After I don't know how long, Kong Bai slowly woke up.

The first consciousness when I woke up was that I seemed to have been poured a spoonful of hot oil on my head, and I had a hot, tearing headache.

"It hurts so much, I can't stand it! Xiaobai! Hurry up and help me! Kong

Bai powerlessly called for the help of the system.

"Sorry, host! Your brain has been idle for too long, and the vast majority of brain cells have degenerated.

"The amount of knowledge about continuous controlled nuclear fusion is too large for you right now."

"Because the perfusion of knowledge reactivates your degraded brain cells, the brain cells and neural network system are reactivated."

"This growing pain, which cannot be treated systematically, can only be quickly absorbed by the host you."

"After you digest and understand this knowledge, your headache will be significantly reduced and disappeared, otherwise, this pain will stay with you for the rest of your life."

"Happy life to the host! I wish the host to get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible!

Kong Bai gritted his teeth to endure this extreme pain, and after listening to the system, he rolled his eyes with anger, and fainted again....

I don't know how long has passed, Kong Bai woke up again, he felt that his head hurt more, it seems that this splash is still chili oil, especially the kind that is strong!

Endure the pain, remembering the "comfort" of the system just now, Kong Bai wants to cry without tears, what else can be done, hurry up and start doing it!

If you quickly digest and absorb this knowledge, it is estimated that the rest of your so-called life will not have long!

Kong Bai gritted his teeth and got up little by little, not daring to shake his head vigorously, for fear of shaking the tofu inside into tofu brains.

It took half a day of strength before lying in bed, and the headache did not ease in the slightest.

"I fell into the pit of the system, there is no way, I can only learn quickly!"

"This little white is still real, just a continuous controllable nuclear fusion, attached to plasma physics, nuclear physics, electromagnetism, electricity, microelectronics, materials science and other knowledge..." Kong

Bai held back the brain pulp that did not want to ripen quickly, and began to learn and digest and absorb this knowledge from scratch in his head....

Not to mention, the effect was not obvious at first, but as Kong Bai slowly understood these words and mathematical formulas that were similar to the heavenly book, the symptoms of headaches continued to ease significantly.

"Nuclear fusion is the process by which two lighter nuclei converge into one heavier nucleus and release energy."

"The most easily achievable fusion reaction in nature is the fusion of deuterium and tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, which has been on the sun for 5 billion years."

"Controlled nuclear fusion is commonly known as artificial sun, because the principle of the sun is nuclear fusion reaction..." In

this way, Kong Bai slowly immersed himself in it, from the difficulty of understanding at the beginning, to the water in the back, integration....

Slowly, Kong Bai forgot about the headache, it turned out that the so-called continuous controllable nuclear fusion is so interesting.

I don't know how long has passed, the knowledge in Kong Bai's brain has been digested and absorbed, only some drawings and the analysis of the operating design principle have not been read, and then the consciousness has been awakened by hunger.

Quickly went downstairs, found a random beef powder shop, ordered two large bowls, and ate them.

Kong Bai thought while eating:

"This thing is not very difficult, it is a layer of window paper, it should be possible now..." This

sense of fulfillment and satisfaction brought by learning knowledge made Kong Bai unprecedented confidence and strength.

"In our current situation, how can we make continuous and controllable nuclear fusion technology attract great attention from society?"

"I always feel that the purpose of the system is not simple, but such a serious task punishment, you can't give up the task!"

Kong Bai's brain was running fast, and at the same time, he felt a sense of pride stirring in his chest!

"Contact the relevant scientific research institutes immediately, our country has been constrained by energy problems for too long, once the rapid power generation of controlled nuclear fusion continues, then it will bring an energy revolution."

Kong Bai is ambitious.

"5,000 years of civilization history, our ancestors have always walked in front of all mankind, and now our generations are still angry with others, no, we have to snatch this face back for our ancestors!"

"Not to mention that fateful 20-day mission requirement!"

After a few random pickpockets, I saw that the time was already past 3 pm! I didn't hesitate anymore, I hailed a car and went straight to the school....

The school is a long way from the cottage in the urban village that he rented. It took more than 40 minutes on the road.

When he arrived at the school, Kong Bai went straight to the academy office.

He knocked politely on the door, heard someone let him in, pushed the door and walked into the office.

"Teacher, I am Kong Bai, a senior student in the Automation College, and I have important things to find the dean!"

A young female teacher inside looked at Kong Bai suspiciously, stunned for a while, and asked a little nervously:

"What's wrong?" What happened? Did a fight hurt someone? Is there any danger to life? "

Kong Bai has a black line, where is this?

He shook his head and said,

"No. Don't be nervous. It is I who have made some major discoveries in academia, which may have subversive significance for our country's energy supply, and I want to report it through the dean! The

female teacher turned from stunned to disdainful, and mocked:

"You are a college student, and you still have a major discovery? I haven't seen you much, and I must have mediocre grades!

"Also meaningful to the country? Are you not awake? Or did you take the wrong medicine? What is your name? Kong

Bai saw that the teacher's attitude was so dismissive, and he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy in his heart.

Not to mention that a student of your own report to the teacher about important things, you at least respect it on the surface, ask about the specific situation, do not ask anything, come up is ridicule.

What's more, the future application of this technology will also have a very sensational positive impact on the school, that is, ask the dean's contact information, just so difficult?

Kong Bai has been mixed in society for more than 20 years, and he is also an old quack, and he is not as in awe of his teachers as students!

What's more, between life and life, this teacher still has such an attitude!

To put it on hold, Kong Bai has long scolded!

Kong Baiqiang suppressed his dissatisfaction and patiently said to the teacher:

"It is a major discovery that is really feasible, although my academic performance is average, I have learned a lot on my own in some aspects."

"Especially in the major energy field, this discovery may change the problem of insufficient energy supply in our country, please help me contact the dean!"

The female teacher lowered her head and continued to busy with the things in her hand, ignoring Kong Bai, muttering in her mouth:

"It's really a neuropathy, it is estimated that the brain is broken by playing games, and also solve the problem of insufficient energy, first solve your own food and clothing problem..."

Kong Bai saw this teacher's bad attitude, there was no need to stay any longer, arguing with her was just a waste of time!

So he turned and left the office, thought about it in the hallway, and went straight to the principal's office.

When he arrived at the top floor of the school office building, he found the sign of the principal's office, and Kong Bai knocked politely on the door.

"Please come in!"

Hearing the greeting sound inside, Kong Bai pushed the door and entered.

Behind a huge mahogany desk, sat a slightly chubby middle-aged man, with glasses, a little topless, polite, and looked like a scholar with five cars of learning.

"Hello principal, I am Kong Bai, a senior student at the Automation Academy, and I have something important to report to you!"

The middle-aged man sat up straight, looked serious, and asked,

"What happened?" Someone making trouble? Kong

Bai was really speechless, the teachers in this school are like this, and the principal is like this, why are you looking forward to an accident or what?

After sorting out his emotions, Kong Bai replied respectfully:

"I have made some major discoveries in energy technology, which may have subversive significance for our country's energy supply problem, and I want to report it through the principal, hoping to put it into construction and use as soon as possible!"

After listening to Kong Bai's words, the principal's serious face turned into an obvious smile, and he slowly laughed out loud, and finally turned into laughter.

"It's ridiculous to laugh at me!"

Obviously, the principal burst into tears with laughter, wiping the corners of his eyes while taking off his glasses....

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