Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1702: Human race too?

Chapter 1702 is also a human race?

At this time, Lin Hao wanted to attract the attention of a strong man of Human Race.

Therefore, he chose this battlefield.

Here, the human race has two pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, and the war **** tribe’s three pseudo-god king realm powerhouses. The advantages are more obvious, and naturally they are more free.

Originally, the five pseudo-god king realm powerhouses were fighting, and no one paid any attention to him who passed through here.

But Lin Hao suddenly yelled: "Pseudo-God King Realm, but so, today, I, Yuan Xian, will kill a pseudo-God King to promote the power of the Witch Clan!"

When the voice fell, Lin Hao slapped it out suddenly.

The power of the nine layers of True God Realm erupted with all strength.

However... the power of the nine layers of the true **** realm is nothing to the powerhouse of the false **** king realm.

Even before he was near the center of the battlefield, he was shaken away by the aftermath of five false **** king realm powerhouses.

A strong man in the realm of a false **** in the human race, frowned.

I did not pay attention to this wizard boy just now.

But this kid, even reported himself!

They already knew that a group of young Tianjiao from the Wu Clan appeared on this battlefield. They thought they had all evacuated just now, and now they have encountered someone who is so afraid of death.

Moreover, behind this kid who is not afraid of death, there are obviously a group of people from the Protoss and Witch races coming. It seems that the identity of this kid is not simple.

"Old grandson, you hold them, I'll go and kill these little rascals!" Human race this pseudo-god realm powerhouse shouted, then his figure flashed and rushed towards Lin Hao.

this moment.

Qi Hong, Yin Su, and others who followed Lin Haochong all turned pale and turned around and ran away.

"What about the pseudo-god king realm, do you really think that Yuan Xian will be afraid of you?"

Lin Hao yelled, holding a Tier 3 artifact long spear in each hand.

These were all searched from the Tianqi God Department before.

Without thinking about it, the two artifact spears were smashed directly out.

At this moment, Qi Hong, who had fled, Yin Su and them, all looked back.

Swear stupid in my heart!

I thought Yuan Xian had any hole cards to challenge the powerhouses of the pseudo-god realm.

It turned out to be another set of detonating artifacts...

Detonating two Tier 3 artifacts, although the power is not weak, but for the powerhouse of the false **** king realm, it is the same thing.

Before, Yuan Xian had detonated Tier 4 artifacts and Tier 5 artifacts... Now that they have detonated two Tier 3 artifacts, Qi Hong, Yin Su and others felt that Yuan Xian was stupid, but also helpless.

This guy really doesn't feel bad at all.

Those of them who watched are distressed!

Especially Qi Hong... The Tier 5 artifact that Yuan Xian detonated before was sent by their Tianqi God Ministry and Tian Sui God Ministry, and now these two Tier 3 magic weapon spears are also from their Tian Qi God Ministry...

However, what makes people even more speechless is that the two Tier 3 artifacts thrown by Yuan Xian may have been killed by a strong man of the false **** king of the human race. They were too nervous, and their positions were all wrong...

These two Tier 3 artifacts were directly smashed to the side of the three false **** king realm powerhouses of the Protoss!


Two Tier 3 artifacts exploded suddenly.

Although the three powerhouses of the Protoss King Realm were not injured in any way, they were also a little confused by the explosion of these two artifacts.

Taking this opportunity to kill Lin Hao's human pseudo-god king realm powerhouse, he suddenly turned back, punching a bombed dizzy pseudo-god king.

Another strong man in the false **** king realm of the human race also took the opportunity to shoot.

The two powerful humans in the pseudo-god state of the human race took advantage of the situation to attack, and in an instant, they blasted and killed a powerful man in the pseudo-god state of the God race.

After solving the Protoss, the two pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, the human race, the two pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, are two-to-two. Although they can play a greater advantage, they have little chance to kill the opponent who reacts.

One person was left behind and dragged the two Protoss pseudo-god realm powerhouses, and the pressure was much less than just dragging three of them.

Therefore, the human pseudo-god king realm powerhouse who rushed to Lin Hao just now chased Lin Hao who had fled again!

That's right, Lin Hao finally started to escape now.

He shouted just now to kill a false **** king, and he did it!

Protoss died a strong man in the pseudo-god state.

And the direction that Lin Hao is fleeing now is the direction of Yin Su.

Qi Hong in the other direction didn't run away, because he found... as if nothing happened to him.

"Yuan Xian..."

Qi Hong looked at Yuan Xian who was madly running for his life, and his heart was very complicated.

If it weren't for Yuan Xian's knowledge, he would definitely suspect that this guy is a spy planted by the human race!

Evacuate well, but he was stunned to come back.

He also threatened to kill the powerhouse of the false **** king realm.

The result was not good, the human pseudo-god realm powerhouse was ready to attack him, he panicked directly tossing two Tier 3 artifacts, after detonation, killed a pseudo-god king of the Protoss!

As for now...

Yuan Xian was chased and killed by a strong man in the realm of a false god.

Save yourself or not?

Qi Hong struggled for a while, but soon made a decision.

With his own strength, to save people?

This is simply looking for death!

Although both the Tianqi and Tiansui gods attach great importance to the witch tribe, this group of young witch tribes, Tianjiao, has a very high status in the seven-star ancient shrine of the witch tribe. If they die, they will inevitably cause witches. The family is furious.


Compared with his own life, Qi Hong felt that his own life was more important.

Moreover, even if he really had the strength to save Yuan Xian, Qi Hong had to think about it, staying with this troubled little ancestor, there is no safety guarantee for his life!

"Envoy Qi Hong, save me!"

Just when Qi Hong was about to ignore Yuan Xian, Yuan Xian shouted for help.

The cry for help is very loud!

Ordinary people, in a state of desperation, burst out with all their strength calling for help, and their voices were loud.

What's more, Lin Hao is still a warrior of the nine layers of true gods!

Qi Hong's face was extremely ugly.

It's okay if I didn't save it just now.

But now that **** Yuan Xian has already called out his name and asked him for help. If he is not saved... If Yuan Xian is really dead, the Wu Clan will be furious, and the Tian Qi Divine Tribe will absolutely stop the Wu Clan’s anger. I won't let myself go!

"Asshole!" Qi Hong cursed inwardly, at this time, he had to pretend to rush over.

At this time, it was not only Qi Hong who was scolding Yuan Xian as a bastard.

Yin Su, Yin Qin, Feng Yan and others, even the eighteenth generation of Yuan Xian's ancestors, including the ancestor of the Yuan family's seven-star ancient **** king, were also scolded.

Because Yuan Xian ran desperately towards them, and directly attracted the powerful man of the pseudo-god realm of Human Race!

Yin Su's group of people turned anger into anger in their hearts, and they couldn't care about it at this time.

Escape is important!

A group of people fled in all directions.

At this time, there were no top powerhouses of the Protoss and Witch races around. Lin Hao didn't have to worry too much about being discovered or something. He directly transmitted his divine thoughts and said: "Senior, I have no malice against the Humans, these boys , They are all descendants of the palace lord of the Witch Clan’s Seven-Star Ancient Shrine. You chase me down and then take the opportunity to kill a few more of them."

At this time, it is useless to show your identity, and the other party may not believe it.

While transmitting the sound, Lin Hao also dissipated a small part of his breath-masking power.

The boss of Human Race, a pseudo-god realm powerhouse, suddenly stared!

The kid he is chasing now is also a human race?

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