Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1758: the truth

Chapter 1758 The Truth

The silver snake and this Yin Su, are waiting for the arrival of the Yin family ancestor.

They really dare not act rashly anymore.

These days, the two have also suffered too much, hiding all the way, like a mouse crossing the street.

Yin Su, the first arrogant of the younger generation of the Witch clan, was so battered that he couldn't even repair his flesh and blood.

As the lord of the outer heavens of the Witch tribe, the silver snake of the pseudo-god king realm is not much better. He was defeated by Yang Guang, the top **** king of the human race and the **** of war palace, on the battlefield before finally recovering some strength. It was the end of the battle again after another.

Silver Snake just now, although he nodded and agreed to Yin Su and acted as Yin Su explained, he was still very entangled in his heart. He thought of Yuan Xian... Although Yuan Xian was arrogant and domineering, in the eyes of Yin Su, Yuan Xian was the one The most responsible person in the younger generation of the Wu Clan!

During the war, he was almost crushed by Yang Guang, the top **** king of the Human Race God of War. At that time, only Yuan Xian, a kid of true gods, dared to rush to save himself, very decisively using the spiritual power of the ancestor of the Yuan family. Blew himself and rescued himself.

Later, Yuan Xian discovered that the Protoss wanted to kill all of their Witch Clan. After learning the news, Yuan Xian didn't back down. He went deep into the tiger's den and told all the Witch Clan people who were still kept in the dark.

In the end, Yuan Xian joined everyone to kill the enemy in blood and rush out...


The two brothers and sisters of the Yin family were too much. They even took advantage of Yuan Xian's serious injury and took advantage of Yuan Xian's serious injury. The persecuted Yuan Xian blew himself up in despair.

Although Yuan Xian pulled the Yinqin and died together.

But in Silver Snake's eyes, all of this is not worth it.

Yin Su deserves to die, the fall of Yuan Xian is a huge loss for the Wu Clan.

"Master Silver Snake, I'll say it one more time, I Yin Su did not take the initiative to attack Yuan Xian, it was Yuan Xian who did it to our brother and sister!" Yin Su was very uncomfortable being watched by Silver Snake!

Silver Snake said: "Don't worry, Young Master Yin, in my life, Silver Snake can go to this point, knowing what to say and what not to say."

Yin Su gave a cold snort, no longer spoke, and made a decision in his heart.

Even if Silver Snake, he will do what he said next, but this person can't stay, if one day he tells the truth, the consequences will be unimaginable.


What the silver snake said is not the truth at all!

The truth is what I let Silver Snake explain!

Yin Su's heart became more and more irritable, he obviously didn't do anything, but now, even he feels that he is covering up the truth...

"Damn Yuan Xian, **** Protoss, all this damn!"

Yin Su continued to curse in his heart. He just wanted to leave quickly and return to the outer world of the Wu Clan.

After a while, the space was torn apart, and several figures appeared.

A deep joy appeared on Yin Su's face, looking at the figure rushing out of the void.

However, the next moment, the excitement on Yin Su's face completely solidified, and the whole person became stiff!

The people who came were not only the ancestors of their Yin family, but also the ancestors of the Feng family, the ancestors of the Yuan family... and, Yuan Xian!

"Yuan Xian, you are not dead!"

Yin Su gritted his teeth and said, with endless hatred.

Lin Hao sneered and said, "You brothers and sisters want me to die, but I have known your calculations a long time ago. Fortunately, I kept a hand. I'm sorry, I let you down!"

"Master Yuan!"

Silver Snake is really excited.

It's great that Yuan Xian is not dead!

"Where is Qin'er?" Yin Wuxin, the ancestor of the Yin family, looked at Yin Su's miserable appearance at this time, frowned, and waved his hand by the way, a force poured into Yin Su's body to help him control his injury.

Yin Su and Yin Qin are the top arrogances of their Yin family.

However, Yin Su is not a direct descendant of Yin Wuxin, but a direct descendant of Yin Wuxin's elder brother, Yin Wuxin. Yin Wuxin's direct descendant is Yin Qin.

Yin Su hurriedly knelt down and said: "Old ancestor, Qin'er has fallen, and the murderer, it is Yuan Xian, and asks the ancestor to seek justice for Qin'er!"

"It's nonsense, it's clearly your brother and sister. If you want to harm me, Yin Qin will be killed by me!" Lin Hao shouted coldly at this time.

"Say, what the **** is going on!" Yuan Xiao also spoke at this time, a powerful pressure enveloped the audience with no secret of killing.

"Su'er, tell all the circumstances in detail." Yin Wuxin said while helping Yin Su block Yuan Xiao's momentum and murderous impact.

"Return to the ancestors, at that time, the Protoss wanted to destroy all of our Wu people, Qin'er, Lord Silver Snake, and this Yuan Xian broke out of the siege and found a place to rest for a while.

Lord Silver Snake was patrolling outside, but Yuan Xian suddenly attacked our siblings. Qin'er and I were injured too severely. However, Yuan Xian was unable to succeed even with our best efforts.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Xian blew himself up on the spot, playing the piano and perishing together.

It now appears that Yuan Xian had been prepared for a long time, and that body that exploded was just a puppet of him! "

"Palace Master Yuan, this is the truth you want? Although your Yuan family is powerful, our Yin Family is not allowed to be bullied by you. This matter, our Yin Family is endless!" Yin Wuxin also said murderously.

"Xian'er, is that true?" Yuan Xiao looked calm.

Lin Hao sneered, and said: "I have said the passage before, but Palace Master Yin and Palace Master Feng think it is my one-sided word. Now, just a few words like Yin Su can represent the truth?"

The ancestor of the Feng family changed his expression and said, "This matter has to be discussed in a long-term view. The truth is still uncertain."

"Long-term plan? No, Lord Silver Snake knows the truth best!" Lin Hao coldly shouted.

"Master Silver Snake was patrolling outside at the time and didn't know it." Yin Su said hurriedly. Silver Snake had indeed agreed to him just now and did what he said.

But now, Yin Su dared not let Silver Snake speak.

Yuan Xian is still alive and the ancestor of the Yuan family is here. He feels that Silver Snake will never say what he promised before.

Yin Wuxin realized Yin Su's thoughts, and said: "Since it is necessary to investigate, it is natural to return to the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine and check again. This is the battlefield between the Human Race and the Protoss. If they are affected by their battle, it will be tricky."

"Hold on!" How could Yuan Xiao let Yin Wuxin succeed? He also saw that Yin Wuxin still had Yin Su, and his heart was guilty.

If you return to the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine and investigate again, the energy of the Yin Family is still not small, and Yuan Xiao is not sure that he can stare at the Yin Family to death. In case something happens to the key witness of the Silver Snake, the matter this time There will never be the truth again.

"Silver snake, say everything you know, without missing a word!" Yuan Xiao shouted, then looked at the ancestor of the Feng family again, and said: "Palace Master Feng, I hope you can be a fair witness ."

The ancestor of the Feng family nodded and said: "Definitely!"

The silver snake gritted his teeth, and finally it was his turn to speak.

He knew that his words, no matter which side they were biased, would cause a huge upheaval in the Wu Clan.

Whoever pleases, the result is the same.

If this is the case, then tell the truth about what you know, without fabricating it at all!

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