Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1703: Sorrowful Wu Clan Tianjiao

The first thousand and three chapters of the sorrowful and angry witch family

Just now, Lin Hao removed a ray of breath to cover up, revealing the breath of human race.

This is already the limit he can achieve. If too much human aura is released, some of the heavenly gods on this battlefield can feel it.

Moreover, he only released a ray of human aura in that moment. Although there are no other strong people here, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be strong people paying attention to the situation here.

The human race, a strong man in the pseudo-god king realm, just felt the human aura appearing on the Wu race kid who was chasing and killed, and received the other party’s divine spirit transmission. He was really stunned for a moment, but it was also very soon Recovered.

He didn't just believe in the words of the Wu Clan kid who was chasing and killing him. He felt that the other party might be disguised as a human warrior.

Of course, it could also be true...After all, a witch clan kid in the realm of true gods has no reason to blend in with his own side of the battle of the false gods.

Moreover, this kid, in a panic just now, thrown off two Tier 3 artifacts and detonated, and also helped him kill a false **** king of the Protoss.

What seems to be a panic-stricken mistake may not be unintentional!

Although it is impossible to determine the truth, it does not hinder his next move.

Even if you don't kill, catch it first.

If it goes smoothly, then kill a few young geniuses of the witch race.

The young generation of witches, if they are the descendants of the seven palace masters of the witch family’s seven-star ancient temple, if they are killed, they will anger the witch family, but it’s not a big deal. Out of a hostile relationship that is not at odds with each other, kill it!

"This kid, the speed is really fast!"

Human Race, a strong man in the pseudo-god state, flashed many thoughts in his heart, and couldn't help muttering in his mouth.

Just now, although he turned back to kill a Protoss pseudo-God King Realm powerhouse, and was opened a certain distance by this Wu Clan kid, but this distance is nothing to the pseudo-God King Realm powerhouse.

But it happened that this was a small distance, but he chased it for a while but didn't catch it.

At the same time the human race, the pseudo-god king realm powerhouse, felt depressed.

Feng Yan and others were also depressed to death!

Yuan Xian, the bastard, brought a powerful man in the pseudo-god state of the Human Race towards them.

Just now, Yin Su and Yin Qin brothers and sisters ran fast, Feng Yan couldn't keep up, so they flee with the other three guys, but now it's fine... Yuan Xian has appeared behind them.

The strong man of Human Race's pseudo-god king realm also appeared behind them.

That's it!

"Yuan Xian, don't go too far, you run away from you, we run away from us, don't follow us!" Feng Yan shouted, terribly scared.

Yuan Xian is not terrible.

But the power of that pseudo-god king of Human Race is quite terrifying!

"Hmph, that's right, each run away, where I am going, it's up to you!" Lin Hao roared.

As soon as Feng Yan gritted his teeth, he immediately changed directions with someone.

If you run away, Yuan Xian wants to go in this direction, then we can change the direction!

However, Feng Yan just changed a direction, and immediately couldn't help but yelled.

Yuan Xian also followed them and changed directions.

But Yuan Xian was so fast that he was less than a mile behind them in the blink of an eye.

"Yuan Xian, do you want to kill us?" Feng Yan shouted.

"A bunch of trash, I don't have the mind to take care of you, get out of my way, don't get in my way!" Lin Hao shouted, then he held a sword in his hand and slashed forward.

This sword is also a Tier 3 divine weapon, which Lin Hao had previously searched from the Tianqi Divine Department.

It seemed that it was a sword cut out indiscriminately, but it cut out a very powerful force, and the Feng Yan who directly smashed them staggered in the air.

But after he cut out with this sword, the celebrity pseudo-god realm powerhouse chasing behind his eyes lit up.

From this sword, he saw a little bit of the Nine-Character Mantra God of War sword technique of the God of War Palace!

Could it be... really our human race?

This pseudo-god king realm powerhouse murmured again in his heart.

The inheritance of the God of War is the top inheritance of the human race in the next three days, especially the Nine-Character Mantra Secret Art, and it is the core of the God of War, and ordinary people in the God of War cannot touch it.

Just as the thoughts of the false **** king of Human Race continued to arise in the heart, Lin Hao took advantage of the situation and rushed past Feng Yan and the others.

The human race, a strong man in the pseudo-god state, has also caught up.

Take advantage of the trend, slap it out, the tyrannical force destroys the world.

After one blow, in addition to Feng Yan, the other three descendants of the palace lord of the Wu Clan Seven-Star Ancient Shrine fell directly!

And Feng Yan didn't die because an extremely tyrannical power mask appeared on Feng Yan's body, guarding it.

Spiritual power differentiation body!

Lin Hao, who looked back, was also shocked.

The kid Feng Yan was hiding deep enough. He was crushed by himself for a while before, and he was still calm. The spiritual power differentiation body of their Feng Family God King and Ancestor hidden in him has been useless!

Fortunately, at this moment, I was hit by mistake and forced Feng Yan's hole card out. Otherwise, I would really be fooled by this kid all the way. At the last moment, I would definitely miss a major event!

"Feng Yan, you are so cruel. You have such a hole card, but you still don't use it. Watching everyone fall into a crisis, you just want to protect yourself. We Wu Clan, there is no such greedy and fearful person as you!" Lin Hao roared.

Feng Yan looked pale at this time.

He was afraid of death. No matter how Yuan Xian targeted him before, he knew that Yuan Xian did not dare to kill himself, so this hole card was held in his hand and never used.

This hole card was used to save his life, and now he finally used it, saving his life.

Just now, it was not that he was unwilling to protect the safety of the other three companions, but it was too late. When he was planning to use this hole card just now, he didn't expect that Yuan Xian, the despicable fellow, would cut a sword towards him. , Causing him to lose time.

It's better now.

Yuan Xian directly took a bite of himself in turn, saying that he could not save him...

I don't want to think about who provokes such a pseudo-God King Realm powerhouse Human Race!

Qi Hong, who followed closely behind, was also very tired.

The young princes of the Witch tribe are all the same bastards, Yuan Xian will not say, this Fengyan, holding such a hole card, if used at the beginning of the battle, it might have been resolved long ago. Crisis.

Why did it become like this?

Qi Hong didn't want to participate in this mess at all now.

It can't be mixed.

Yuan Xian's little ancestor had asked him for help just now. If he didn't come, Yuan Xian would have an accident, and he would die if he didn't save him.

But he can't do anything now.

If you really want to make a move, you will immediately have to be killed by the powerhouse of the pseudo-God King Realm Human Race.

The human race, a powerful man in the pseudo-god state, no longer chases and kills Lin Hao. He naturally knows how strong the spiritual power of a palace lord in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine is. This is equivalent to the top pseudo-god Wang Qiang. Fighting power.

If he pursues and kills the young boy of the Witch Clan, no one will contain this spiritual power division, and the consequences will be quite serious. Therefore, without saying anything, he will directly hit Feng Yan!

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