That night, the incident was quite big, and in the end, Dean Zou couldn't help it, so he simply brought everyone to a large conference room and let everyone speak freely!

At the beginning, everyone still focused on those three points.

Dean Zou is serious, and he is also very powerful!

If the expert mentions one, he will refute one, mention one, refute one!

And they are all well-founded and reasonable refutations!

Experts today are stimulated by the everyday-to-day and hot work scene of the old shipyard.

Now when I calm down and start reasoning, I also feel that there are indeed many inappropriate places in the requirements I put forward!

Controllable nuclear fusion is incomparable with super batteries, this thing must be cautious, cautious and cautious, can not be rushed!

Once you are in a hurry with the progress of the work, it is not a joke to cause some negligence and mistakes!

In the end, there is only one viable solution left:

that is, reopen the Demon Cave Training Camp!

However, instead of the Great Demon King lecturing, let the Great White be a teacher for everyone.

The class was located next to Kong Bai's office in the old shipyard, and the first experts who visited today vaguely remembered that Kong Bai's building was very large. Except for Kong Bai and them, there is no one else working in that building, and they can clean up one or two rooms next to them as classrooms!

This proposal was unanimously agreed by all the experts present, including Academician Li!

So, Dean Zou dialed Zhou Xiaomi's phone again.

Zhou Xiaomi understood what Dean Zou wanted to express, and she said that she would report it first, and if there was no problem, she would let Qiao Changsheng contact Dean Zou.

The on-site expert immediately signaled to Dean Zou, meaning that he had to answer accurately tonight, otherwise everyone would not sleep well at night!

Dean Zou truthfully conveyed everyone's opinions, and Zhou Xiaomi agreed with his mouth, saying that if it didn't work, he would let Qiao Changsheng call in a while.

Sure enough, after less than 15 minutes, Dean Zou's mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Director Qiao, I'm sorry to bother you so late!"

"Zhou Xiaomi told you, right?"

"Oh, yes!"

"So if you have this computing power, do you have a way to get it as soon as possible?"

"Hmm! Okay, then trouble Director Qiao!

"Regarding the laser emitter and other probes, I went to Zhonghai City to coordinate, their optoelectronic institute is now the strongest in the country!"

"If you are constructing, you have to trouble the on-site technicians over there, and now the construction team outside, it must be inconvenient to enter, right?"

"Yes, how did I forget Old Master Wang!"

"Okay, Vice President Wang is at the headquarters, this matter still has to bother him, I'll call him in a moment!"

"Preferably three... How many of us have, if you can, three classes at the same time?

"Hehe, I'm a bit of an inch! But our experts here are also in a hurry!

"Okay, don't worry, we won't disturb Academician Kong's work!"

"Our experts are very anxious and hope to start classes as soon as possible!"

"Three days? Or four days!

"Okay, I'm giving you trouble!"

Hung up the phone, Dean Zou announced to everyone, Kong Bai agreed to everyone's proposal, but to pay for some computing power, and the storage server should also be increased accordingly, but Director Qiao agreed, the storage server counts theirs, we only need to take out 30P FLOPS supercomputing and 15P OPS intelligent calculation!

Dean Zou means that the three classes are held together, anyway, the big guys have their own tasks, engaged in core reactor, neutron absorption device, material science, etc., all have their own classes.

"If the three classes are held together, I think, let's get more computing power, not less than that money, directly 50P FLOPS and 25P OPS!"

After that, he directly called the secretary of the second in command of Zhonghai, asking him to coordinate the optoelectronic institute and provide enough laser heads and other probes as soon as possible, and others, but also let him help think of a way, nuclear fusion is too slow, if you speed up, it will benefit Zhonghai City!

So, all parties quickly began to act!

The nuclear fusion project is a top important event for the country, and now that there is a way to speed up the progress, all parties must have money and strong contributions!

Over at Zhonghai Optoelectronics, it is now a gathering of heroes!

As early as before the relocation of Zhonghai Physics Institute, Zhonghai Optoelectronics Institute moved into the industrial park of Zhonghai Guangke Technology in the southwest of Zhonghai City, where the factory buildings, office buildings, laboratories are large enough, and there are ready-made machining production equipment and skilled technicians.

