Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1659: God King's bones paving the way

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-nine chapters

The God King Qi Li of the Tianqi Divine Tribe made a full blow to kill Lin Hao.

Lin Hao had already used his sword the first time he saw this Queen Qi Lishen.

The swift and magnificent sword light tore the space of the gods and heavens into a huge crack.

At this moment, Qi Li's face was full of shock!

The most basic requirement for tearing apart the space of the heavenly realm of Gods is to have the power of the realm of Gods.

Moreover, ordinary **** king powerhouses, with all their power, are only barely able to break the space of the gods heaven into a fine crack. Only the top **** king can break such a big crack in the space of the gods heaven.

Lin Hao's sword aura shredded Qi Li's strength.

Qi Li, who was shocked in his heart, had no time to dodge.


Sword Qi fell from the top of his head, splitting his body in half.

Just as the power of this sword dissipated, Lin Hao's figure had already rushed to the front of Qi Li's two halves, covering his whole body with overwhelming power, and rushed directly over with an extremely powerful posture.


The two halves of Qi Li's body exploded, and the fire was annihilated!

Under the current circumstances, Lin Hao would not waste any time. Someone blocked the way and burst out and rushed over.

Although he really could not continue to receive the power of faith from the True Martial Realm, he had refined a lot of power of faith before. The golden energy was stored in the original world and could be used at any time.

In the battle of Zhenwu Realm, Lin Hao could easily destroy the body of Lu Yi's top **** king in the previous life, and it was naturally effortless to kill a weaker **** king like Qi Li.

Lin Hao continued on his way, far away from the barriers between the Heavenly Heaven and True Martial Realms of Gods, and the time left for him was running out. The suppressed Heaven Gate in the Origin World, the burning nine-vein power, would soon be completely detonated.


A moment later, in front of Lin Hao, a strong **** king of the gods appeared again, and there were two false **** kings of the gods!

Just as Lin Hao was about to make a move, he let out a loud shout.

"Protoss kid, die!"

The voice fell, and a fist imprint came, carrying the supreme prestige, shaking the world, and landed at the position of the two false **** kings, the **** king of the Protoss. The three people hitting them were like broken kites, flying upside down!

Lin Hao took advantage of this opportunity and rushed directly, without paying attention to the battle here. Although he didn't see who helped him stop the three powerhouses of the Protoss just now, he relied on the aura of that fist mark. Already knew that it was the Patriarch Lu Zhan of the God of War Palace who made the shot!

Before long, a huge roar resounded, and Lin Hao heard Lu Zhan's unparalleled and majestic shout again.

"I, Lu Zhan, are back, and I will kill your protoss kids today!"

Lin Hao, who was constantly far away from the barriers of the gods and heavens and the real martial world, encountered many strong gods and humans along the way.

He didn't make another move.

The strong human races are opening the way for him one after another, breaking through the interception of the gods.

"Lin Hao, the old man will send you here!"

A human **** king who was clearing the way for him in front of Lin Hao, shouted, the speed soared, rushed to the front, and slapped out.

The space in the area where it was located split apart, and the three god-king powerhouses of the Protoss stepped forward and each launched a tyrannical attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying storm raged, and the body of this celebrity **** king and powerhouse suddenly burst.

But in an instant, the strong **** king of the human race immediately reunited and fought against the three **** kings of the **** race!

Until now, no matter whether it was the human race or the **** race, there was still no secret about Lin Hao.

But even if they didn't know, the Protoss still had the heart to kill Lin Hao, because they all had clearly realized that Lin Hao was the key figure in the human race's battle for the era.

The same is true for the Human Race, who have clearly realized the importance of Lin Hao to the Human Race, and absolutely cannot let the Protoss succeed.

Lin Hao originally wanted to shoot.

If he doesn't make a move, this human **** king powerhouse who he has never met, but has always opened the way for him, will definitely fall into the hands of the three **** king powerhouses of the **** race.

But just as Lin Hao was about to take a shot, another god-king expert arrived in the human race.

Come to know Lin Hao.

It is the top God King Gu Mo of the Yanhuang Shrine, the base camp of the God Realm in the next three days!

Gu Mo shot, powerful, not at all weaker than the ancestor Lu Zhan of the God of War Palace, and instantly suppressed the two **** kings of the gods and controlled the situation.

Lin Hao didn't make any moves anymore, and the golden energy could be consumed as little as possible, and his chances of successfully resolving this crisis would be better.

Nowadays, the battle between the king and the strong can be seen everywhere.

Because, in the next three days, the **** king and powerhouse of the gods of the gods, almost moved all the way, they have already gathered in the gods heaven.

The human race in the next three days of the God Realm, including all the powerhouses of the 36th Divine Palace of the Void God Realm, also gathered in the Gods Heaven Realm.

This is already the human race and the **** race, since the fall of the Zhenwu God Emperor, the largest war broke out in the God Realm in the next three days!

As Lin Hao continued on his way, he once again saw an acquaintance, Zhang Mieshen of the Xuan Shen Realm Sword Palace!

When Zhang Mieshen arrived here, he was waiting for Lin Hao.

After Lin Hao appeared, the top powerhouse of the 36th Shrine of the Void God Realm, without saying anything, was immediately ahead to clear the way for Lin Hao.

With the start of the battle, the power of the Goddess Celestial Blade bloomed to its extreme, slaying the God King with a single blow.

Then, the Sword God Palace Sword King who Lin Hao had met in the Void God Realm also arrived, and together with Zhang Mieshen, opened the way for Lin Hao and smoothed the obstacles ahead!

The strong human races keep coming.

The strong from the Protoss also keep arriving.

The route that Lin Hao chose at this time was destined to be sprinkled with the blood of the **** king and covered with the bones of the **** king!

The strong human race continues to pave the way for Lin Hao.

The strong human race stayed behind to fight the strong protoss.

There are many strong human races who have completely fallen.

"Little Junior Brother, I'm here!"

A loud shout came out, and the person who spoke was Yang Guang from the Palace of War God!

Along with Yang Guang, there is also Huo Cang, the God of War Palace!

Both of them had long been stained red with blood, but after arriving here, they immediately rushed into the fierce battlefield ahead and blasted and killed the **** king of the **** race who intercepted Lin Hao.

Huo Cang, walking out of the road of invincible **** king, the supreme battle body is also close to Dacheng, it is not surprising that a **** king of the gods was killed in an instant.

And Yang Guang killed a **** king of the Protoss in a second, obviously paying a great price, and shouted: "Master brother, the safety of the younger brother, I leave it to you!"

After shouting this sentence, Yang Guang, who was covered in blood, once again fought fiercely with the powerful Protoss who appeared around him.

Huo Cang was silent, the offensive was extremely fierce, he broke out a way, led Lin Hao, and rushed out of the battlefield.

Next, Huo Cang stopped the three protoss kings for Lin Hao.

At this moment, Lin Hao could no longer be as indifferent as before. He couldn't just watch the huge consumption and already seriously injured senior brother, who was besieged by the three **** kings of the Protoss.

But Huo Cang exploded desperately, full of energy and blood blooming to the extreme, and extremely powerfully stopped the three protoss kings to prevent them from pulling away to deal with Lin Hao, and at the same time shouted: "Go!"

Lin Hao's heart was touched again and again.

In the True Martial Realm, the Human Race made countless sacrifices before ushering in the dawn of hope.

In the Heavenly Realm of Gods, countless humans of the human race are fighting desperately to open the way for him.

Taking a deep breath, gritted his teeth, Lin Hao never stayed anymore and left at the fastest speed. This matter must be successful and must not fail!

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