Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1768: Nie Ru's emotions

Chapter 1768: Nie Ru's Emotion

"Palace Master Lin, I heard from Palace Master Huo that this Senior Stonebreaker, with the aura of Human Race, Witch Race, Protoss, and innate creatures?" Mu Yang said.

"That's right, Senior Shiba has these advantages in one body. Moreover, the original combat power can reach the realm of the Holy God, but the strength is exhausted and cannot be supplemented, so it can only be maintained in the realm of the King of God.

I found Senior Stonebreaker in the veins of the source of the gods.

There are many of the same existences as the predecessors of Shiba. They are all buried in the veins of some gods' source stones. They have the power of extraterritorial demon, and there is always the risk of being corroded by the power of extraterritorial demon.

However, in the heavenly realm of the gods, there are no more companions of the predecessors of the stone breaking. Previously, once the gods found a certain source of the gods, which existed like the senior stone of the gods, they would explode and destroy them. "

With a sigh of relief, Lin Hao told all the news he knew.

There is nothing to hide.

After hearing the words, Mu Yang pondered for a moment, and then said: "It seems that Senior Shiba should be a member of the Most Holy Army!"

"The Most Holy Army?"

Lin Hao and Huo Cang both showed doubts on their faces.

Huo Cang, after all, had spent most of his time in the virtual **** realm before, and he didn't know much about the secrets of the **** realm.

And Yanhuang Shrine, as the leader of the Human Race in the God Realm of the next three days, naturally knows a lot.

Mu Yang nodded and said: "The Most Holy Army, from the Supreme Hall.

The Supreme Hall is said to have existed in the Age of the First God.

The one who created the Supreme Palace is a Supreme. "

"What is supreme?" Huo Cang asked.

Lin Hao had heard Shi Po say about this. However, Shi Po said it was very general and did not explain too much to Lin Hao. Therefore, Lin Hao also had a look of expectation on his face, hoping to come from Muyang. , To learn more.

Mu Yang's gaze revealed the color of thinking, and said: "What is the supreme...I don't know, but this supreme should be a transcendent existence that transcends the realm of the **** emperor.

The Supreme Hall was created by the Supreme. They never participated in the epoch dispute. The meaning of existence seemed to be to resist the invasion of the heavenly demons outside the territory.

It is said that the master of the Supreme Hall has been planning a major event to create the most perfect life.

Therefore, whether it is the Era of the Early Gods, the Era of the Ancient Gods, or the Era of the Protoss, the most outstanding powerhouse in any era will receive an invitation from the Lord of the Supreme Hall.

And the master of the Supreme Hall, inviting these powerful men who can suppress an era, is also to create the most perfect life.

This kind of life, just like the predecessor Shiba, has gathered the advantages of multiple creatures in one body.

Because of this, the Supreme Palace possesses the Most Holy Army, and everyone in the Most Holy Army has a powerful combat power that can display the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Before that, I always thought that this was just a illusory rumor, and now it seems that all of this is true! "

As the palace owner of Yanhuang Divine Palace, Mu Yang did know a lot of information, but most of them were guesses, heard, and couldn't be sure.

Huo Cang was lost in thought.

Lin Hao said, "Palace Master, Supreme Hall, has it disappeared?"

Mu Yang frowned slightly, thought about it, and said: "The rumor about the Supreme Palace never appeared again more than 30 million years ago. As for what it is, I can't be sure.

In this matter, I will contact the Xuanyuan Shrine of our human race in Zhong San Tian before making a decision. "

Since it involved that **** and extremely powerful Supreme Palace, Mu Yang couldn’t make up his mind. He had to contact the Xuanyuan Shrine of the Middle Three Heavens Human Race, and the Xuanyuan Shrine, I’m afraid he would have to contact the Human Race of the Three Heavens God Realm. The Ancestral Shrine can finally make a decision on how to deal with the relationship with Shipo.


Mu Yang did not stay here for a long time.

After Mu Yang left, Huo Cang also took the initiative to visit Shi Po.

Before Shi broke, he didn't want to see Huo Cang Muyang because he knew that Huo Cang Muyang came here with suspicion.

And now, Huo Cang is purely visiting and expressing gratitude to Shipo to help Lin Hao get out of trouble and to pass on Yang Guang's six reincarnation fist.

A few days later.

Lin Hao's soul consciousness finally recovered completely!

And Nie Ru, finally completed the inventory of the battlefield, and returned with all those who participated in the war in the Palace of War.


"Big Brother Lin!"

Liu Ting was extremely excited when seeing Lin Hao, her eyes were reddish.

She had always participated in the battle with the people from the God of War, and had not been with Jiang Chen and the others. Therefore, she had no knowledge of the news of Lin Hao's return before.

But when Nie Ru told Liu Ting the news, Liu Ting's emotions had never calmed down these days.

Now, I finally saw Lin Hao and shouted out Brother Lin, but she didn't know how to continue.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and nodded.

"Ting'er, pay attention to seniority!"

At this time, a slightly serious voice sounded.

The speaker is Nie Ru.

Liu Ting worshipped into Nie Ru's seat. According to seniority, he should call Lin Hao, Master!

Liu Ting hurriedly changed her words and said, "Ting'er has seen Master Uncle."

Lin Hao smiled helplessly, and said, "When there are no outsiders, you don't need to be so restrained."

Immediately, Lin Hao looked at Nie Ru behind Liu Ting, took a deep breath, and said, "I have seen Senior Sister."

Huo Cang's concern for Lin Hao has always been reflected in the general direction.

Yang Guang is careless and not good at expressing emotions.

Although Nie Ru is known as the female tyrannosaurus, he still cared and helped Lin Hao, whether in cultivation or in some life.

Therefore, Lin Hao felt the most cordial to Nie Ru.

Nie Ru was stern, still very serious, nodded, and said: "Where have you been in the past twenty years!"

Why didn't you come back to report to us at once?

Finally survived, still messing around on the battlefield!

But I promised your parents, after this war, I will take you back, in case something do you ask me to explain to them! "

Reprimanded by Nie Ru.

Lin Hao felt warm in his heart and said, "Sister, Junior Brother knows something wrong."

Nie Ru was silent for a moment, thinking about reprimanding a few more words, but the serious expression on her face could no longer be maintained, and her tone of voice eased down. Excitement and relief appeared on her face, saying: "From now on, your kid, Don't take this risk anymore..."

The Second Palace Master of the God of War in the Void God Realm, known as the Tyrannosaurus, was a little choked at this moment.

"Just come back, we have been waiting for you, and your parents have been waiting for you." Nie Ru said.

Lin Hao nodded heavily.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the world shook suddenly.

A breath of extremely violent power emerged.

Nie Ru's face suddenly became difficult to look, and he was so angry.

"Yang Guang bastard, if I don't beat him down today, he is my senior!" With that, Nie Ru waved his hand and took Lin Hao and left the house.

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