Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1629: Must not be defeated

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-nine chapters must not be defeated

Lin Hao looked solemn and said, "Master, Qing Tianjun, before, the first-generation descendants of eight of the nine reincarnation meridians fought against Lu Yi and sealed Lu Yi.

After that, the Zhenshi Divine Palace and the Soul Blood Palace joined forces, and the power of the Zhenshi Divine Palace was severely damaged, and the Soul Blood Palace had been uprooted.

Now that Lu Yi broke the seal and joined forces with Zhenshi Shrine, I had an intuition that they were about to launch the final attack. "

After saying this, Lin Hao looked at Lu Zhan and said, "Master, over there in the Soul Blood Palace..."

Originally, Lin Hao intended to inform about the relationship between the Soul Blood Palace and the God of War Palace, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Zhan. Lu Zhan said, "I already know about the Soul Blood Palace. I don’t need to talk about it. This is the fate. , It is doomed and cannot be reversed."

Qing Tianjun also said: "According to what you said, Lu Yi and the deployment of Zhenshi Shrine have been completely disrupted. In this way, even if they join forces, they should not be able to launch the final attack."

The power of Chaoshenhai cannot be used easily.

If Lin Hao's judgment is wrong, Qingtianjun is now leading the leftover powerhouse of the Shentian army in the chaos Shenhai, and the Zhenshi Temple and Lu Yi are immediately hidden, then the consequences can be quite serious.

Lost the shelter of Chaoshenhai.

The leftover powerhouses of the Shenting Army will immediately suffer the attraction from the God Realm, and they will temporarily stabilize the origin that is no longer declining, and will continue to show a tendency of exhaustion.

If it hadn't been for such a concern, with the strength of Chaos Shenhai, he would have done it a long time ago, and he would not have waited until now.

The strong on the sea of ​​chaos is too much restricted. Once he takes a shot, it must be the final battle, otherwise, this power will be wasted.

Lin Hao also knew that based on his own intuition alone, the powerhouse of the gods of Chaos Shenhai would definitely not be able to make a move. However, when he came this time, he did not intend to let Chaos Shenhai make an immediate move. It’s to inform in advance here to be ready to join the war at any time!

At this moment, Monarch Qingtian suddenly changed his expression, raised his hand, and the space was penetrated. The next moment, Song Que, the first-generation descendant of Stealing Heaven, rushed out of this passage.

"Lu Zhan, good boy, you are still alive, and you can still run to the real martial arts world!" Song Que appeared here, his eyes widened, staring at Lu Zhan for a while.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that you would live the longest if you were called to be a fat man!" Lu Zhan snorted politely.

They are all people of the same age. Song Que is older than Qingtianjun and Lu Zhan, but Song Que has always been less concerned about it, not just Lu Zhan, Qingtianjun, and those left over by the Shenting Army. The strong are not very polite to Song Que.

Of course, these are not hostile.

It's a symbol of the excellent relationship between old acquaintances. They can make fun of each other and have a casual conversation without any restriction.

"Well, now is not the time for nonsense, business matters." Qing Tianjun said angrily.

Song Que also got serious, looked at Lin Hao, and said, "I already know what happened. Lu Yi and Xiao Yuan have indeed reached an intention to cooperate, and even got the temple's approval.

Next, Lu Yi will help Zhenshi Shrine to use the power of the canopy to the extreme in a short time. At that time, the big canopy will sacrifice the Zhenwu world in blood!

Xiao Yuan completed the task assigned by the temple and destroyed the foundation of our human race in the Zhenwu world.

But Lu Yi wanted to swallow all the aura of Zhenwu Realm in the body of the ninth world.

The fastest, their deployment will be completed in about half a month. "

"Why are you so sure?" Qing Tianjun asked.

A smug look appeared on Song Que's face, saying: "The power of Zhenshi Shrine is seriously damaged, so Xiao Yuan, the palace lord of Zhenshi Shrine, has not many people available, and has to entrust a heavy responsibility to the ancient golden clan. The ancient gold tribe is an old man.

Not only did I put someone in the Zhenshi Shrine, Lin Hao, you should also have arrangements, the overlord of the overlord clan, if the old man did not guess wrong, it should be your chess piece! "

Although Lin Hao was a little surprised Song Que guessed his own arrangement, but it didn't matter anymore. He didn't deny it, and said, "Xiao Yuan still has some suspicions about Batian, but he really trusts the ancient golden tribe."

Song Que looked at Lu Zhan and said, "Lu Zhan, Lu Yi is your twin brother. He has caused such a big mess. You have to clean up the door. How many are you going to solve?"

Lu Zhan said: "Three!"

When these words came out, Qing Tianjun, Song Que, and Lin Hao were a little surprised.

Song Que asked how many Lu Yis to solve, but Lu Zhan directly answered three.

You know, in the real martial world, the limit can only exert the combat power of the **** king realm.

The true realm is Qingtianjun, who is cultivated as a god, and he is not sure to deal with the three Lu Yi. Of course, this is because Qingtianjun is hurt.

But Lu Zhan had just recovered, and his condition would naturally not be too good.

When Qing Tianjun was about to speak, Lu Zhan took the lead and said: "Tsing Yi, you are responsible for two, you can't have more!"

Song shortcoming nodded, and said, "I have two old men."

The body of the ninth generation of Lu Yi, and the eighth generation, are all in the realm of the king.

Lu Zhan is responsible for three, Qingtianjun is responsible for two, Song Que is responsible for two, and there is only one left.

Qingtian Jundao: "On the side of the Shenting Army, there are two other kings, one of whom is responsible for dealing with Lu Yi's body.

There is one God King and the others in the Shenting Army, and the rest are responsible for fighting the Gods! "

Everyone knows very well that if a great war breaks out, Lu Yi will definitely try his best to open the barrier between the true martial world and the gods with the power of the heavenly gate, and let the powerhouses of the Protoss participate in the war.

Song Que looked at Lin Hao and said, "On the other side of the God Realm, most of the power of the God Race must be restrained.

Brother Lin Hao, you send someone to the Void God Realm, let the people of the Void God Realm enter the God Realm, inform the Yanhuang Shrine, and be sure to contain most of the power of the Protoss, and don’t give the Protoss too many powerful people into Zhenwu The opportunity for the world to participate in the war, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

With the outbreak of the Great War, Zhenshi Shrine, and Lu Yi’s body of this life, you will lead all the warriors in the True Martial Realm to face it, because you have completed the Nine Meridians and only you can truly resolve Lu Yi’s plot.

We stopped the body of Lu Yi's eighth **** king, and stopped the powerhouse of the Protoss, just delaying time. "

For this arrangement, Lin Hao immediately responded, thought about it, and decided to tell the matter about Mu Yiling. At this critical moment, the human race can confess to each other to better cooperate.

"Master, Qing Tianjun, Senior Brother Song Que, at the center of the sky screen of the Zhenshi Temple, he suppressed a person closely related to me named Mu Yiling. I initially suspected that Mu Yiling was born. The body of the Holy Spirit, the reason why the Zhenshi Divine Palace suppressed her should be that Xiao Yuan wanted to swallow the body of the Holy Spirit!" Lin Hao said.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the three people present were shocked.

Obviously, they all know the body of the Holy Spirit, and they also know the strength of this body, otherwise, it wouldn't be so!

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