Kong Bai opened his eyes and had a headache!

Last night, I ate barbecue with a few fox friends who usually complicit in each other.

One of the guys, as if he had some serious brain disease, kept sneering at him!

Is Kong Bai such a good-tempered person?

Immediately asked for a few bottles of white wine, dun on the table, said to blow the bottle, who does not dare, is the real grandson!

Finally, personnel is unconscious ....

"The headache is to death! Where is ITM?

Kong Bai glanced left and right, lying on a single bed, an unfamiliar environment, very dirty and messy.

Only on the bedside table, there was a small white medicine bottle and a glass of water.

Pick up the medicine bottle and look at it, and write a line of small words on it, "headache special effect medicine".

Kong Bai had a headache, no matter, twisted the medicine bottle, there was only a white tablet.

Swallowed the water, breathed a long sigh of relief, and turned the medicine bottle around again to take a closer look.

I saw three big words written on the other side of the medicine bottle: "Brain fragment

" Kong Bai just exited a sentence of "lying groove", and suddenly, I only heard a voice ringing in my head: "

The system fell from the sky, and the host became a god!"

"System loading... 3%... 8%... 38%... 99%..."

"System load complete."

"Given that the system is booting for the first time, please name the host!"

Kong Bai was stunned!

What is the situation, why is it still systematic?

But in the blink of an eye, it was overjoyed and surprised!

"Are you the system?"

"Is it the system in the online novels that young people love to read?"

The system repeats: "Please name the host first!"

Kong Bai's brain was still hurting, and he said a little impatiently:

"You are my little brother, just call it Xiaobai!"

The system immediately responded:

"The system naming is complete, and the Xiaobai system is officially launched!"

Kong Bai hurriedly asked

, "Xiaobai, what can you do?"

The system replied:

"This system is a 'super black technology system' developed by the Interstellar Super Technology Alliance."

"This system comes with the latest super technology knowledge base in the universe!"

"This system can help the host become a god-like man!"

Kong Bai is overjoyed, he has won the universe-level lottery jackpot!

I'm awesome now!

Then I felt that my head still hurt, so I said to the system:

"Xiaobai, solve my headache first!"

Xiao Bai replied,

"Willing to serve the host!"

Kong Bai only felt that his brain was cool for a while, and his mind was refreshed!

What headaches, dizziness and brain swelling, all gone in smoke!

Kong Bai only felt that his current brain was extremely clear!

Consciousness and brain are more sensitive than ever!

Suddenly, a large wave of memories flooded into my mind!

"What? This is? Kong

Bai, who was stunned for more than ten minutes, quickly got up and got out of bed, kicked over several wine bottles and a bench next to the bed, and looked around for mirrors!

Found it, there is a washing mirror in the bathroom.

Kong Bai looked at the strange, young, slightly pale face in the mirror, and felt that his brain was blank!

"Is this me? When did you have plastic surgery?

Then he suddenly remembered that he still had a system, and if he didn't understand, he asked

, "Xiaobai, do you know what I am?"

The voice of the system sounded in his head:

"Host, you have crossed over!"

Kong Bai was dumbfounded and asked

, "What, why did I still cross?"

The system said:

"The host is in another parallel universe, a place called Earth, and it dies due to excessive drinking."

"Then travel to this parallel universe space, also called Earth."

"The history of the Earth in these two parallel universes is similar."

"The host is now located in the Huaxia Civilization, New Dragon Kingdom, Donghai Province, Baihai City, and Nanming District."

"The host is also called Kong Bai now, and he is a senior."

Kong Bai looked at himself in the mirror, and with the narration of the system, he slowly awakened the memories that had just poured in!

In the end, he still died on the wine table.

In this life, he is also called Kong Bai, but he is an orphan without a father or mother, and he grew up in welfare.

The reason why it is called "Kong Bai" is because when registering the household registration, the name column is blank.

The household registration police moved smartly, played a homophonic terrier, and then filled in the name of "Kong Bai" in the household registration.

Kong Bai of this time and space is a student scum mixed in a third-rate university.

