Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1660: Detonate Tianmen

The first thousand six hundred and sixty chapters detonate Tianmen

The battle that broke out in the heavens of Shenxiao was very tragic.

In the past, the god-king and powerful men who stood at the top of the pyramid in the God Realm three days above and below were falling one after another.



Shenxiao Tianjie, an empty place, Mu Yiling knelt in front of his master, his expression extremely tense!

She was worried about the man who had been unable to let go. She came to the God Realm. At this time, facing the continuous interceptions of the Protoss like a tide, even if the strong human races were clearing the way for him, Lin Hao was still dangerous.

The woman in front of Mu Yiling looked indifferent, and said: "As a teacher, I said that I won't participate in the battle of the era. If Lin Hao is just an ordinary human warrior, it doesn't hurt to help him as a teacher.

But he is burdened with the fate of the human race era battle. If he is a teacher, he will be involved in the era battle.

Do you know what this means?

This means that our vein will be contaminated with this cause and effect.

The battle of the era is a huge whirlpool, and your human true martial **** emperor's contribution to good fortune is even stronger than the early **** era, the ancient **** era, and the strongest in the current **** race era.

But he still fell in this whirlpool.

Yiling, my stupid boy, you have endured thousands of years of torment for him, why are you still so persistent? "

Mu Yiling still knelt on the ground, and said: "Master, the disciple is also a member of the Human Race. Now, it's not just for him, but for the Human Race!

If the master does not take action, the disciple will never complain, but please do not stop the disciple from taking action.

At that time, the master was revered in the gods and saved the spirit in the siege of the gods. This kind of grace, the disciples always remembered in his heart, and did not dare to forget, but at the moment of the human catastrophe, he is still fighting to resolve the human catastrophe, the disciple must Face it all with him. "

After all, Mu Yiling was heavily on the ground, knocked his head three times, then got up, went to find Lin Hao, and faced the current disaster with Lin Hao!

The woman looked at Mu Yiling's leaving back, she sighed, then raised her hand with a wave of strength to stop Mu Yiling.

"Master, if the disciple doesn't go this time, he will regret it all his life, and I also ask Master to give the disciple a chance to leave no regrets!" Mu Yiling said openly.

"My fool, in this battle between the human race and the **** race, the **** king has fallen one after another. If your strength is to participate in the war, you will not have the slightest chance of surviving.

It doesn't matter, you and I have a fate of master and apprentice, and at the critical moment, we will make a move for the teacher!

However, what you need to understand is that if you act as a teacher, you may not be able to protect this human race Lin Hao. Moreover, once you act as a teacher, you must retreat in the land of the first source. Half a step in the land of the source! "

Mu Yiling immediately responded: "Thank you, Master!"


At this moment, Lin Hao had left the barrier between the True Martial Realm and the God Realm a long way away.

Along the way, he has seen no less than fifty clan **** kings and strong men who have opened the way for him.

The gods of the Protoss are more powerful, nearly a hundred people.

There is a huge gap in the number of strong players.

Moreover, in addition to the strong **** king, the false **** king strong, the **** strong, the true **** strong, and even the **** fire realm strong on both sides are also fighting for life and death around this route chosen by Lin Hao!

By now, the false **** king realm of the human race, as well as the strong **** king realm, are already fighting.

The human race who came to strengthen Lin Hao and pave the way for Lin Hao had very few false gods, and most of them were already in the heavens.

As for the Protoss, there are still strong God Kings!

At this time, in front of Lin Hao, two **** kings of the Protoss had appeared.

And beside Lin Hao, more than a dozen celebrities from the Celestial Divine Realm, all with a resolute expression in their expressions, they regarded death as home!

"Seniors, thank you very much, and then leave it to me!" Lin Hao said slowly.

These more than ten celebrities in the Heavenly God Realm did not retreat.

Lin Hao said: "Don't worry, I'm sure!"

Now that Lin Hao said so, they didn't insist anymore, because they all knew that after Lin Hao entered the God Realm this time, he killed the Qili God King of the Heavenly Qi Division with a single sword.

And the reason why all the Human Race members came to protect Lin Hao was just because the Protoss wanted to kill Lin Hao, and Lin Hao seemed to have extremely important things to deal with, and could not waste time.

Indeed, up to now, whether it is Human or Protoss, they still don't know why Lin Hao entered the God Realm and why he rushed in such a hurry.

The two **** king powerhouses of the Protoss rushed forward, and did not dare to immediately take action, but opened the original world and blocked Lin Hao!

"Unexpectedly, you have gained the power of faith in the real martial arts, and you have refined the power of faith. However, you cannot get the power of faith that is continuously refined. The power of refining faith is always limited. Now, your human race, But no one can come to support you, I don't believe it, you can continue to consume it!"

"Although you don’t know what you have chosen to enter the God Realm and what is the purpose of such a hurry on the road, these are not important anymore. As long as you die, even if the True Martial Realm still exists, your human race has also lost the battle of the era. Qualification, hahaha!"

The two **** kings of the protoss are dragging time.

They have to consume the power of faith that Lin Hao refining, and they are waiting for more protoss warriors to come.

The death of Qili, the **** king of Tianqi's tribe, left them with lingering fears, but they didn't want to follow in Qili's footsteps and die under Lin Hao's sword.

Lin Hao knew their intentions and was not in a hurry.

He is also waiting for more Protoss to arrive.

The more you come, the better!

Now, in his original world, the power of the burning nine veins of the heavenly gate is about to reach its extreme.

This is the brainchild of Lu Yi IX's reincarnation deployment. Once detonated, the horror of power will kill a group of gods, absolutely nothing to say!

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough!" Lin Hao shouted!

These two **** king powerhouses of the Protoss race had pale faces. They all could see that Lin Hao's cultivation was just a true god. If they changed their usual breath, they didn't know how many true gods could be destroyed.

But now, Lin Hao of True God Realm said that the two of them were not qualified, and they couldn't refute it. Indeed, Lin Hao, who was used by the refined power of faith, could not be dealt with by both of them.

"You are not ashamed of speaking, you won't be proud of it for long!" one of the gods shouted loudly.

"Let's see, who can have the last laugh!" Lin Hao sneered. At this time, the distance of the burning Nine Veins of the Heaven Gate reached the extreme, only the last point!

In just a short period of time, three more Protoss powerful kings and six Protoss pseudo-god king realms arrived.

"Do it!"

A **** king shouted, with such a powerful force, even if Lin Hao controlled the power of faith, they would have no worries!

Seeing that the vast and majestic power was about to drown and swallow Lin Hao.

At this moment, Lin Hao no longer suppressed the burning power of the Nine Veins in the Tianmen. The Origin World opened and the Tianmen flew out. At the same time, the power of Lin Hao's Nine Veins was also wrapped around the Tianmen!

Tianmen is a magic weapon specially refined by Lu Yi to target the barriers between the God Realm and the True Martial Realm, and only Lin Hao can block the connection between the Tianmen and the barriers between the two realms with the power of Nine Meridians.

Without waiting for the five **** kings of the gods, the power of the six false **** kings fell on Lin Hao.

Tianmen exploded!


At this moment, the vast and boundless heavens of Gods are shaking!

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