Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1767: End of the war

Chapter 1767 The end of the war

The final duel between the human race and the **** race in the heavens of the gods, centered on the battle line of tens of millions of miles in the mountain of gods, lasted more than half a month.

The Protoss finally lost, and then withdrew from the Heavenly Realm of Shenxiao.

The Terran triumphed.

At this point, completely control the heavenly realm of Shenxiao.

Moreover, this final result is quite different from what was once expected.

Because, before the start of this battle, the Human Race had already prepared for a large number of casualties, and at all costs, they would also win the Heavenly Realm of Gods.

But no one thought that the Protoss would have such a serious infighting.

The internal strife of the Protoss alone caused the fall of more than 20 Protoss kings. Moreover, in the entire Shenduanshan battlefield, the line of defense that originally belonged to the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tiansui Divine Tribe was also due to this Protoss internal conflict. , Self-defeating.

After winning this battle.

Huo Cang finally chose to publicly announce the return of their little junior brother Lin Hao.

Moreover, he also informed everyone of Lin Hao's plans on the battlefield!

Lin Hao's credit and dedication should not be hidden.

These things don't need to be hidden, the Protoss and Witches, even if they know it, it doesn't matter.

It is a fact that the Tianqi God Tribe and the Tian Sui God Tribe united the Wu Clan to eradicate the Tianyun God Tribe, and the Tianyun God Tribe invited the power of the God Tribe’s major divine tribe to come to help and jointly destroy the Tian Qi God Tribe and the Tian Sui God What happened in the Ministry has already happened and cannot be changed.

On the side of the Wu Clan, civil strife is also doomed. The ancestor Yin Wuxin of the Yin Family of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine was killed and could not get rid of the relationship with Yuan Xiao. The remaining ancestors of the Yin Family will definitely fight against Yuan Xiao. !

"Palace Master Lin is back, congratulations!"

"Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, the key to determining the outcome of this battle is that Palace Master Lin has ventured out so many plans in secret."

"Palace Master Lin guarded the True Martial Realm and the foundation of our human race more than 20 years ago. This time he is reborn from the ashes, and he has established this great victory for our human race. Please also Palace Master Huo to be able to Let us, go to see Palace Master Lin together, so that we can have the opportunity to represent the human race and personally thank Palace Master Lin!"

A group of gods, their hearts are full of deep admiration for Lin Hao.

Huo Cang shook his head and said, "Everyone, now the gods have all evacuated from the surface of the gods, but secretly, the gods must have a lot of arrangements.

Therefore, we cannot relax our vigilance next, we must thoroughly investigate and eliminate these hidden dangers one by one.

As for my junior brother Lin, he was involved in a big battle not long ago, and his injuries are not minor, and he still needs to recuperate. "

Mu Yang, the palace lord of Yanhuang Shrine, also nodded, cooperating with Huo Cang's words, and said: "Palace Master Huo is very true. Later, I will represent everyone and go to see Palace Master Lin."

Since Huo Cang and Mu Yang had said so, everyone had no objections and left one after another.


"Junior Sister, for the follow-up, you will work hard here. I and the Palace Master, I will go to meet the little junior brother first." Huo Cang looked at Nie Ru and said.

Although we won, we can clean up the battlefield and count the number of casualties in the Palace of War, etc. There is still a lot to do.


After more than half a month in the rear base camp of the Human Race, Lin Hao's Soul Consciousness Sea has also recovered more than half.

These days, he has been repairing the Sea of ​​Divine Soul Consciousness, and he did not go to help the stone destroy the power of the extraterritorial demon in his body.

As for the progress of Yang Guang following Shi Po and cultivating six reincarnation fists, Lin Hao still understands. After all, his third senior brother Yang Guang ran up to him in two days, cursing and complaining.

Practicing six reincarnation fists is too difficult.

More importantly, Shi Po's method of instructing Yang Guang's combat skill was also quite brutal and rude.

Focusing on fighting, let Yang Guang feel in the battle.

As you can imagine, the Lord of the Three Palaces of the dignified God of War Palace, the top powerhouse of the Human Race in the God Realm in the next three days, was beaten miserably every day.

However, Yang Guang is also a ruthless person.

Even if he came to Lin Hao from time to time to curse and complain, but after that, he did not hesitate to find Shi Po to be abused.

He has a preliminary understanding of the six reincarnation fists, he has realized the power of this combat technique, and has tasted the sweetness, how can he give up!

Today, as before, Yang Guanggang complained with tears in his eyes for a while. As soon as his front foot left, Huo Cang and Mu Yang appeared in front of Lin Hao with their back feet.

"Big Brother." Lin Hao got up and saluted Huo Cang.

Huo Cang said, "Little Junior Brother, this is the Palace Master of Yanhuang Shrine."

"Lin Hao has seen Palace Master Mu." Lin Hao said, he also prepared to show courtesy to Mu Yang.

Mu Yang hurriedly grabbed Lin Hao's hands and said: "Palace Master Lin, you have paid too much for Human Race, the next three days of God Realm, my Human Race, no one is qualified to receive this gift from you. I should do this to you. A gift, thanks to Palace Master Lin for all this brought to the human race."

Huo Cang looked at Lin Hao, nodded, and motioned Lin Hao to accept Mu Yang's gift.

With that, Mu Yang bowed his hands and bowed to Lin Hao very solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang said: "I heard Palace Master Huo said that Palace Master Lin was involved in an interception from the Supervisor of the Three Heavens Temple and suffered injuries. As well as the injuries of the Origin World, they all have miraculous effects. Palace Master Lin accepts them and uses them to treat injuries."

This Nine Transformation God Origin Liquid, when you listen to its effects, you know that it is quite precious, and it has a great effect on healing the wounds of the strong God King.

Lin Hao said, "Palace Master Mu, my injury is no longer a serious problem. Please take this Nine Turns Divine Origin Liquid, and give it to Palace Master Mu who are injured in the Divine King Realm of my human race."

This kind of resource is extremely scarce for the Human Race. Lin Hao is very aware of his injuries. He does not need to use such a precious Nine Turns Divine Origin Liquid. It is not used by him. It is better to use it out to give the Human Race some wounded God King Realm. By.

Mu Yang insisted on sending the Nine Turns God Source Liquid to Lin Hao, saying: "With the deeds of Palace Master Lin, this is a mere nine turns God Source Liquid..."

Before Mu Yang finished speaking, Huo Cang interrupted him and said, "Junior Brother Lin, I will accept it for you. It happened that a few old folks suffered serious injuries. I will send them away. give them."

Huo Cang accepted the Nine Ranks Divine Origin Liquid for Lin Hao, and then turned around, saying: "Junior Brother Lin, Palace Master is coming this time, there is one more thing."

Lin Hao said, "It's related to Senior Shi Po, right."

Mu Yang nodded and said: "Just now, Palace Master Huo and I just arrived in this area, and the senior Shiba said that he did not want to see us, but we must clarify the things about senior Shiba. There are certain things, I hope Palace Master Lin can truthfully tell me and Palace Master Huo."

Lin Hao could actually guess why Shi Po did not want to see them.

See you, there is nothing to say.

What Shi Po was willing to say had already been told to himself. In other words, Shi Po was originally planning to let Lin Hao explain these issues.

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