Qiao Changsheng, who was forced to a corner, burst out with amazing energy...

After experiencing a series of fruitless struggles, Qiao Changsheng spent ten minutes to recognize the reality.

Then, without hesitation, he began his work.

Calm, tough, persistent, excited, mixed with a little madness!

Qiao Changsheng's motivation to pursue progress, primitive, surging, abundant, he is in the abyss of despair, then it is even more so!

With a crazy excitement, he forcefully pushed Kong Bai's requirements, and implemented them step by step!

So much so that at one time the entire command of the experimental project thought that he was driven crazy ....

He first called Kong Bai to request authorization, and summoned all the representatives of all parties present at the headquarters.

Turn on the hands-free and let Kong Bai confirm on the spot that he has the right to dispatch all resources on behalf of Kong Bai during this time.

Then, he found Zhou Xiaomi and asked for a laptop.

Plug in the portable hard disk and start to immerse yourself in the task assigned by Kong Bai.

After a short time, Qiao Changsheng first assigned the first task to Old Master Wang:

within an hour, he would distribute the task of writing programs to at least 1,000 programmers through the channels of the Dragon Science Institute!

Old man Wang himself was still busy with the group, of course he was not happy, he was driven by his own apprentice!

Qiao Changsheng said a word, so that the old man immediately worked obediently.

"On behalf of the Great Devil, I order you to complete it on time, 10 yuan per line of code!"

Then, Old Master Wang's eyes lit up!

And Zhou Xiaomi behind Qiao Changsheng is inexplicable!

Then, Qiao Changsheng put forward three requirements to Old Master Wang:

First, write the program strictly according to Kong Bai's requirements, even if it is a punctuation mark, it cannot be wrong!

Second, people rest, work can not rest! Shifts are reversed and limited to 36 hours!

Third, be responsible for collecting it completely, checking it and handing it over to him!

Old man Wang lost his temper and accepted the task happily.

Then he ran to the side and contacted the people of the Dragon Science Institute....

Qiao Changsheng called the second-in-command's secretary over again.

The secretary stepped forward with an unhappy face, his eyes squinting at Qiao Changsheng.

Qiao Changsheng didn't see his contempt and said, "

You have two jobs to do!"

"First, contact the people from the Optoelectronics Institute immediately..." Before

Qiao Changsheng's words were finished, he was interrupted by the secretary and said: "

I'll call you, you can contact yourself!"

"Besides, they are all busy working on lithography machines, how can they spare you?"

Qiao Changsheng didn't say a word of nonsense, and immediately shouted:

"Mayor Luo, what should you do if your secretary doesn't listen to my arrangement?"

Zhonghai's second hand came over, gently gave the secretary the back of his head, and said:

"He now represents the Great Devil King, you are good!"

The secretary glared at Qiao Changsheng fiercely, and squeezed out a "um" word out of his nose.

Qiao Changsheng didn't care either, and continued:

"Let their person in charge come over and take this purchase list of electronic imaging and scanning equipment!"

"What can be bought, what cannot be bought, must be completed on the spot!"

"Expense, you guys find Zhou Xiaomi to reimburse you!"

"Ask them, a time limit of two days, must be completed!"

"Let them hurry up and come and take the list away!"

"Because, you will accompany me to the old shipyard later!"

The secretary hated so much that the roots of his teeth began to itch!

But there is no way, you can only squeeze out a "good" word from between your teeth!

The secretary was still waiting to see what he had next.

As a result, Qiao Changsheng took care of himself, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed it.

Completely ignoring the presence of the secretary.

"Mr. Liu, I have a few 3D scanning equipment here, I want you to help me make it."

"The precision required is high, but not much."

"Don't care about the appearance parts, you can use it, a roll of iron, don't attract ashes!"

"The time must guarantee that I can receive it within 3 days, you make an offer!"

"10 times is 10 times! Deal!

"Send me the account number in a moment, and call you the money!"

"If it can't be done, see if I don't kill you!"

"Okay, just have your words!"

Dialed the phone, found another number and dialed out.

"Old Fifth, I'm in Zhonghai City now!"

"Help me organize a batch of data servers!"

"50,000 TB of data storage capacity, high concurrent data processing ability, strong stability, you can do the rest!"

"The higher the specific configuration, the better, not bad money!"

"The time must be guaranteed to be deployed within three days!"

"Three days refers to installation and commissioning until it is ready to run!"

"In Zhonghai City, I will send you the address!"

"I don't care how you string goods, anyway, if it's debugged, I'll pay!"

"It's okay to pay half first, but in terms of time..."

"Give as much as you want, transfer it on the spot!"

Zhou Xiaomi, who was sitting behind Qiao Changsheng and listening to the root of the wall, the more he listened, the more wrong it became.

Hearing this, it is a black line at one end.

"It's really that the cub flower master is not distressed!"

Zhou Xiaomi thought hatefully:

"This honest man is in a hurry, more crazy than anyone!"

Just like that, Qiao Changsheng made a round of calls, which was simply throwing a lot of money!

It completely violates the basic tenet of his professional manager "the interests of the employer come first"!

When he finished calling, there was still more than half of the computing power that could not be put together.

After all, such an expensive server, which supplier will not be stupid enough to put the warehouse and wait for someone to buy it.

After receiving the order, go to the distributor or manufacturer of each component to order, and then take it back and assemble it.

The secretary had already handed over the list to the people of the Optoelectronics Institute, and in accordance with Qiao Changsheng's request, he solemnly emphasized that this was the work personally grasped by the second-in-command, and it must be completed on time!

Looking back, I saw Qiao Changsheng sitting there, meditating.

Just want to remind him that it is now time to go to the old shipyard.

As a result, as soon as the secretary was about to talk to him, he saw that this guy, as if he had been electrocuted, violently hit a spirit, and jumped up from his seat!

The secretary was taken aback, feeling that this guy was really a little abnormal!

Qiao Changsheng didn't care what the secretary's reaction was, picked up his mobile phone and flipped out a number, and dialed it.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, do you know that a few months ago, the Dingshui Supercomputing Center bid for bidding, whose family bid it was?"

"Good, good, you quickly send me their boss's phone!"

"You are in charge, invite you to a big meal another day, and then K songs or something, you have the final say!"

Then hang up the phone and stare at the phone so deadly, without blinking his eyelids.

The secretary looked at Qiao Changsheng's straight eyes, as well as the somewhat messy hair, and felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Is he already mentally disturbed!"

"In the morning, you really shouldn't have stimulated him like that!"

"It's really pitiful..." With

the sound of "ding", Qiao Changsheng jumped up again.

And the secretary who was staring at him next to him was snorting....

Qiao Changsheng's mobile phone was put to his ear, waited for a while, and began to speak loudly:

"Is Song always?"

"I am Qiao Changsheng, and Hengye Company Chen is always my eldest brother!"

"I heard that you won the bid for the Dingshui Supercomputing Center?"

"How much hash power has arrived now?"

"If you do this, can you give me 90P FLOPS first?"

"I pay double the price, do you see if I can make up for your losses?"

"Of course, cash on delivery, cash settlement!"

"If you don't believe it, I'll call you 10 million right away!"

"I want up to 100P FLOPS!"

"You stuffed me so much, I can't use it!"

"I'm still 35P OPS smart arithmetic!"

"Lie down, okay!"

"What are you afraid of when you start running? Tear it down and ship it over

" "It must be double!"

"As long as you dare to tear it down, this money is yours!"

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