Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1656: Lu Yi is destroyed

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-six chapters Lu Yi is destroyed

With Song Que's body, constantly turning into nothingness, blending into the half of the gossip disk, the light that bloomed on the gossip disk became more and more powerful!

Just as Lu Yi burned the power of the Nine Veins and wanted to penetrate the barrier between the True Martial Realm and the God Realm, Song Que also burned all of his own at this time to stop Lu Yi!

"Little fat man, please remember for Lao Tzu, stay up for your spirits, don't humiliate our reputation of stealing the sky!" Song Que's voice came from the gossip panel that was surging with violent violence.

Fatty Chen Hui, the descendant of this cycle of Stealing Heaven, was already full of tears at this time.

Although he was behind, he was a fat old man to Song Que.

And he didn't have long contact with Song Que.

But since Song Que appeared, he has helped him a lot, and even helped him figure out a way to refine a piece of the original world, paved him a way of the king.

In addition, the fat man always had a sense of intimacy with Song Que, just like a relative.


"Song Que, this is your trump card. It is really ridiculous. With the strength of your trash, how can you burn yourself? No matter what the trash is, it is trash!" Lu Yi yelled, with a strong mockery in his tone. meaning.

While speaking, Lu Yi controlled the burning power of the Nine Channels and furiously attacked the half of the Eight Diagrams Pan.

The gossip plate oscillated in the air, but it never retreated half a minute.

Because, in the gossip plate, Song Que, the first-generation descendant of Stealing Heaven, burned himself, and he did not retreat!

In Lu Yi's view, the nine channels of reincarnation are the weakest channel of Stealing Heaven.

And not only Lu Yi thinks so, but many people think so.

"Nine meridians are all from the emperor, and there is no distinction between strength and weakness. You can see that Lu Yi is stupid!"

"Since you said that the old man is weak, the old man will let you see today, the true power of stealing the heavens!"

In the gossip plate, Song Que's voice was loud and loud, and then, a burst of mystic power spread out, the gossip plate slowly turned, the vast stars appeared, the stars flowed, and the surrounding world was unpredictable.


The huge roar became one piece. At this moment, Lu Yi's burning nine-vein power was actually transferred.

What Lu Yi is burning now is the body of the three gods, plus the body of the true **** of this life, and the power of the nine veins in the magic treasure Tianmen.

Just now, even if Lu Zhan, Qing Tianjun, Song Que, and Lin Hao joined forces, they could not dissolve Lu Yi's burning nine-vein power.

But now, Song Que used the secret method of stealing the sky and one vein, and most of it was transferred away.

And most of the burning power of the Nine Channels was transferred to the remaining half of the Eight Diagrams.

In the remaining half of the gossip disk, numerous cracks appeared in an instant.

In Lu Yi's expression, a trace of panic finally appeared.

The old man of Tianji, the fat man Chen Hui, Wu Hanfei, and Liu Xiao, used the secret technique of the nine-channel inheritance, and further dissolved part of the power of the nine-channel power of Lu Yi's burning.

Lu Zhan blasted out with a punch. This time, his power successfully penetrated the burning Nine Channels around Lu Yi and fell on Lu Yi's body, coughing up blood from the blow.

With a wave of Qingtianjun's long sleeves, a mighty blue light wafted out of the sleeves, falling on Lu Yi, suppressing Lu Yi!

Their attack could finally cause substantial injuries to Lu Yi.

But Lu Yi's body, after all, integrated the body of the fourth generation, and burned the power of the nine veins at any cost. Although injured, these injuries were almost negligible. After reacting, he roared and spewed a large mouthful of blood. , The essence and blood melted into the surrounding power of the nine veins, and once again stabilized the situation, without worrying about the surrounding attacks for the time being.

"Song Que, die for me!"

Lu Yi shouted, holding the huge magic weapon, Tianmen, and smashing it down towards Song Que!

Among the nine channels of reincarnation, Song Que, the one that he most looked down on, had burst out of such power and caused a serious threat to him. He naturally knew that the most important thing now was to give Song Que to him. Kill.


Under the collision of that violent force, the atmosphere of ruining the world permeated.

The remaining half of the gossip plate burst into pieces!

And when this half gossip plate exploded, Lu Yi's magic weapon, Tianmen, also trembled suddenly, and his power stagnated.

"Leave it to you, do it!"

Song Que's voice sounded again, he burned himself, the remaining gossip disk was destroyed, and he was about to dissipate completely, but before he fell, he still had power.

The secret method of stealing the heavens and the veins of the stars, the heavens and the earth, was used to the extreme.

This time.

Directly block the connection between Lu Yi and the huge Tianmen, and separate Lu Yi from the Tianmen!

Lu Yi was transferred to Qing Tianjun and Lu Zhan.

The huge magic weapon Tianmen appeared in front of Lin Hao.

This is the opportunity Song Que said. He destroyed Lu Yi's crazy plan at the cost of his own destruction!


Lu Zhan, Qingtianjun, both shot towards Lu Yi instantly.

Even though Lu Yi's body, possessing the fusion of the body of the three-time **** king and the body of the true **** of this life, is also madly burning the power of the nine veins and is extremely powerful.

But now, the magic weapon Tianmen is no longer in his hands, and he has lost the most important support.

And Lu Zhan and Qing Tianjun, also have the most top **** king combat power, under their joint efforts, Lu Yi quickly suppressed.

On the other side, Lin Hao broke out with all his strength to suppress Tianmen!

Tianmen came from the smelting of the treasure of the nine veins.

Lin Hao also completed the integration of the Nine Meridians, and at the same time integrated the power of the Nine Meridians with the rest of his own inheritance, and deduced the real martial arts combat body. At this time, it was not difficult for him to suppress this heavenly gate.

In addition, there are the old man of Tianji, the fat Chen Hui, Wu Hanfei, and Liu Xiao assisting. Regardless of the four of them, they only have the cultivation base of the Divine Fire Realm, but their inheritance is used to suppress the Tianmen, which has a miraculous effect.

As a result, Lu Yi was extremely miserable when Qing Tianjun and Lu Zhan joined forces to suppress him, and it was impossible to take back the Tianmen battle.

At this time, everyone burst out with the most powerful force.

This opportunity was not only won by Song Que at the cost of falling, but behind it was the previous battle and countless sacrifices.

While Lin Hao's power suppressed Tianmen, he was also trying to destroy Tianmen.

Even if Lu Yi was destroyed, no one controlled this thing, and he couldn't keep it.

Staying is a hidden danger!

But the structure of the Tianmen is extremely complicated. In addition to the Nine Vein Supreme Treasures, there are also many rare and precious materials. In a short while, it is extremely difficult to destroy the Tianmen.

And the other side.

Lu Yi finally couldn't hold it anymore, and was swept by the power of Monarch Qing Tian, ​​his body burst.

"Big brother, I was wrong, spare me once, I know I was wrong!"

Lu Yi's voice sounded.

However, Lu Zhan's expression was extremely firm and never wavered.

He knows very well that his twin brother has now become a lunatic, one must be eradicated, otherwise, the real martial arts and human race will never have peace!

With a punch, the power of the supreme combat body bloomed to the extreme, Lu Yi's body fragments turned into powder, and the soul was annihilated!

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