Kong Bai was in the Internet café, constantly tapping on the keyboard in his hand.


In the afternoon, in the principal's room, the slightly chubby principal.

After a reckless laughter and ridicule, he pointed at Kong Bai and said,

"I haven't laughed like this in a long time!"

"You're a small, third-rate university student who has made a major invention!"

"Have you read too many online novels? Watching the brain is all watts?

"Didn't your teacher teach you not to daydream?"

"Get out quickly, I can't breathe when you make you laugh!"

Kong Bai protested loudly:

"Principal! As a school principal, a teacher who teaches and educates people.....",

just without a little discipline and grace?"

"Don't even have the patience to listen to students? And the principal? Do you deserve it? "

Kong Bai is such a good-natured person? It must be indignant!

After speaking, he turned his head and walked out of the principal's room, and slammed the door with a "bang"!

Regardless of the principal, the roar behind him, resolutely walked out of the school.

As I was walking, my cell phone rang, it was the counselor's call:

"Hey, counselor, what's going on?"

Inside the phone, there was the roar of the counselor.

Kong Bai quickly put the mobile phone away from his ear:

"Kong Bai, are you too bold?"

"How dare you run to the principal's office to spite?"

"What do you want to do?!"

"I tell you! Kong Bai! The principal just called..." "

He told you to go back and apologize to him!"

"Be respectful and review your mistakes in person!"

"Otherwise, you won't want to graduate!"

"The principal said! As long as he is not satisfied today, you will wait to be expelled!

Kong Bai didn't say anything, regardless of the yelling inside, and hung up the phone.

"What to do? 20 days! Now is the time to count against the clock! Kong

Bai thought to himself....

Before, I heard someone say, "With great power comes great responsibility!" ", I still don't think so!

I also think that when I have the ability, I will live my own little life!

Isn't he fragrant all day long?

Now, he really has this ability!

But his mind changed!

"Continuous controllable nuclear fusion", these seven short words, represent cheap, clean and safe new energy.

The deuterium needed for controlled nuclear fusion reactions is abundant in the earth's seawater, up to 40 trillion tons.

If all of it is used for nuclear fusion reactions, the energy released is enough for humans to use for tens of billions of years.

And the reaction product is helium without radioactive contamination.

The benefits of controlled nuclear fusion are simply too many.

It has the advantages of sufficient raw materials, excellent economic performance, safety and reliability, and no environmental pollution.

If our country can take the lead in using this technology, then the cost of electric energy will be greatly reduced.

Ordinary people can use electricity that costs almost nothing, and factories will greatly reduce production costs.

The country will be in the world economy, with the competitiveness to kill everything!

When the factory is profitable, it will be expanded, and then the employment rate will skyrocket.

At that time, even a third-rate college graduate like himself will not worry about finding a job!

Even as long as it is an individual, it can be needed!

These jobs may be the unemployed in the world and other countries, but that has nothing to do with him.

As a Chinese person, I can't manage so much.

If your own compatriots are doing well, then it is really good!

The fastest way is to look for it on the Internet!

Kong Bai turned on a computer in an Internet café near the school.

By the way, I asked for some food and drink, and started looking for opportunities online!

Changed his Q profile and changed his name to "Struggling Research Dog".

Then, I found many academic exchange groups named after universities or research institutes and applied to join.

In the reason for joining, I will introduce the scope of my academic expertise.

Some were rejected, saying that people are medical groups, computer groups, etc., groups that are different from their own professional fields.

Some have not yet received a reply, and a few have accepted him into the group.

At the same time, in a dormitory of the imperial capital Dihua University.

There was a young man with unkempt hair, while checking the academic website on the Internet, he was chatting with netizens in the Q group.

Suddenly, a notification of a new member popped up.

A guy called "Struggling Research Dog" was approved to join the herd.

His name is Liu Jinming, he is a master's student in the physics department of Dihua University, and he is a second graduate this year.

Recently, he was worried about the paper!

He came across a mathematical formula that he couldn't get around.

I asked several tutors, as well as several buddies from the mathematics department, but I didn't get an accurate answer.

He was irritated when he saw this guy who had been newly approved to join the group, making a big fuss in the group.

He is good at plasma physics, nuclear physics, electromagnetism, electricity, microelectronics, and materials science.

Liu Jinming burst out of a nameless fire and turned on the mockery mode in the group:

"This brother is really talented!"

"In so many different disciplines, dare to claim to be good at!

"Do you know what group is here?"

"Speaking here, I am not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue!"

"Hey, by the way, I forgot to ask this brother, where is it high?"

After a while, I saw the "struggling scientific research dog" reply: "

Heroes don't ask the source!"

"Since you dare to release ruthless words, if you have any moves, show it!"

Then, the group began to lively.

The members of this group are basically studying basic physics and applied physics.

Many of them are classmates, or have cooperated with friends in related fields.

The original intention of establishing this group is also to facilitate the exchange of some recent experiences in the field of physics, or the latest and most cutting-edge academic news.

Most of the friends know each other, and naturally they are at gunpoint unanimous.

Some helped Liu Jinming and began to ridicule the "struggling scientific research dogs".

Some simply questioned the group owner, why did they let people in indiscriminately!

After waiting for a while, the group leader let out the words.

said that it is because of the recent popularity of civil science, seeing that this buddy has a very big tone, let him come in to popularize science for everyone, the frontier trends in related fields, to Bo friends smile.

A group friend saw that the group leader was so bad, so he kindly reminded this scientific research dog, saying:

"Brother, this is a professional academic group, not a place for ordinary idle talk, please be cautious!"

The other group stopped working.

Before this excitement is seen, it is necessary to dissuade people to retreat.

Which line is this? So he replied:

"Upstairs brother, this is a bad word!"

"Brother doesn't know my Huaxia, there are many brilliant people and talents!"

"Since this brother has something to say, why don't you let us learn about it?"

Then, here's a wave of approval.

The person who kindly reminded him, seeing that everyone meant this, it was difficult to come forward to block it.

Liu Jinming sneered, and without saying a word, he threw out a fundamental physics problem:

"Don't bully you either, you tell me your basic opinion on the abnormal magnetic moment of the miu!"

The group friends below looked at it, Liu Jinming's bastard thing, this is not called bullying?

It's clearly hitting you in the face! It followed with a lot of uproar.

When the various fancy groups in the group were ridiculing, I saw the reply text of the "struggling scientific research dog" paragraph after paragraph, and lit up: "

In classical electrodynamics, the magnetic moment is proportional to the angular momentum, and the scaling coefficient is called the spin-magnetic ratio.

"In quantum mechanics, there is an intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, that also causes magnetic moments. But the scale factor is based on the spin-magnetic ratio, and then multiplied by a factor called the g-factor.

"For electrons and muuses, g=2." But in quantum field theory, due to the interaction of other quantum fields, many virtual particles are produced, so that the g of electrons and muons is greater than 2, which is called abnormal magnetic moments..." As the

"struggling scientific dogs" began to recover, the group became quiet.

Only his paragraph-by-paragraph text remained, constantly popping out in the group.

When the "struggling scientific research dog" replied, the group was quiet for a long time.

Liu Jinming's eyes widened and he stared at this paragraph of text.

There are many that he is very familiar with, but what do the latter ones mean? I don't understand it myself!

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