I studied engineering, and I either worked everywhere to earn money all day, or I worked part-time online to earn pocket money, and my time was spent on making money, and my college grades were a batch of scum.

Now that I am about to graduate, my job is not available, and I don't have much money, so I found a night club to work.

When delivering drinks last night, I accidentally offended a rich old lady and was slapped in the mouth by her!

In front of so many people at the scene, let yourself kneel and shout "Queen spare your life"!

And let yourself climb all the way from the box to the door of the nightclub!

Those people around were making noise and watching the excitement together....

People who are so instigated and need money can't bear this humiliation and resign in anger!

Come back and drink in the rental house to relieve your worries, until you drink to death and be worn by yourself.

"Now that I have eaten brain fragments, with the Xiaobai system, I will become a god-like man!"

"Little brother Kong Bai, you can go at ease, your body will be handed over to me!"

Kong Bai's eyes were slightly red, and he clenched his fists and whispered.

Sorted out my emotions a little.

Looking around, this kennel-like rental cabin.

Flip out the phone from the bedside and a full Apple logo is on the back of the phone!

"It's kind of interesting that the apples of this world haven't been bitten."

According to memory, open this second-hand Apple 7 that Kong Bai bought and fell behind, find the Wearnes wallet, and sure enough, the balance is less than two thousand.

In the previous life, although I studied scum, I mixed well later!

After graduating, he opened a human resources company, specializing in deceiving those juniors and sisters who have just stepped into the society, under the guise of introducing jobs, to cheat an intermediary fee.

There's no way, you have to survive.

I used to have ideals, and the original intention of opening a company was also good.

However, he worked hard and hard in the early days, and the result was a miserable mix!

Later, I almost couldn't even afford the rent!

I can't do it myself with all kinds of bells and whistles, unrealistic, open-mouthed, and nonsense!

Kong Bai, who was forced to be anxious, was open-minded!

Isn't it just playing Infinite Streaming?

Compared to the no lower limit, I really haven't been afraid of anyone!

Whoever makes those young people love to see this and believe this, there is no way!

If you don't have a brain, then you can all come to the bowl of the master!

"System Xiaobai, I don't want to do nothing in this life, I order you to start taking me off, I want to become a god-like man!"

Kong Bai's eyes gradually cleared, and he said firmly to the system in his head.

"Understand, Xiaobai will serve the host wholeheartedly!"

"After the system retrieval, the host only needs to complete one task to get the advanced technology rewarded by the system!"

"Please come up with the question!"

Kong Bai was preoccupied with listening to what the task of the system was!

The system said:

"What is 1+1 equal to the host?"

Kong Bai breathed a sigh of relief, when he was about to blurt out the answer "2", if he thought about it, no matter how brain-dead, it would not be so easy, right?

Suddenly remembered that in his last life, when he often lied to girls when he was drunk, he played those brain teasers, that is, how to answer is wrong!

So Kong Bai Chicken Thief shouted:

"I don't know! The premise is different, the answer is different!

"Ding-dong! The host answered correctly! Reward continuous controlled fusion technology! Just

as Kong Bai wanted to cheer loudly, the sound of the system sounded again!

At the same time, remind the host that this is both a reward and the next task!

"The goal of the mission is to ask the host to make continuous and controllable nuclear fusion technology as much as possible, which attracts the high attention of human society!"

"The system evaluates the completion of the host task after 480 hours, which is 20 days!"

"Mission completion is assessed based on a combination of the host's current survival status, actions taken, and the level of social attention to this technology after the countdown ends."

"The system will evaluate the completion of the task by the host after taking into account the above factors!"

"The evaluation results are based on a 100-point scale, and the points are different, and the rewards are different!"

"If the host abandons the task, or the task score is lower than 60, the system will erase all consciousness of the host and detach from the host!"

"Task countdown, from the time the host receives the reward of the previous task!"

"Please host to receive information about continuous controllable nuclear fusion technology!"

In an instant, a huge flow of information rushed into Kong Bai's brain!

The amount of data was so large that Kong Bai, whose brain had been shriveled for a long time, suddenly lost consciousness...

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