After nearly a month of intensive research and development, high-precision machine tools, now several units have been produced, and are currently trial-producing various parts of the lithography machine around the clock.

Zhonghai Guangke Technology now brings together the country's top high-end CNC machine tools, precision machinery, microelectronics, components, sensors, lasers, photosensitive and photosensitive materials, controllers, slow motors, stepper motors, light source devices, lens components and industrial control software and other industries of national head enterprises and well-known independent research institutions, etc., the original empty and spacious industrial park is already stuffed!

The Dragon Kingdom is good at this point, when a big event happens, people's hearts are very tidy!

So many industry elites gathered together, each took back their own tasks, and the land search began to be carried out without white or black! Because the basic theory and technical route are already very complete, what they need to do is to turn the technology into a physical object, and to keep improving!

That's right, the biggest challenge for them is a "fine" word!

1 nanometer lithography machine, the requirements for precision, have reached the point of perversion!

Let's take the lens as an example!

The lens of the lithography machine refers not only to a lens, but to a complex optical system composed of dozens of independent lenses and mirrors, that is, objective lenses!

The 1-nanometer lithography machine developed by Kong Bai cannot use lenses, and must use objective lenses!

Mainly because the wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light is only 13.5 nanometers, the penetration ability is extremely weak, and adjusting the optical path with a lens will cause a lot of energy loss, and it may even be impossible to complete the irradiation.

Therefore, the objective lens optical path of a 1nm lithography machine that uses extreme ultraviolet light to complete the illumination of the chip mask is reflective.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the irradiated wafer pattern, the error of the installation position of each lens in the lithography machine must be less than 1 nanometer, which is perverted enough, right?

No! The real pervert is in the back!

The 1nm lithography machine uses the principle of Bragg diffraction to achieve the reflection of extreme ultraviolet light, and the accuracy of the reflective objective lens is picometer level.

Therefore, according to the requirements of the hole white technical data:

the mirror in the 1 nm lithography machine is composed of a high-precision glass substrate and a periodic silicon and molybdenum multilayer film with nanometer thickness deposited on it.

Among the mirrors in this series, the largest has a diameter of 1.2 meters. The accuracy requires that the peak and valley value of the surface shape does not exceed 0.12 nanometers, and the surface roughness does not exceed 20 picometers, which is 0.02 nanometers!

What does that mean? That is, it has reached the level of flatness at the atomic level!

Regardless of the density between atoms, in terms of flatness alone, it is almost the same as that water droplet!

How can this flatness be processed?

Ordinary processing technology must be no door!

Simply put, according to the technical data of Kong Bai:

after the lens is milled and formed by high-precision machine tools, it can achieve the required accuracy by ultra-precision polishing methods such as small grinding head polishing, magnetorheological polishing, ion beam polishing, etc., and then coating, plating periodic silicon, molybdenum multilayer film.

Kong Bai was afraid that they did not understand, so he additionally pointed out the technical implementation path to them: the

use of CNC optical surface forming technology to process mirror embryos, that is, computer automatic control to replace human experience control.

For example, the small grinding head polishing technology is to use a grinding head much smaller than the mirror embryo diameter to polish the mirror embryo, and control the amount of grinding by controlling the residence time of the grinding head in different positions on the surface of the mirror embryo, as well as the pressure between the grinding head and the mirror embryo, only in this way can the processing accuracy of tens of nanometers be achieved.

Kong Bai also proposed that when the conditions are met, it is recommended to use more advanced stress disk polishing technology, which can greatly improve the accuracy of the mirror embryo.

That is, under computer control, the polishing disc is deformed in real time according to the shape of the mirror embryo processing, so as to realize the complete fitting of the polishing disc and the workpiece.

You see, Kong Bai has provided technical information to this extent, it seems that he just did it!

Then, those who saw these materials did not almost faint on the spot....

Therefore, many things are not as simple as Minister Ding and Academician Li imagined! Say what to get the technical data of the lithography machine, a tap of the brain can create a lithography machine thing, the general brainless novel can be written like this, but if you really ask them like this, it is really brainless....

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