Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1759: Time to wrap up

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine chapters should be finished

"Enlighten Palace Master Yuan, Palace Master Yin, Palace Master Feng, I Silver Snake, but I can swear to the Twelve Ancestor Witch that every word that follows will be nothing false. If there is any deception, I am willing to bear any punishment!"

The silver snake swears, for the witch tribe, swearing in the name of the twelve ancestor witch is the most serious and sacred.

"This time, the Silver Snake was ordered to protect all the young masters. After entering the heavenly realm of the gods, the human race discovered our whereabouts and launched an attack..."

No one interrupted the silver snake.

However, after the silver snake revealed the truths he knew one by one, the expressions of everyone changed in different ways.

According to the silver snake.

Yuan Xian has a deep understanding of justice, responsibility and courage.

Facing the top **** king of the Human Race God of War, there was no fear at all.

Then he learned the truth that the Protoss wanted to kill people, and did not hesitate to inform everyone of the Wu Clan of this news if he committed a risk.

Finally, Yin She saw Yuan Xian blew himself up under the siege of Yin Su Yin Qin brother and sister...

Yuan Xiao's face was full of indignation.

Yuan Xian, a descendant of the Yuan family, is so good, if it weren't for the mind, he would definitely have been planted in the hands of the Yin family.

The ancestor of the Feng family, his expression is complicated, the seven-star ancient temple, the contradiction between the Yuan family and the Yin family, this time, the incident of Yuan Xian will be used as the fuse, and it will be completely detonated.

Yin Wuxin, the ancestor of the Yin family, looked flustered.

What the Silver Snake said was very unfavorable to their Yin Family. Next, if the Yin Family does not give the Yuan Family an explanation, then they will not only face the Yuan Family’s revenge, but they will also face all the heavens outside the God Realm in the next three days. Witch of the heavens!

"Ancestor, this is not true, this is not true!" Yin Su exclaimed anxiously.

Yuan Xiao snorted coldly, the truth was already in front of him, no matter where he was concerned, he suddenly slapped it and hit Yin Su.


Yin Wuxin shot in time and stopped Yuan Xiao.

"Yuan Xiao, don't go too far!" Yin Wuxin shouted.

"Excessive? It's ridiculous. If it wasn't for Yuan Xian, a descendant of our Yuan family, your Yin family would have been wiped out by the Protoss, but you don’t know how to be grateful. On the contrary, you will murder my descendants of the Yuan family. I, Yuan Xiao, today, If we don’t kill this waste, where will I leave the Yuan family’s face in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine in the future!"

"All this, return to the Seven Star Ancient Shrine to decide!" Yin Wuxin shouted.

"Yes, it is true that after returning to the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, you still have to make a decision. However, when you return to the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate your Yin family. Maybe, this matter is what you old guys are instructing behind. Yes, now, I, Yuan Xiao, must kill this stinky boy first!"

While talking, Yuan Xiao and Yin Wuxin fought again.

Between Yin Wuxin's hands, a strong force shielded Yin Wuxin and sent it a distance.

Lin Hao was also protected by Yuan Xiao's force and sent him aside.

As for the ancestors of the Feng family, he didn't bother and interfere.

In the dispute between the Yuan family and the Yin family, their Feng family did not dare to blend in.

Moreover, he also had other ideas at this time. The Yuan family and the Yin family will inevitably lose out in the dispute. When the time comes, they will benefit from the Feng family.

The Silver Snake was swept up by the aftermath of Yuan Xiao and Yin Wuxin's strength, and his body exploded into blood mist, and then finally rushed out of the terrifying storm raging area.

Although he is a strong man in the false **** king realm, his current state is not comparable to an ordinary god, and he is very weak.

"Master Yuan, you are fine, that's great!"

Silver Snake took the opportunity to rush to Lin Hao and said flatly.

"Master Silver Snake, my puppet blew himself up. Even if this Yin Su is immortal, he won't be able to wake up in a short time. How did he recover to his current level?"

