Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1694: Worsening

Chapter 1694 Deterioration

At this time, the false **** king realm powerhouse who was sitting here in the Tianqi God Department finally couldn't sit still.

If the two are allowed to fight again...Once they are out of the resident area, they will not be able to conceal the news of the Wu clan participating in the war.

Around the resident, human races are always staring!

Once known by the Human Race, the top talents of the younger generation of the Wu Clan will appear here. When that happens, the Human Race will mobilize heavy troops in this area!

The main purpose of the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe to invite the Wu Clan to participate in the war this time was actually to find opportunities to deal with the powerhouses of the Tianyun Divine Tribe.

The Wu Clan was exposed to the Human Clan's vision, but it wasn't actually the worst.

The worst thing is that the Wu Clan was exposed to the vision of other gods of their Protoss.

You know, the Protoss and the Witch Clan are also hostile.

The Protoss controls the current era, which is snatched from the Witch Clan!

Moreover, in the Ancient God Era controlled by the Wu Clan, the Protoss has been a slave of the Wu Clan for a long time!

Once the other gods of the Protoss, or the temple, find that people from the Wu Clan appear in the resident of the Tianqi Gods, then the trouble will be big!

Because the Tianqi God Tribe and the Tian Sui God Tribe were seeking the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan sent a group of young Tianjiao out to fight, even if they were unwilling, they did not dare to refuse.

Therefore, they specially arranged for the Wu tribe team to come to this location. There is no fierce battle in this area. According to their expectation, as long as you look closely, the Wu tribe group of young talents, in this area, There is not much noise.

but now……

The two most powerful among the young arrogances of the Witch Clan, because of some small internal contradictions, they directly fought a desperate posture...

Not only the pseudo-god king realm powerhouse of the Tianqi Divine Ministry could not sit still.

The three pseudo-god king realm powerhouses of the Wu Clan also realized that the situation could not be allowed to deteriorate.

Silver Snake thought for a while, and had already made a decision, so Yuan Xian and Yin Su had to calm down first!


And at the moment.

The battle between Lin Hao and Yin Su was still extremely fierce.

He deliberately led Yin Su to move the position of this battle to this area.

He also knew that the Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe and the Silver Snake guys of the Witch Clan were about to show up at this time, and the time was very tight, so he couldn't continue to delay them.


In the next moment, Lin Hao revealed a flaw, and Yin Su seized the opportunity and slashed away.

He coughed up blood and his breath became very weak.

This appearance was obviously over-burning of energy and blood, and it was almost impossible to hold it.

Yin Su's heart was happy, the battle was so difficult, and his heart was very nervous, and now it is almost over.

"Yin Su, you don't want to beat me, it's you who forced me!" Lin Hao roared, and an extremely crazy look appeared in his expression. The next moment, the spear in his hand was suddenly thrown out!

Although this Tier 5 artifact long spear has been burned by him a lot of the power contained in the magical material, it has fallen to the level of a quasi Tier 5 artifact.

However, the power blooming in the spear at this moment is more terrifying than any previous moment.

The violent power is like a boiling pan.

"Not good, retire!"

The Yinqin Fengyan who followed the battle between the two of them all the way, with no blood on their faces, immediately turned their heads and fled as quickly as possible.

Yuan Xian is a lunatic, utterly lunatic!

At this moment of Yin Su, his pupils shrank, and he felt the shadow of death enveloping himself, and his heart was chilly, and he withdrew violently.



One after another loud shouts, it was heard from a distance that the Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe and the Witch Clan's pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, all arrived at this time.

However, it was too late.

"Boom boom boom!"

The spear that Lin Hao threw out that had fallen into a quasi-fifth-order artifact, exploded!

Even if it is a quasi-fifth-tier artifact, after detonation, its power is quite terrifying!

The defense supported by the ancestral witch on Yin Su's body was directly broken, and his body was instantly torn apart.


A screaming scream of Yin Su sounded, and the next moment, a figure filled with monstrous might appeared in the center of the explosion.

At this moment, Lin Hao also pretended to be blown away by the power of this quasi-fifth-order artifact. His eyes looked at the phantom that emerged in the center of the explosion, and the corners of his mouth showed a cold smile.

This figure is one of the palace masters of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan, and the spiritual power of the ancestor of the Yin Family God behind Yin Su!

It was also one of the people who broke Lin Hao's divine way ten thousand years ago and shot him!

People like Yinqin don't have such a life-saving thing.

It is not surprising that Yin Su has it. The ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family has even given Yin Su the fifth-order original artifact that has been practised for 100,000 years. Naturally, he will make such a manifestation of spiritual power to protect Yin Su's life.

The spiritual power of the ancestor of the Yin Family God King emerged, even if it could not exert the power of the God King, it was much stronger than the pseudo-God Kings of the Witch Clan of the Silver Snake. With a palm, it suppressed the storm that was set off around it!

"See the Lord of Yin Palace!"

"I have seen the Lord of Yin Palace!"


Voices sounded one after another, and the Wu Clan Silver Snake and others who rushed here, as well as the pseudo-God King Realm powerhouse where the Tianqi Divine Tribe was sitting here, immediately bowed and saluted.

The ancestor of the Yin Family God King’s spiritual power differentiation body, because it has just been triggered, I don’t know what happened. It exudes a terrible killing intent. He looked at the silver snake and said: "Silver snake, let you be responsible for protecting their safety. ,what have you done?"

Silver Snake looked worried, and was extremely disturbed...

What have you done……

He didn't do anything!

But Silver Snake didn't dare to say that he didn't do anything... hesitated and couldn't answer.

"Also ask the ancestor to call the shots for me!" At this moment, reunited with the fleshly Yin Su, hurriedly said.

"Say, what's going on!" The ancestor of the Yin family's mental power differentiation body shouted sharply.

Yin Su immediately told the original story.

After hearing this, the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family looked extremely ugly, and his eyes fell on Lin Hao who was not far away.

Lin Hao was not afraid, and stared at the Yin Family God King and Patriarch, unless the other person's true body came, otherwise, with such a spiritual power differentiation body, never want to see his secret!

The ancestor of the Yin Family God King, with cold eyes and extremely powerful power, said angrily: "Okay, good boy, that old man Yuan Xiao has cultivated a bold descendant."

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, forcibly resisting the power of the ancestor of the Yin Family God King, and said: "Yin Palace Master, I will discuss with Yin Su, Yin Qin, and Feng Yan. What's wrong with each of them?

They are not as strong as me, they are not as ruthless as me, and they lost to me. This is something everyone can see!

Yin Palace Lord, I advise you to take back your mental power division body now, otherwise, your Yin family's face will be completely destroyed in your own hands.

The small ones can’t win, the old ones appear. If this is spread out, I’m afraid everyone in the Wu Clan and the Protoss will laugh out loud! "

Lin Hao said lightly.

But these words, heard in the ears of Silver Snake and the others, each of them was frightened, and their hearts went cold...

Little ancestor... can you say this to the Yin Palace Lord?

This is simply plucking your hair! Do you think it's not big enough?

What they didn't know was that Lin Hao, now, indeed felt that the matter was not big enough. The spear that was dropped to the quasi-fifth-tier artifact just detonated was just in time by the ancestor of the Yin family's spiritual power differentiation body, suppressing this power fluctuation. , The human race in this area may not be aware of it.

So, things have to continue to make trouble!

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