Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1701: Troubled ancestors

Chapter 1701 The ancestor who caused trouble

Qi Hong from the Tianqi Divine Tribe, as well as two powerhouses from the Witch Clan's Celestial Divine Realm, retreated with Lin Hao.

Yin Su, Yin Qin, Feng Yan and other six young generations of Wu Clan Tianjiao followed the two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in the Tianqi Divine Tribe to evacuate.

One can imagine.

The two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in the Tianqi Divine Department would not really protect them wholeheartedly. If they were in danger, they would naturally ensure their own safety first.

Yin Su and the six of them, how many can die, this is Lin Hao's idea.


The war in this area continues.

Yang Guang of the God of War Palace, and Sui Qianyuan of the Heavenly Sui God Ministry.

Although Sui Qianyuan was the King of the Heavenly Sui Divine Tribe with extraordinary combat power, he could only be beaten against Yang Guang, but he barely restrained Yang Guang so that Yang Guang could no longer attack other people.

On the human side, there is also a strong man in the pseudo-god state.

Before the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Wu Clan sent out a group of Heavenly God Realm powerhouses to block the Human Race, this pseudo-God King Realm powerhouse, but they couldn't stop them at all. All the celestial gods were dead.

In the battle under this situation, a strong man that no one can hold is enough to change the situation on the entire battlefield.

The people of Tianqi Divine Tribe and Wu Clan quickly suffered very heavy casualties.

However, this advantage has not been further expanded to completely establish the victory of this battle. The Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe finally have several powerhouses in the false **** king realm, bringing a group of strong power in the Heaven God realm. .

The battle started to become stalemate.


Qi Hong, who evacuated with Lin Hao, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is finally safe.

But he just breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately realized that it was too early to be happy.

In the dangerous life and death just now, Yuan Xian, the little ancestor, was safe and evacuated honestly.

But now, it changed immediately.

Yuan Xian stopped!

"Master Yuan, this place is too dangerous, let's withdraw first." Qi Hong said.


Lin Hao snorted coldly and said, "I had to withdraw just now, I naturally have no opinion, but now the situation is very good, why do you want to withdraw?

It happened to take this opportunity to join the war and kill the Quartet.

I, Yuan Xian, as the top arrogant of the Witch clan, this time I came to sharpen it. If I only knew how to escape, wouldn't it be laughed at if it spread out? "

"Master Yuan..." Qi Hong was poignant and wanted to persuade Yuan Xian to dispel this idea.

However, Lin Hao didn't bother to pay attention to Qi Hong anymore, and with a flash of figure, he rushed towards the place where the battle was most intense!

Qi Hong smiled bitterly, and the two powerhouses of the Witch Clan could only follow immediately.

At this time, Yin Su and the others who were also evacuating hadn't separated too far from Lin Hao and the others.

As Lin Hao rushed to the battlefield, he naturally did not forget to drag these people into the water.

His original plan was to let these guys die a few more.

The reinforcements from the Tianqi Divine Department and Tian Sui Divine Department came so quickly, they could really withdraw safely.

"Yin Su, you **** group, the situation is very good now, you only want to escape, the face of our Wu clan has been lost by you!"

Lin Hao's loud shout came to Yin Su's ears.

Yin Su stopped immediately, gritted his teeth and looked at Yuan Xian.

"Brother Yin, this Yuan Xian is looking for death, we don't care about him." Feng Yan quickly persuaded.

Yinqin on the side also hurriedly said: "Brother, ignore him, he is going to die, let him go by himself."

Yin Su clenched his fists and looked a little hesitant.

But at this time, Lin Hao's voice sounded again: "You trash, no matter if you leave, it would be embarrassing to stay here. The future of the Wu clan depends on me, Yuan Xian!"

It's all for this.

Yin Su felt his pride and was severely trampled by Yuan Xian.

He has always been the number one arrogant of the Witch Clan in the next three days. Now, he also thinks that he is stronger than Yuan Xian, how can he endure Yuan Xian's insult!

"I will let you know today, who is the number one arrogant of the Wu Clan!" Yin Su screamed and rushed to the battlefield suddenly.

"We..." Feng Yan was very embarrassed. Is it going to continue to withdraw or join the war?

Yin Qin snorted coldly, his brother Yin Su had joined the war, and she would not retreat anymore, without saying anything, rushed to the battlefield.

At this time, the two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses who were responsible for protecting Fengyan's people from the Tianqi God Department, saw that Qi Hong followed Yuan Xian to the battlefield, naturally they couldn’t withdraw anymore, they could only rush with the Yin family brothers and sisters. Get out.

Feng Yan didn't dare to leave even if he wanted to leave now.

With a look of unlovable expression, he also followed Yin Su's direction, and the other three Wu Clan Tianjiao, in desperation, could only follow.

Yin Su rushed to the battlefield, his eyes locked on Yuan Xian.

He has made up his mind that he will go wherever Yuan Xian goes.

He wants to be in front of Yuan Xian to let Yuan Xian know how good he is!

Lin Hao noticed this, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, these guys return to the battlefield. If they don't participate in the battle of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, they are indeed extremely powerful in the True God Realm. If they attack the Human Race's True God Realm warrior, it will cause a lot of human casualties.

People, since they were brought back by themselves.

Lin Hao will naturally solve them all.

It's best to follow yourself with this stern silence.

After a while, Lin Hao rushed to the vicinity of the battle between the two humans of the human race and the three powers of the gods.

Not only the Tianqi God Ministry and Tian Sui God Ministry have strong people to help.

Terran also has a group of strong people to support!

Now, in the entire battlefield, God King Yang Guang is against War God King Sui Qianyuan.

In addition, the human race has three pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, while the Protoss has five pseudo-god king realm powerhouses.

At this time, near Lin Hao, there were two powerful humans in the pseudo-god state of the human race, and three powerful men in the pseudo-god state of the protoss, which had great advantages.

On the other side, the human race also has a pseudo-god king realm powerhouse from the God of War Palace, fighting against the two pseudo-god king realm powerhouses of the God race, and it is not let down at all.

This has always been the case between the human race and the **** race.

Although the number of strong humans is less than that of the gods, the warriors of the human race are almost more powerful than the warriors of the gods.

Ordinary human warriors can also be warriors of the second and third ranks of the war gods. The slightly talented human warriors are all fighting against the warriors of the third and fourth ranks of the gods.

Human race, because there is no retreat, because of faith, because of dare to fight, so strong!

Qi Hong, who followed Lin Haochong from behind, suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, muttering in his heart, I hope Yuan Xian, the little ancestor, don't provoke these powerhouses in the pseudo-god realm...

Although Qi Hong was a little worried, he still felt that Yuan Xian would not provoke these powerhouses in the pseudo-god realm with a high probability... Before he dared to rush to Yang Guang in the Human Race God of War Palace, it was because he still had the Wu Clan Yuan family on him. The ancestor's spiritual power differentiation body is gone now.

Although Yuan Xian is impulsive and likes to cause trouble... but Qi Hong can see that Yuan Xian is not a person who will go to death. This kid is very clever, knowing who can provoke and who cannot provoke under what circumstances.

Qi Hong's brain replenishes...

But in the next scene, Qi Hong instantly understood that he was wrong and completely underestimated Yuan Xian's ability to cause trouble!

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