Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1742: Mysterious life

The first thousand and forty-two chapters of mysterious life

This golden figure is a special power display of the Heart Sutra of Suppressing Demon Visualization, and it is transformed by the will of the Emperor Zhenwu contained in the mark of Zhenwu that Lin Hao has contacted.

If there is no person who has been in contact with the mark of Zhenwu, it is impossible to practice this town of demon visualization heart sutra.

Before that, Lin Hao urged Zhenmo to visualize the Heart Sutra. Although the figure incarnate was also majestic, but there was no such golden shining picture at all. This was because of the fusion of the power of faith and the abnormal change of spiritual power.

Following Lin Hao, he released the power of the Suppressing Demon Visualization Heart Sutra to the extreme, and the cold and brutal force that had invaded his body and in the soul, disappeared.

"Help me!"

A voice rang in Lin Hao's mind.

Lin Hao's expression changed noticeably, and the mysterious life buried in the veins of the source of the gods was awakened!

However, this mysterious life seems to be greatly restricted, otherwise, it would not communicate with Lin Hao in this way, and would have appeared long ago.

"Who are you, where are you from, and why should I help you?" Lin Hao asked immediately.

He had changed his mind again just now, intending not to wake up the other party before figuring out the secret of this mysterious life.

But in the end, it was this mysterious life who took the initiative to wake up.

"My origin is very involved, it is not convenient to tell you, but I will not cause any disadvantage to your human race, and my strength is related to your human race's True Martial God Emperor!"

In Lin Hao's mind, the voice of the mysterious life resounded again.

Related to the Emperor Zhenwu?

Lin Hao is even more puzzled!

The Emperor Zhenwu is the greatest existence of the human race since several epochs.

But it is related to Zhenwu God Emperor, it does not mean that it is really harmless to Human Race. The backbone of Zhen Wu God Emperor supports the living space of Human Race, but there are countless enemies of Zhen Wu God Emperor.

"If you want to get my help, just give me a reason enough to convince me!" Lin Hao responded.

"What reason do you want?"

"Your origin!" Lin Hao communicated with this mysterious life with spiritual power.

"My name is Shipo, where I come from, I really can't tell."

"Why is your breath so weird? Are you a human race, a **** race, or a witch race, or a born creature?"


"Then what is going on with your breath?"

"Take the strengths of all races, the new life, the breath of my human race, the breath from your human race's true martial **** emperor, the **** race, the witch race, and the innate creatures, all come from each era, the most powerful existence among all races. "

"What's the matter with the breath of the demon outside the territory?"

"The meaning of my existence is to fight against the alien gods. Tens of millions of years ago, the alien gods invaded, and I was seriously injured, and then almost died. I finally fled to the gods heaven and buried myself in the veins of the gods. , To maintain its own immortality.

There are also many companions, just like me, who are thinking of ways to dissolve the power of the demon outside the territory, and wait for one day to return to the battlefield! "

"But I still can't believe you." Lin Hao said.

"The ability you have that can dissolve the power of the Demon Race is also from the True Martial God Emperor of your human race. Obviously, you have an extraordinary relationship with him. If you don't believe it, you can contact the True Martial God Emperor. Then, you will Will understand."

"Here, it has been occupied by the Protoss, I cannot leave." Lin Hao said.

He did not tell this mysterious creature named Shi Po of the death of the Emperor Zhenwu. Since this mysterious life knew the Emperor Zhenwu, then he was a bit jealous.

If he were to know that the True Martial God Emperor had fallen, he might do it directly on himself.

At this time, every detail must be treated with caution.

"Protoss? This group of greedy and fearful wastes, back then, if it hadn't been for them to retreat, the calamity of the celestial demons outside the territory might have been resolved!" The mysterious creatures buried inside the stone wall raised the Protoss and were very angry.

"Boy, I have destroyed the Protoss here, you help me once!"

"There is no **** clan powerhouse here, if you destroy the three **** kings, I will help you!" Lin Hao responded.

He already knew how the other party needed his own help.

His own Suppression of Demons Visualization Heart Sutra can help him suppress the erosion of the power of the demons.

"Three protoss kings? If I were to break through at the peak, I could destroy them with my hands, but not now."

Lin Hao snorted coldly and said: "I have heard that your companion was discovered by the Protoss. The Protoss dispatched more than a dozen God Kings to kill them but failed. Instead, the Protoss killed more than half of them!"


"Damn the gods!"

"Back then, we were greedy for life and fear of death, and we flinched at the most critical moment of the war. Now we are doing it again, damn, damn, damn!"

This mysterious being named Shi Po, uttered several **** sentences in a row, obviously, he was angry to the extreme.

"You don't know that when I am buried here, I use the energy in the source of the gods to suppress the erosion of the power of the demons. Once I do it, it will soon be wiped out."

Lin Hao really didn't know this.

If what Shipo said is true, then the mysterious life that was killed by more than a dozen **** kings of the Protoss would have fallen even if he escaped.

"Not only that, once the Protoss discovers your traces, it will explode the veins of the Divine Origin Stone for the first time, destroying those lives that are the same as you." Lin Hao told the truth about what he knew. The stronger the hatred, the better.


This mysterious being named Shi Po let out a roar of anger, and the voice resounded through Lin Hao's Soul Consciousness Sea, and even the shocking Lin Hao's Soul Consciousness Sea vibrated violently.

"Children of the Protoss, I will never die with you!"

In the next moment, countless cracks began to appear on the stone wall in front of Lin Hao's eyes, and an extremely powerful breath followed these cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the stone wall shattered silently and turned into powder.

Without the barrier of the stone wall, Lin Hao's mental power immediately noticed that the passage in front of him was hundreds of miles long!

In other words, the broken body is still buried hundreds of miles away.

Before Lin Hao could react, a figure appeared in front of him.

The burly figure is extremely strong, and the whole body seems perfect.

The advantages of innate creatures, witches, gods, and humans all seem to be present in him.

For these, Lin Hao already knows something.

Innate creatures are born to get close to the power of heaven and earth, and when they practice, they get twice the result with half the effort.

The witches are born with strong physique.

Protoss has a unique advantage in the use of magical secrets.

The advantage of the human race is embodied in comprehension, with unlimited possibilities.

If the man named Shi Po in front of him said there was a defect in his body, it would be his eyes.

A pair of pupils, as black as ink, without brilliance.

It seems... it was caused by the erosion of the power of the external demon!

"I can help you resolve the trouble of the power of the demons. You should destroy the protoss here first!" Lin Hao said.

Shi Po gave a cold snort, raised his hand, and the next moment, he took Lin Hao with an extremely powerful posture, penetrated the ground, and appeared above the camp temporarily set up by the Beigong family.

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