Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1695: The show begins

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-five chapters

The spiritual power manifestation of the **** king and ancestor of the Yin family, there are violent power fluctuations in the whole body!

Everyone around was silent, and they did not dare to breathe.

People like Silver Snake who made a bet on Yuan Xian can only think in his heart, little ancestor, how blessed you are!

This is too messy, the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family, this is one of the palace masters of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, a great figure of the Wu clan, and his spiritual power differentiation body appears, in fact, it may not be what you will do, at most words Scolded a few nonsense.


Yuan Xian, the little ancestor, came straight to the old one after typing.

With such words, there is absolutely no room for reversal in this matter.

Silver snake is also very tired!

The only thoughts of these people from the Tianqi Divine Department is to quickly reduce the major and minor issues.

Now it seems that although it is impossible to make a trivial matter, the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family should also be able to suppress this matter. As for the killing of Yuan Xian or what, the Tianqi God Ministry does not care at all.

And Yin Su, Yin Qin, Feng Yan, these people are gloating.

This is all right, Yuan Xian is determined to be over!

The ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family stared at Lin Hao and said, "It seems that Yuan Xiao doesn't know how to discipline future generations, so today I have to do it for you!"

Lin Hao still looked as if he was not afraid of the sky, and said: "Our Yuan family's affairs, the palace master is not qualified to intervene, right?"

The silver snake who listened to this had a big head. At this moment, Yuan Xian referred to the matter as the Yuan family... and said that the **** king ancestor of the Yin family was not qualified to intervene.

To be honest, Silver Snake regrets it now.

I knew this little ancestor was such a sturdy master, so I shouldn't bet on him!

Today, I directly offended the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family, and then, maybe I will offend all the other palace owners of the Seven Star Ancient Shrine.

"Unqualified? You are a true **** cultivation base, dare you say that the old man is unqualified? Humph, you members of the Yuan family, seem to be bold!" The ancestor of the Yin family **** Wang screamed, violent. The momentum suddenly rolled towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao straightened his waist and shouted: "Palace Master Yin, I respect you, but that doesn't mean you can crush my dignity wantonly!"

The people around are very admirable.

This Yuan Xian speaks completely irrelevant and slanderous.

On the contrary, he did not have a word to respect the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family.

In the beginning, it was said that the ancestor of the yin family had no right to intervene in the Yuan family. Now it has become the ancestor of the Yin family who wants to crush his dignity...

This is no one!

The most annoying was the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family. He was the first time he encountered a true **** realm kid who dared to talk nonsense in front of him.

Without waiting for the ancestor of the Yin Family God King to respond, Lin Hao said again: "Palace Master Yin, if you don't withdraw, you must insult me, even if I die, Yuan Xian will not give in!"

Come on!

As soon as the conversation turned, it turned into a death to force the Yin Family, the **** king ancestor, to withdraw this spiritual power differentiation body!

The ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family took a deep breath and said angrily: "Do you really think that the old man is afraid to clean up you? Now even if your Yuan family ancestor is here, the old man should do whatever he wants!"

At this moment, he finally couldn't help it anymore, and suddenly slapped Lin Hao with a palm.

"Also ask the ancestor to call the shots for me!"

At this moment, Lin Hao roared and did not hesitate to directly trigger the spiritual power division of the Yuan family ancestor of the Wu clan.


Another terrifying aura broke out. Yuan Xiao’s spiritual power split body appeared, punching out, breaking the power of a palm shot by the ancestor of the Yin family god, and the fist imprint was undiminished. The spiritual power of the ancestors of the Yin Family God is divided physically.

With this blow, the spiritual power of the ancestors of the Yin Family God King was unstable for a while!

Sit down!

The ancestor of the **** king of the Yuan family is obviously stronger than the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family.

In fact, the ancestor of the **** king of the Yuan family is also the strongest among the seven kings of the witch family in the seven-star ancient temple. Otherwise, at the beginning, he would not be able to force a place that belonged to the Yin family. Take it and give it to Yuan Xian!

The two strongest witches, although the spiritual power differentiation body, are only in the pseudo-god state, but the real combat power is not weaker than some ordinary God-king strong.

The force of this blow just now caused a storm that was much greater than the movement before Lin Hao detonated the quasi-tier 5 artifact long spear.

"Yuan Xiao, what do you want to do!" The spiritual power of the ancestor of the Yin Family God yelled angrily.

Yuan Xiao's mental power split body, snorted coldly, and said, "What do I want to do? Yin Wuwei, I want to ask what you want to do!"

Yin Wuqi is the name of the ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family.

As soon as Yuan Xiao's mental power differentiation body was triggered, he discovered that Yin Wuqian had done something with his descendant Yuan Xian, who valued him most. He was also furious.

"Yuan Xiao, this is the descendant you cultivated. Just ask him what he did!" Yin Wuque shouted.

But as soon as he finished saying this sentence, Yin Wuwei regretted it. With Yuan Xian's nonsense ability... crooked ones can be justified by him!

At this time, Lin Hao immediately took the opportunity to speak, telling what happened.

I didn't add much oil and vinegar.

No need at all!

Because Yuan Xiao heard his most important descendants say that he had suppressed the Fengyan team, crushed Yin Qin, and then defeated Yin Su, Yuan Xiao's eyes flashed!

Before Yuan Xian had not shown such a great talent, Yuan Xiao valued Yuan Xian in every possible way.

Now Yuan Xian's performance is so outstanding, how could Yuan Xiao not protect such descendants!

Lin Hao also saw Yuan Xiao’s thoughts and continued: "The ancestor, the Yin Palace Lord’s spiritual power differentiation body appeared, he said one by one that our Yuan family has no way to discipline me, and he also needs to discipline me for the ancestor. The coercion forced me to kneel down and finally killed me.

Old ancestor, over the years, I know that your value to me has caused dissatisfaction among many people, but I have been tolerant. I wanted to take this opportunity to fight for the ancestor and the Yuan family, but who would have thought , Some people have a prejudice against our Yuan family..."

"Enough!" Yin Wuque couldn't bear these words, and interrupted with a loud shout.

Yuan Xiao looked at Lin Hao with a relieved expression, and said, "Don't worry, I will get it back for you today!"

After that, Yuan Xiao's gaze fell on Yin Wuqian, saying: "Yin Wuqian, take action against our descendants of the Yuan family, you are so courageous. Today, I will destroy your spiritual power first. Body, other things, settle accounts in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine!"

When the voice fell, Yuan Xiao's spiritual power differentiation body, no longer nonsense, carrying the supreme power, punched the Yin Wuqi spiritual power differentiation body.

Yuan Xiao is powerful, and the Yin Family is in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, and there are two Divine King Palace Masters. Therefore, the two sides have not dealt with each other for a long time, and there are many hatreds.

Now, the matter of Yuan Xian has become the fuse, detonating the hatred between Yuan Xiao and Yin Wuwei!

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hao's mouth.

Good show, it's started!

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