Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1617: The biggest secret of the soul blood palace

Chapter 1617 The Greatest Secret of the Soul and Blood Palace

Due to the self-destruction of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land Supreme Elder, the space was also exploded through a huge hole.

A figure fell out from the hole.

It was the opponent of the self-destructed Supreme Elder in Tiandao Holy Land!

The human warrior who saw this scene looked extremely solemn.

The powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm in the Soul Blood Palace actually survived the blew of the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Blade Holy Land!

Now, in the Northern Territory, there is no other powerhouse in the Divine Fire Realm who can get out to deal with this person.

A strong man in the Divine Fire Realm, even if he is severely injured, but no one is restrained, can still exert an extremely terrifying lethality.

this moment.

An imperial warrior of the Northern Territory Clan shouted: "Everyone, God Tu!"

When the words fell, this celebrity imperial martial artist rushed to the falling soul blood palace **** fire state powerhouse with a decisive force. After approaching, this celebrity imperial martial artist did not hesitate to detonate his origin!

Lin Hao can cut the true **** with the cultivation of the emperor realm. This is the most special exception between heaven and earth.

There is a huge real martial arts world, imperial martial arts, not to mention the true **** of slashing, even if you can fight against the hardly damaged divine fire realm powerhouse, there are not many!

Therefore, there is only one way for the emperor martial artist of the Northern Territory Human Race to slaughter this heavily damaged soul blood palace **** fire state powerhouse, and that is to use his own death in exchange for victory!

One will not work.

Then two!

Two is not enough, then three, four...

It will always succeed!

After the imperial realm martial artist of the first Northern Territory human race blew up, a large number of imperial realm martial artists burst out and rushed to the soul blood palace that was hit hard by the divine fire realm powerhouse.

"Boom boom boom!"

The emperor realm warrior's self-destruction caused the world of Zhenwu realm to shake.

The soul blood palace, the severely damaged divine fire realm powerhouse, originally thought that he had survived by chance, and then the Northern Territory human race had no divine fire realm powerhouse to contain him, and he could slaughter in the imperial realm battlefield.

But this scene caught him off guard and was directly stunned by the explosion of this series of imperial warriors.

When the Northern Territory Human Race, the thirteenth Emperor Realm warrior blew himself up.

The Soul Blood Palace, a powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm, completely disappeared!

In the absence of choice.

The Northern Territory Human Race, Heavenly Sword Holy Land's Divine Fire Realm Supreme Elder, and 13 Emperor Realm warriors exploded, and this replaced the Soul Blood Palace such a Divine Fire Realm powerhouse!


But no one will think it is worthless!

As long as you can kill the enemy, it's worth it!

This scene completely burned the blood in the human race warriors who participated in the war.

Even if the battlefields of the rest of the Divine Fire Realm powerhouses are in the endless void, they have not seen this scene with their own eyes, but they have also sensed all this.

Everyone's offensive has become even more violent, and they have already fought for this purpose. There is no more worry, and the fight to the end!


Zhenshi Divine Palace, Xiao Yuan, who has been staring at the movement of the Northern Territory through the huge array of sky, has a cold smile on his face, saying: "We have all fought to this point, and the chance of the Lord of the Palace is here!"

"Palace Master Xiao, the Blood Palace Master of the Soul Blood Palace, what is the purpose of bringing Lin Hao to the deepest part of the endless void? Could it be that the Soul Blood Palace is in the endless void, and there are layouts?" Ba Tian asked.

Xiao Yuan snorted coldly, and said, "This is to guard against the lord of the palace. He hides inside to fight Lin Hao. It is difficult to detect the situation inside the sky, even if they use their hole cards, The house owner has no way of knowing what their hole cards are.

Although the Lord of the Palace was very curious about the hole cards of the Soul and Blood Palace, it didn't matter if he knew it.

In this battle, if they were destroyed by Lin Hao, there would be no need to pay attention to the matter of the Soul Blood Palace.

If they destroy Lin Hao, they will have to fight us sooner or later, and their cards will naturally be exposed.

Tyrant, the main palace is mainly going to the Central Region, so there is no time to take care of the Zhenshi Shrine, so leave it to you here, remember, don't trespass into the forbidden land! "

Domineering: "You can't believe me?"

Xiao Yuan smiled faintly and said, "If the lord of the palace can't believe in you, how can he let you stay here?"

Domineering said: "My purpose is to destroy Lin Hao, return to the realm of God, enter the temple metaplasia pond, and have no other ideas."

Xiao Yuan nodded, and then his figure flashed before leaving Zhenshi Shrine.

After leaving the Zhenshi Temple, Xiao Yuan had a cold expression in his expression. In fact, even if he left, all the movements in the Zhenshi Temple were under his control.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Tyrant, but he had secretly searched for it many times and didn't find any clues. He just took advantage of this opportunity to test Tyrant.

In Xiao Yuan’s induction, after he left, Ba Tian did not act abnormally, and the doubts in his heart were not completely dispelled. On the way to the Central Region, he was still paying attention to Ba Tian’s presence in Zhenshi Shrine. Every move!


Everything that the Zhenshi Shrine Ba Tian experienced was again present in Lin Hao's feelings.

Xiao Yuan, finally acted!

He naturally knew that Xiao Yuan would not relax his vigilance so easily. Therefore, the Tyrant who remained in the Zhenshi Shrine remained on his own.

When Xiao Yuan arrived in the Central Region to lift the seal of the Golden Ancient Clan, Lin Hao had already arranged the deployment to start. At that time, it was Ba Tian's opportunity to act in the Zhenshi Shrine!

The protagonists in this final duel each have their own calculations and arrangements.

At this moment, the Hallmaster of the Soul Blood Hall, who was running away from the battle, finally stopped.

"Don't run away?" Lin Hao took back his thoughts, looked at the Blood Palace Master, and sneered.

The Blood Palace Master also sneered, and said: "Escape? Do you really think that our Soul Blood Palace can't help you? If you didn't want to be stared at by some guys, this Palace Master would have destroyed you!"

"There is no pre-deployed power in the surrounding area. If I'm not mistaken, the other tortoise of your Soul Blood Palace with a shrunken head is nearby." Lin Hao said, as he was chasing the Hallmaster of Blood just now. , Is also paying close attention to observe the surroundings, after all, the Soul Blood Palace that this battle is going to deal with is not weak and careless.

The Blood Palace Master laughed and said: "You know it's too late!"

"It's best to solve the two together, but it saves a lot of things." Lin Hao said lightly.

"You are not ashamed, this Hall Master will let you see the true power of the Soul Blood Palace!" The Hall Master Blood laughed. The next moment, the blood mask on his face changed, squeezed to one side, and on the half of the face that lost the blood mask. , A gray mask emerged.

At this moment, Lin Hao felt two completely different breaths, and said: "Unexpectedly, the Soul Hall Master and the Blood Hall Master of the Soul Blood Palace share the same body!"

To be honest, Lin Hao was also a little shocked at this moment.

Everyone knows that the Soul and Blood Palace is governed by the Soul Palace Lord and the Blood Palace Lord.

But who would have thought that the Soul Hall Master and the Blood Hall Master of the Soul Blood Palace are actually two consciousnesses living in the same body.

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