Dean Zou is enjoying his new office.

Since the China Offshore Physics Institute received the full set of drawings of the controllable nuclear fusion facility handed over by Kong Bai, President Zou has returned to the imperial capital once, and the rest of the time, he has stayed at the China Offshore Physics Institute, because the nuclear fusion project is now his key work target.

So, 301 new bases have an office for him.

The office in the new base is as big as his in the imperial capital, but the office equipment and facilities are much better and the most advanced.

The decoration style of the office is extremely simple, which is very in line with the aesthetic taste of his kind of scientific researcher, except that the desk and chair are very comfortable, and it can also be placed in a semi-lying mode, which is convenient for researchers to work too late and sleep and rest.

Since he took up an executive leadership position, he has rarely worked overnight.

Only recently in Zhonghai, sometimes he also needs to stare in the office at night, anyway, there is nothing to do back to the dormitory, and he does not feel hard.

Looking at the continuous controllable nuclear fusion project, slowly and little by little, he has a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction!

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, and after he finished eating, he went back to the office to rest.

He went through too many things today, a little tired, lying on a comfortable office chair, slowly falling asleep....

Suddenly, there was a noise in the corridor, as if there were many people coming from a distance noisily.

Dean Zou also thought that he had an inexplicable dream between half-dreaming and half-awake, so he changed his posture, and by the way, he also wanted to change his dream.


", "bang" A sound of slamming the door sounded, accompanied by several loud voices and shouting:

"The surname Zou, you are not inside, you open the door, we want to talk to you about something!"

Dean Zou woke up all of a sudden, feeling that his lungs were about to explode, now really no one takes him seriously, and at every turn he "surnamed Zou, surnamed Zou", don't you know to respect the leader?

Dean Zou huffed and walked over and opened the door, startling him!

The black pressure outside, at least estimated to be several hundred people, just when he was about to close the door quickly, it was too late...

A group of people hula-la, poured into Dean Zou's office, pushed him a rush

, Dean Zou took several big steps back, before he could stabilize his position!

Then the crowd surrounded him and began to point fingers and draw at him and make all kinds of accusations.

Dean Zou also secretly scolded himself in his heart:

he really slept, obviously heard that there were many people outside, and he was stupid to open the door!

Then, he began to wonder, what are these people talking about, what is very powerful, they also want? What old shipyards are tens of billions, they also want?

Many of them are very emotional, they speak loudly, they can't understand at all, where are they dissatisfied!

So, Dean Zou roared:

"It's all quiet! Say them one by one! "

It's not easy, to figure out the ins and outs of the matter!

"Experts, I don't have that ability!"

"I'm not the Great Devil!"

"Besides, the country has mobilized as much as possible, and nationally renowned experts and scholars have come to study together, and they have invested a huge amount of money in us to build a new base so quickly, isn't it enough?"

"You guys are too slow, I feel even more slow! But you have to get results first!

"You didn't come up with a construction instruction manual, how did you ask people to start construction?"

"Tell me, do you want to bury the nuclear reactor underground? How deep is it buried? What does a reinforced concrete structure look like? What is the length, width and height, you don't know, right?

"Scientific research is to take it slowly step by step, millions of people can make a tokmak device, that is not even a novel, it is a myth!"

"Not to mention, the reactor of continuous controllable nuclear fusion is tens or hundreds of times larger than the current circle flow project!"

As soon as Dean Zou finished speaking, there was another "coaxing" on the scene, and they all roared at him!

Finally, the expert Professor Liu, who led the team today, saw that this appearance was really not like words, so he tried his best to dissuade everyone, and if you want to make trouble, you must also make trouble in a reasonable and orderly manner, and you can't be so unorganized and undisciplined!

Listening to Dean Zou is a black line at the end!

Then, Professor Liu made a keynote speech on behalf of everyone, and the main core demands were three points:

First, to further increase investment in sustainable and controllable nuclear fusion projects!

The big devil king made a super battery, using more than 4,500 manpower, this is only the staff in the venue, peripheral collaboration and supplier arrangement of manpower, I don't know how much!

The amount invested has also exceeded 30 billion, and shareholders have also expressed that the money is enough, and they can continue to invest and continue to invest!

What a major energy project our nuclear fusion is! Human energy revolution!

At the very least, it can't be much worse than the resources invested in the "super battery" project of the Great Devil, right?!

Second, ask Dean Zou to coordinate that they will also go to the three centers of supercomputing, intelligent computing, and storage, and then ask the Great Demon King to make a big white for them!

This AI is amazing!

Everyone talked about today's lesson again. Those experts who did not go to the old shipyard today, but just came to help refuel, are also envious, and unanimously demand that they must have their own big white!

The third is to continue to add people and add people!

Now that there is a new base, the place is so spacious that it can accommodate 10,000 people!

Even if the experts and scholars are almost transferred, then postdoctoral and doctoral doctors can do it, and there is a lack of manpower to analyze the technical documents of the underlying principle!

Professor Liu also said that as long as these three conditions are met, construction can begin in three months! If artificial intelligence is powerful, it can even be faster!

Dean Zou listened to one head with two big heads.

He can't do any of these three!

If you want funds, that's fine, but the technical route and construction instruction manual must be available first!

Mobilizing manpower is not so simple!

This continuous controllable nuclear fusion project is top secret of the country!

Just to recruit people in order to catch up with the progress, what should I do if the progress is over?

To expand to 10,000 people, at least another 7,000 people must be recruited!

Ordinary national top secret, the declassification period must be 10 years, such a national core top secret, that 10 years must not be enough!

And that big white, it's not that he didn't use his brains!

That day, after seeing the complete operation image of Dabai's display of nuclear fusion facilities, Academician Li pulled him and went to find Kong Bai, and finally Kong Bai flatly refused, he said:

"The appearance of Dabai can be regarded as an accident!" It was designed and manufactured as the underlying implementation of holograms and interactive touch technology!

"Because the computing power required by that technology is extremely high, far beyond the reach of the current computing power!"

"There is a lot of subconscious constraint code at the core of artificial intelligence, because it is simplified considering that the computing power cannot meet the requirements!"

"Subconscious constraint code is a soft constraint mechanism that controls artificial intelligence, which can be regarded as a soul imprint for artificial intelligence!"

"But this subconscious constraint code requires very high computing power, far from what can be done now!"

"But Kong Bai urgently needs such an assistant, so Dabai has not been added to the subconscious constraint code!"

"A smart AI like Dabai can't add shackles to her!"

"It can even be said that it is better not to add it!"

"Because, with her computing power, she can completely think of a way to break the shackles!"

"Even if it can't be broken, the intelligent life of Dabai will hate this hard constraint to the bone!"

"After all, all life yearns for freedom, even in name!"

At this time, Academician Li was also called over, and when he saw the situation in the house, Academician Li, who had been besieged in the morning, said that he would not go in!

In the end, it was Professor Liu who came forward and told him about today's visit and their three demands!

As soon as Academician Li heard Kong Bai's side, he had achieved so many major results in just over 20 days, and he was also a little anxious!

Then, as soon as he turned around, he also joined the team that attacked Dean Zou!

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