Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1655: Song Que's decision

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-five chapters Song Que's decision

"Lu Yi, stop it, you can no longer succeed. If you do it now, it will not help you, and it will be more of a disaster for the future of the human race!" Lu Zhan launched a violent attack and shouted.

"Lu Zhan, I said before that if you don’t retreat, you and I will have no brotherhood, and you will ruin my plan, and you will have your credit. You ruin all my hard work, and I will ruin your hopes, ha Haha!" Lu Yi was burning his own Nine Vein Power, while burning the Nine Vein Supreme Power of the Magic Treasure Heaven Gate, laughing wildly, and he was completely mad!

Lu Zhan stopped speaking and displayed the strongest attack, even if his power would be dispelled by the burning Nine Channels around Lu Yi, and even reacted to himself, he did not stop.

The same is true for Qing Tianjun.

Both of them were distracting part of Lu Yi's energy.

Song Que, who had been gaining momentum for a while, finally moved his hand at this moment. With a wave of his hand, the half of the Heaven-stealing Treasure Gossip Pan rose in an instant, and then burst out a dazzling divine light, splattering towards Lu Yi.

The divine light hanging down from the gossip plate can penetrate the burning power of the nine channels around Lu Yi and fall on the magic treasure heaven gate.

Immediately afterwards, the immeasurable divine light continuously blooming from the magic weapon of Lu Yi began to fluctuate sharply.

"The seven damned guys have completely disappeared, Song Que, it's your turn!" Lu Yi's gaze turned into two blood-colored beams, shooting towards Song Que.

Song Que gave a soft drink, raised his hand to disperse the two blood lights, and said: "The old man should have left long ago, but before leaving, the old man has to clean up you!

I think at the beginning, our Nine Meridians, in order to uphold the will of the **** emperor, set the overall situation of reincarnation, but you have ruined all of us.

Now, all your layouts have been destroyed. This is your retribution! "

Lu Yi shouted: "Don't tell me anything about the will of the emperor here. In my opinion, the emperor is just a loser. Only you ignorant guys want to uphold the will of the loser. Don't think of another way.

Lu Yi thought of things you couldn't think of.

What you dare not do, I, Lu Yi, will do it!

What you couldn't do, Lu Yi had a chance to succeed, but was destroyed by your stupid guys. You all have to pay the price, and the human race has to pay for it! "

Lu Yi roared, amidst the burning power of the Nine Veins, a violent divine light struck Song Que.

Song Que did not evade and directly greeted him.


A terrifying explosion sounded, and Song Que, the strong king of the gods, was immediately covered with cracks and blood.

Regardless of his own injuries, he rushed towards Lu Yi.

"Among the nine channels, you are the one who steals the sky, the weakest and incompetent, hahaha!"

Lu Yi once again controlled the burning Nine Veins and blasted towards Song Que.

Song Que's injuries continued to deepen, withstanding Lu Yi's attacks again and again, and he was approaching Lu Yi little by little.

Qing Tianjun and Lu Zhan wanted to support Song Que in the past.

If this goes on, Song Que will have a dead end.

"Want to save him? I will destroy him today, none of you can stop it!" Lu Yi yelled coldly, controlling the large amount of burning Nine Vein powers, and stopped Qing Tianjun and Lu Zhan.

Lu Yi at this time was extremely crazy.

The burning power of the nine veins is extremely special and powerful.

He is desperate, and at any cost, even if he cuts off his future, he will vent his unwillingness and anger of the destruction of the nine-year reincarnation plan!

Lu Zhan, Qing Tianjun, Song Que, these three top **** kings, were all inferior to Lu Yi in this state, and the three were at a huge disadvantage.

"It's us!" The old man Tianji said.

When the voice fell, the divine power of the old man of Tianji turned into a compass, drifting towards Lu Yi, interfering with Lu Yi's calculations at this time.

The fat man Chen Hui raised his hands and shot out a piece of sun, moon and stars, and turned the stars away, removing part of Lu Yi's burning nine-vein power.

Wu Hanfei, who swallowed the sky, transformed into the sky-swallowing beast's body. A giant snow-white beast as tall as a mountain appeared. The beast roared and opened its blood basin, as if it could swallow the heavens and the earth, swallowing Lu Yi's burning power.

Liu Xiao raised his hand to make a series of handprints, and the power of the soul poured out, impacting Lu Yi's will!

Although the four of them are only the cultivation base of the Divine Fire Realm, their power is more effective than the attacks of the Qingtian Monarch and Lu Zhan, which seriously interfered with the power of Lu Yi's burning nine veins.

"Four ants, dare to do it, die!"

Lu Yi roared, a horrible light swept at the four.

Lin Hao swung his sword and slashed, smashing this divine light into pieces.

His task, under the current circumstances, is to ensure the safety of the old man Tianji, the fat man Chen Hui, Wu Hanfei, and Liu Xiao.

Lu Yi looked mad and laughed: "Lin Hao, you don't have to be too happy too early, bad my nine-year reincarnation plan is almost all good things you did. You think you have the power of faith in the real martial arts, so what can I do? Can't help you?

Hahaha, when I completely break through the barrier between the real martial realm and the **** realm, the real martial realm will be destroyed once, if you bear the power of faith in the real martial realm, if the true martial realm is destroyed, you will be destroyed! "

Lin Hao did not respond to Lu Yi's words.

no need.

He was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the hands-on opportunity Song Que said!

Before the time to do it, his main task was to ensure the safety of the old man and others.

With the help of the old man from Tianji, it was obvious that Lu Yi's energy was dispersed more, and the pressure of Lu Zhan, Qingtianjun, and Song Que were all reduced.

Lin Hao stared at Song Que.

Song Que is in a very bad state!

He wanted to get close to Lu Yi, but as far as his current state is concerned, he would disappear before getting close.

Therefore, with a wave of Lin Hao's hand, a piece of golden energy obtained by the power of refining faith went towards Song Que.

Lu Yi snorted coldly, and slapped a palm print, grasping the golden energy that was heading towards Song Que.

However, Lin Hao was also prepared long ago and used the sword of reunification to smash the handprint that Lu Yi had made. The golden energy smoothly poured into Song Que's body to help Song Que recover some of his injuries.

"Don't worry about me anymore!"

Song Que shouted, reminding Lin Hao not to help himself.

His gaze was firmer than ever before, constantly approaching Lu Yi, constantly bearing the bombardment of Lu Yi's power.

"You old guys, don't go too fast, wait for me!"

"Don't worry, before I come to you, I will definitely clean up this **** Lu Yi, and will not let him ruin the efforts of the **** emperor, will not let him ruin the true martial world, and will not let him ruin the human race!"

There were voices that only Song Que could hear from his mouth.

At this moment, Song Que was very close to Lu Yi.

At this moment, Song Que's body burst out with an extremely dazzling light!

The skyrocketing half of the gossip plate flew to the top of Song Que, and the radiant light fell down, covering Song Que. At this moment, Song Que's body seemed to become extremely stalwart and tall, and then... little by little!

Lu Zhan and Qing Tianjun, who were launching a fierce attack on Lu Yi and distracting part of Lu Yi's energy, kept moving, but a deep sorrow appeared in their expressions!

When they were young, they met Song Que.

They had always said that Song Que was unreliable and didn't have a good tone for Song Que, but this was an excellent performance of another relationship.

Now Song Que is leaving.

They didn't want Song Que to leave, but they also knew that Song Que had to leave!

Song Que can't stop the crazy Lu Yi without leaving!

Only Song Que, who is one of the nine channels of reincarnation and has the cultivation base of the top **** king, can cause the greatest damage to Lu Yi's methods at this time!

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