"Master Yuan calms down!" Yin Snake's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and said: "At that time, I had to take Young Master Yin away and try to heal him..."

There is no way to hide this, Silver Snake had to explain it.

Of course, this is also part of Lin Hao's plan.

He knew that the silver snake would save Yin Su.

Moreover, I also knew the thoughts of this silver snake. If he really returned to the God of War Palace with the big brother Huo Cang, and the silver snake returned to the Seven Star Ancient God Palace with Yin Su, the truth in his mouth might be another situation.

This silver snake is just an opportunist and a horror.

Fortunately, Lin Hao stayed on the battlefield and took the initiative to bring Yuan Xiao and the others to find Silver Snake together.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort and ignored the silver snake.

And Silver Snake stayed beside Lin Hao, and his heart was full of anxiety.


The battle between Yuan Xiao and Yin Wuxin was fierce.

Although Yin Wuxin was suppressed, it was not without the strength to fight back.

As for that Yin Su, Lin Hao didn't take any action to solve his thoughts. He couldn't take a move. Once he took it, his breath of strength was absolutely exposed.

In this situation, the tone of the Wu clan infighting has been set.

But Lin Hao couldn't leave.

Once gone, the Wu clan absolutely doubted that the situation created with great difficulty would turn into a bubble again.

But it won't work if he doesn't leave. The time for Shi Po to help him transform the Witch Clan's breath is approaching.

Right now, Lin Hao realized that perhaps he could not hide his identity.

Therefore, it is necessary to maximize the hatred of the Yuan family and the Yin family of the Wu clan before revealing their identity!

If Yin Wuxin died in Yuan Xiao's hands.

At that time, even if the Wu clan knew that all of this was his own calculation, it would be useless.

The Yin Family and the Yuan Family are still at odds.

But even though Yuan Xiao could suppress Yin Wuxin, it was not so easy to kill Yin Wuxin... and seeing this, Yuan Xiao didn't mean to kill Yin Wuxin.

Now, only let Shi Po help out.

It doesn't matter if the silver snake is next to him. With the silver snake in this state, I don't want to find out.

But the problem is that if the ancestor of the Feng family was watching the battle, if Lin Hao contacted Shipo, he would immediately be exposed.

Therefore, Lin Hao looked at the ancestors of the Feng family and said: "I also ask Palace Master Feng to take action to stop this battle first, and then go back to the Seven Star Ancient Shrine to deal with it."

The ancestor of the Feng family looked at Lin Hao and said, "Why, you don't want revenge?"

Lin Hao said, "This account, of course, has to be calculated. I, Yuan Xian, can't suffer these grievances in vain. However, the overall situation is more important. Now this area is the battlefield between the human race and the gods. If the gods and the human race are aware of this side The news came and the consequences would be disastrous."

The ancestor of the Feng family nodded and said, "You kid, in terms of the overall situation, it's pretty good."

Having said that, the ancestor of the Feng family rushed towards Yuan Xiao who was fighting and the area where Yin Wuxin was located. He didn't want to stay in the Shenxiao Celestial Realm anymore. The Yuan family fought against the Yin family and returned to the Seven Star Ancient Shrine. .

Fighting here... not to mention the high risk, the Feng family ancestor also understood that he was on the sidelines and couldn't get out of the relationship.

The ancestor of the Feng family left, Lin Hao no longer had any scruples, and secretly pinched the seal with one hand. This was the method of contact passed to him by Shi Po.

"Senior Trouble Stone shot, pretending to be Yuan Xiao's helper, killing Yin Wuxin."


As the ancestors of the Feng family joined the fight to stop Yuan Xiao and Yin Wuxin, the two of them were about to stop.

But the next moment, a powerful force suddenly came.

"Palace Master Yuan, I'll help you!"


A huge handprint fell under pressure, and Yin Wuxin's body was torn apart.

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