm powerhouses in the Soul Blood Palace. Now, his opponent is only one left. Just now, he was cold with Netherworld. Yan, burned an opponent to nothingness. Although Xia Jiuyou's face was a little pale, at present, it is not difficult to solve the remaining opponent.

But the other three of the Northern Territory Human Race, fighting with the three strong of the Divine Fire State in the Soul Blood Palace, are in a dire situation. They are at a great disadvantage. They are almost out of strength to fight back and can only barely defend. If it is time Once it is long, there will even be a danger of death.

In the confrontation between the two emperor, holy, and Yuanzun levels, the Northern Territory has a huge advantage. After all, the soul blood palace has been hidden for many years and has cultivated many top powers in secret, but the number of ordinary level warriors is completely Not comparable to the Northern Territory.

Moreover, the Northern Territory Human Race, there are constantly emperor realm, holy realm, Yuanzun realm warriors rushing to the battlefield, this level of battle may soon end with the human race victory.

But everyone also understands.

Winning a battle at this level cannot affect the overall situation.


The battle of the top powerhouse has fallen into a stalemate.

Suddenly, a loud shout came out from the endless void.

"Sect Master Liu, my old man, go ahead!"

The person who shouted was the Supreme Elder of the Divine Fire Realm in the Heavenly Sword Holy Land. He had lived for a long time, his blood was declining, and he was seriously injured under the attack of a strong man of the Divine Fire Realm in the Soul Blood Palace.

At this moment, an extremely determined color appeared on his face.

As the voice fell, he rushed to his opponent brazenly.

The blazing fire shrouded him all over!


The Supreme Elder of Heavenly Sword Holy Land, at this moment, blew himself up!

The self-detonation of the powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm, even if it is in the endless void, can also cause the heavens to tremble in the northern region of the True Martial Realm.

Every human race warrior has an extremely heavy heart.

Sadness did not make them pessimistic.

On the contrary, it has aroused the fighting spirit in the hearts of every warrior!




The shouting and killing sounded one after another, and became a piece of killing intent!

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