Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1743: Rock burst

The first thousand and forty-three chapters broke out

At this moment, the entire camp of the Beigong family was completely chaotic.

Suddenly, this world was shaking, and an extremely tyrannical aura enveloped this world.

Lin Hao was right next to this stone, and he was very aware of the power of the stone.

The power around the Divine King Realm fluctuates, but it is much stronger than any Divine King Power Lin Hao has ever contacted!

If the **** body of the protoss is the standard of measurement.

Lin Hao felt that this stone break was at least equivalent to the ninth-order divine body of the Protoss!

According to Shi Po, his aura comes from the most powerful beings of innate creatures, witches, gods, and human races, which is equivalent to saying that it is normal to have such a powerful physique with the advantages of the four races.


It's not just Shipo alone.

There is also a group of beings similar to Shiba, using the majestic energy in the veins of the **** source stone to maintain their immortality.

Moreover, this batch of beings definitely not only exist in the God Realm of the Lower Three Heavens, the God Realm of the Middle Three Heavens, and the God Realm of the Upper Three Heavens must exist!

After all, they were in a battle with the demon outside the territory.

Being able to participate in the battle at that level, the cultivation base of the Divine King Realm should be only the weakest group.

In addition to this, there are bound to be some, which have not been corroded by the power of the external demon. Where are those lives?

The secrets of the Nine Heavens God Realm seemed to be quite a few.

Tier 9 Divine Body, as far as the Protoss that controls this era, is definitely quite rare!

Such a group of people, if they all possess a physique equivalent to the ninth-order **** body of the Protoss, what a terrifying force is that?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Lin Hao's mind.


But at this moment, all the powerful Heavenly God Realm of the Beigong family here are flying out like an enemy.

Shi Po snorted coldly.

Those who flew out of the Heavenly God Realm of the Beigong Clan, who were in the air, exploded into blood mist one after another, instantly disappearing into ashes.

"Protoss kid, **** it!"

Shi Po roared, the voice contained infinite killing intent, and with a wave of his hand, the majestic power fell down.

The people of the Protoss Beigong Clan below exploded one after another, and the mines of this divine source stone mine also collapsed!

In just a few breaths, there is only one Beigongnan of the Protoss Beigong family.

Bei Gongnan was covered in blood, lying in the ruins, watching this scene, already desperate.

The taboo that had fallen asleep here has recovered!

And beside this Taboo, there was a kid from their Protoss.

This person, he knew, was the only guard who went out with Bei Gongxiu before.

At this moment, Bei Gongnan had already guessed a lot.

The question appeared to Bei Gongxiu, and he finally understood why Bei Gongxiu hurriedly asked to leave the Heavenly Realm of God's Sky... That's it!

The reason why Bei Gongnan is still alive is because Shi Po didn't let him die.

Seeing Shiba, raised his hand and grabbed, Bei Gongnan, like a weak chicken, was lifted in front of Shiba by a handprint.

"Protoss, how many of my companions have been killed in these years." Shi Po's voice was extremely low and cold.

Bei Gongnan shivered and said, "I don't know... I don't know anything."

Shi Po took a deep breath and said, "I don't know...then die!"

In the next moment, Bei Gongnan was directly pinched and exploded, and there was no chance to even struggle.

"Are you all still there?"

Shi Po raised his head, looked at the sky above the abyss, and said slowly, his tone was desolate and heavy.

After a while.

Shi Po raised his head and lowered it. Two lines of black liquid flowed down the corner of his eyes.

Those are his tears.

He was calling for his companions just now, but no one responded. He was the only one left in the Heavenly Realm of Gods.

Although Lin Hao was still wary of this stone breaking, at this time, he could feel the feeling of stone breaking.

The companions who had fought side by side, due to their irreversible injuries, had to choose to sleep, maintain their immortality, and wait for the day before they set foot on the battlefield together.

But when tens of millions of years passed and when I woke up, I found that my companions had fallen, and only myself was left.

This kind of loneliness, grief, and loss cannot be disguised at all.

Perhaps, in addition to the God Realm, there are many other places in the God Realm that are the same as Shi Po, but those companions may also face the same experience.

Tens of millions of people choose to fall asleep, waiting to recover and then return to the battlefield. To them, this fall asleep is like ordinary people. The entrusted companion is a farewell.

The breath of Shisha's body began to become violent and uncontrollable.

The force of the tyrannical extraterritorial demon surged.

Cracks appeared on his body, and countless black blood eroded by the power of the outer heavenly demon began to flow.

If this continues, Shi Po will usher in the ending he has just told Lin Hao.

They can't make a move at all.

Once it takes a shot, it won't take long before everything will be completely annihilated by the power of the external demon.

Originally, out of fear, Lin Hao didn't intend to believe in Shipo so easily, and put forward the conditions to help Shipo suppress the power of the outer demon.

But now, Lin Hao changed his mind again.

The power of the Suppressing Demon Visualization Heart Sutra urged to the extreme, the brilliant golden light shrouded the stone.

Suddenly, Lin Hao felt the extremely powerful power of the extraterritorial demon fighting against his own power, which was countless times stronger than the Demon Seal that had been suppressed and refined in the True Martial Realm!

If it hadn't been for Lin Hao's mental power that had undergone an abnormal change, he had greatly increased the power of this Suppressing Demon Visualization Heart Sutra, and it really might not have been able to suppress the power of the extraterritorial demon that broke out on Shisha's body at this time.

A quarter of an hour later.

The power of the extraterritorial demon on Shiba's body was finally controlled.

His eyes, which were as dark as ink, also recovered a glimmer of brilliance.

At this moment, Lin Hao was very tired, and his mental energy was a little too exhausted.   A feeling of fatigue and weakness came like a tide.

"The True Martial God Emperor of your human race said at the beginning that he would find a way to dissolve the erosion of the power of the demon outside the domain, and he really succeeded.

However, your strength is too weak to change anything. Take me to see the Emperor Zhenwu. Only the Emperor Zhenwu can restore me immediately. Only the Emperor Zhenwu can restore my companion! "

Shi Po was anxious.

If they have been slumbering in the veins of the source of the gods and are discovered by the gods, it will be a dead end. He does not want to have his own companions and fall so suffocated.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, and said, "The Emperor Zhenwu has fallen."

Hearing this news, Shi Po suddenly widened his eyes, his face was unbelievable, his expression changed, and his expression was quite complicated.

But he knew that what Lin Hao said was not a lie.

The True Martial God Emperor, for the Human Race, is the supreme existence, and no Human Race dares to lie about this matter.

"The true martial emperor of the human race, who has stunning the heavens forever, and has a unique style, has also fallen..."

Even if Shiba is not a human race, Lin Hao can hear that Shiba is extremely admired for the Emperor Zhenwu.

"The **** emperor was troubled by the power of the demon clan back then, and he retreated to the real martial world. He just found a way to relieve the power of the demon clan, but was attacked and killed by the **** clan, so he died." Lin Hao said slowly. The tone also seemed heavy.

If the Emperor Zhenwu was still there, why would Human Race be in such a situation now.

Shi Po heard about the cause of the fall of the True Martial Emperor, and immediately clenched his fist, saying: "It is the Protoss again! Back then, if the Protoss had not retreated at a critical moment, how could we become what we are now? Besieged by the three great demon ancestors outside the territory...

For the battle of the era, the group of gods who are greedy for life and fear of death even ignore the current enemy, hateful, hateful! "

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