Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1628: Lu Zhan recovery

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-eight chapters of Lu Zhan's recovery

When Lin Hao arrived in the Sea of ​​Chaos and saw Monarch Qingtian, he just bowed, and suddenly, his original world vibrated abnormally!

In the original world, the skeleton of Lu Zhan, the ancestor of the **** of war palace, exuded a special luster at this moment, as if he had received a certain call, and wanted to rush out of Lin Hao's original world.

Lin Hao was also caught off guard by this change.

In his cognition, the original world is a special space independent of the external world and is completely controlled by the owner. In this situation, it is obvious that there are external forces, silently, and affect his original world.

In the next moment, the bones of Lu Zhan, the grandfather of the God of War, rushed out of Lin Hao's original world, and appeared in front of him and Qing Tianjun.

Following this, a spirit that Lin Hao felt a little familiar, fluttered out of Qingtianjun's residence in an instant, and merged into this skeleton.

Inside the bones, there is a very special power, permeating out, blending with that ray of spirit, life breath is reviving, and flesh and blood begin to grow.

Lin Hao's expression revealed a strong shock.

At this time, he naturally guessed many things.

"Mr Qingtian, this..." Lin Hao looked at Mister Qingtian.

Qing Tianjun smiled faintly and said, "He will explain to you clearly later."

Lin Hao nodded and stopped talking, carefully observing the recovery process of the Grand Master of the God of War!

As the flesh and blood continued to grow, bunches of powerful qi and blood glow burst out, and the qi and blood glow contained the power of the battle body, as if it could fight nine days and ten places.

A full quarter of an hour passed.

The blood and glow dissipated, and Lin Hao finally saw the true face of Lu Zhan, the grandfather of the God of War!

Almost exactly the same as Lu Yi!

The only difference is the look in the eyes.

Lu Yi's eyes were deep and full of ambition.

But Lu Zhan, the ancestor of the God of War Palace, had a firm, clear look in his eyes, as if he could see everything in the world.

"Lin Hao, the third-generation disciple of the Gods of War, has seen Master!" Lin Hao solemnly saluted.

Lu Zhan stood with his hand in his hand, nodded, and said: "You are good kid, you haven't fallen into the reputation of the God of War Palace created by my Lu Zhan, but you and Huo Cang, kid, running around the world with my bones, that's right. My skeletal hands and feet, this matter must be punished!"

Lin Hao smiled awkwardly and was about to explain. The next moment, Lu Zhan raised his hand and waved, and an overbearing force sank into Lin Hao's body.

This power, extremely heavy, powerful, and majestic, formed a layer of restraint in Lin Hao's body, suppressing his power!

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Hao immediately thanked him.

Lu Zhan's so-called punishment suppressed his power, but it helped Lin Hao solve a big problem.

Since his power has reached its extreme, signs of the spontaneous combustion of the divine fire have become more frequent.

But Lu Zhan's move just now temporarily helped Lin Hao solve this hidden danger. At least, in a short time, there is no need to worry about uncontrolled signs of spontaneous combustion.

"I know that your kid has a lot of questions now. Let's talk about it. I can tell you if I can answer you while I am in a good mood," Lu Zhan said.

Now that it is for this reason, Lin Hao has nothing to worry about, and said, "Is the master's recovery already in the plan?"

"Well, back then, the nine major disciples under the seat of the **** emperor created a reincarnation nine meridian situation, but some of our old guys did not approve of this matter, so we made a virtual **** realm together.

Our original intention was to open up an independent world, so that our human race would have a place to inhabit and survive.

However, after the establishment of the Void God Realm, we found that what we thought was too naive. The Void God Realm could not become a habitat for the human race at all, and could only temporarily serve as a buffer zone between the True Martial Realm and the God Realm.

Because the **** Lu Yina and I are twin brothers, I noticed some secrets of that bastard, but because of the huge repulsion between the Void God Realm and the True Martial Realm, I can't return to the True Martial Realm to clear the door.

Therefore, I have been waiting for this last great world.

However, some accidents occurred.

When I realized the rudimentary form of the supreme combat body, because I had an entanglement with a group of ancient gods, I was discovered by the group of kings and eight babies in the temple, and even more 18 **** kings were dispatched to fight with me.

Simply, I took advantage of that battle and disappeared into everyone's sight.

It wasn't until Huo Cang that kid retrieved my bones some time ago that I had the opportunity to understand the current situation and then guide him to find the Void Tome of the Void Shrine.

Let Huo Cang again, let you take my bones and return to Zhenwu Realm. "

With a sigh of relief, Lu Zhan explained the whole story.

Lin Hao finally had a general understanding of the resurrection of the Grand Master of the God of War. No wonder Huo Cang looked a little wrong when he handed over the bones to him. It turned out that there was such an arrangement.

Moreover, the big brother Huo Cang suddenly found the complete Void Book in the God Realm. At that time, Lin Hao thought it was a bit too coincidental. Now, everything has an explanation.

"Master, you can return to the True Martial Realm, then, can other people in the Void God Realm also reach the True Martial Realm?" Lin Hao asked.

Lu Zhan shook his head and said: "Don't think about this. My battle in the God Realm almost completely fell, and it took millions of years to clear the Void God Realm aura in my body.

The letter that you brought to Chaoshenhai last time sealed my will, and then my will, with the help of Lu Yi’s passive spirit, revived the spirit, which is equivalent to completing once in the real martial world. Rebirth, it is almost impossible for others to do this! "

At this time, Lin Hao finally understood why Qing Tianjun would explain to himself last time and try to intercept a passive soul of Lu Yi back.

This is the reason!

Lu Yi and Lu Zhan are twin brothers with similar origins. Only with Lu Zhan's will can he revive himself with the help of Lu Yi's passive soul.

Even if there is time to arrange these deployments like Lu Zhan did, the other powerhouses of the Void God Realm have no similar origins in the True Martial Realm, and they cannot achieve the same rebirth in the True Martial Realm like Lu Zhan!

The human warriors who grew up in the Void God Realm have the breath of the Void God Realm in their bodies, and it is that breath that repels the power of the True Martial Realm, causing the warriors of the Void God Realm to not enter the True Martial Realm.

The warriors of the True Martial Realm entered the Void God Realm, and it was good that they did not ignite the Divine Fire. Once the Divine Fire was ignited, the body would be contaminated with the breath of the Void God Realm and could not return to the True Martial Realm.

The God Realm human race could not descend into the True Martial Realm because there is a natural barrier between the True Martial Realm and the God Realm, which has never been able to break. Now, Lu Yi's magic weapon, Tianmen, has this ability.

Many doubts were resolved.

Next, Lu Zhan, the ancestor of the God of War, will also fight for the human race in the True Martial Realm. Lin Hao seemed a little excited at this time, and his chances of winning were a few points higher.

At this moment, Lord Qingtian on the side finally spoke, "Speak, this time, what happened to the reopening of Chaos Shenhai?"

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