The people in the project team headquarters all felt that Qiao Changsheng was in a state of madness.

Don't you know that in the eyes of those people outside, they are not much better!

And put poor Qiao Changsheng aside, let's see the performances of others first.

The vice minister of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry has never left Zhonghai, has been supervising the battle on the spot, and occasionally personally punched a few punches.

Since identifying one of Kong Bai's main research directions, nuclear power batteries, Vice Minister Shen Guowei has been very excited.

He directly contacted the boss and described the current situation of Kong Bai and Zhonghai City, which was highly praised and supported by the boss!

Then, the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, such a department that is usually slow and methodical, steady as a mountain, orderly, and unhurried, as if suddenly whipped, jerked and ran at high speed!

The manufacturing plants of nuclear fuel and nuclear materials in the Dragon Kingdom, on a large scale, are in the Great Northwest.

Due to the high danger of nuclear materials being concentrated in large quantities, they are usually scattered and stored in warehouses throughout the northwest of the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the transportation of nuclear materials, in such a large quantity, is resolutely not possible through public transport channels.

Only special special transport vehicles can be used, one car by one.

This is bound to consume a lot of financial, material and human resources.

Needless to say, 55 billion is there, and it is not distressing to spend.

However, because there are not such a large, sudden, centralized, transportation incidents in normal times, it is a little unprepared.

Firstly, there are not enough containers for the safe storage of nuclear material!

For the transport container of nuclear material, the specific requirements are as follows: the nuclear material

must be loaded in a watertight container, and the container product must be strong, reliable and stable.

Containers are made of substances that do not contain hydrogen, and substances with a high hydrogen content are avoided in the containers: it is generally required that no hydrogen-containing substances be used except for thin plastic films for wrapping and sealing materials.

The thickness of the metal reflective layer, under the above conditions, can not exceed 1.27cm wall thickness.

Neutron absorbers are present.

Many products meet the critical safety in the form of gates, and are fixed and do not deviate from 10% of the gate storage.

Under all kinds of accidents, such as: fire, flood, earthquake, impact, etc., and even withstand a certain degree of explosion, it is guaranteed that no critical accident will occur, and it has the ability to monitor and alarm critical accidents.

The specific requirements, a long and large article, this is just the main point that I try to summarize.

The Ministry of Nuclear Industry usually maintains a small number of containers that meet such stringent requirements.

Moreover, there are not many manufacturers who can produce qualified.

Because, usually the demand for such containers is not large, there are not many manufacturers, willing to do such laborious, and unprofitable products.

Now, the urgent need is used, catch the blind!

What to do? Engineers from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry worked overnight to study countermeasures.

In the end, there is really no way, there will be a brave man under the heavy reward!

Twice the price was offered, but the enthusiasm of the manufacturer was not high!

Looking at the price is doubled, the profit margin is high.

But to free up the production line, specifically debug the equipment, and switch to nuclear transport containers?

This little profit is a little more money than after making up for the loss of production conversion, and it is necessary to rush to work overnight, pay bonuses and overtime pay.

Roughly calculated, it's really not much interesting!

When the deputy minister of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry heard this report from his subordinates, he scolded him and said,

"When is it?"

"The pattern is still so small?"

"What twice?"

"Give them 5 times!"

"If it doesn't work, it's 10 times!"

"In short, get it in three days, they will give as much as they want!"

"Forget it! You give me the phone and I'll talk to them! Therefore

, the manufacturer was full of doubts about the mental state of the people of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, with full enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work, regardless of the delivery date of other products, all the production lines were vacated, and the hot work was done!

Next to the handrail on the second floor of the workshop.

The director looked at the brightly lit scene and thought to himself:

"Just kidding! It's a fool not to do it! He

had just received a call from the head of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, and he casually asked for a price of 10 times.

Still waiting for a bargain, as a result, that deputy minister, he said yes!

The director of the factory is now feeling refreshed:

"I still think that when the price is about 5 times, this job will be worth doing."

"10 times? Did that leader suffer from some nuclear radiation?

"Are you all completely crazy?"

Thinking of this, he pulled his throat and shouted:

"All hands and feet are sharp, hurry up and finish, hurry up and deliver!"

"What if it's late and they regret it again?"

"Give me 24 hours to spin!'

'Those who work overtime at night will be paid three times the overtime pay!

"If only you could finish the task ahead of schedule!"

"Lao Tzu pays an extra month's salary and gives you a bonus!"

A software company under the Academy of Dragon Sciences.

This software company mainly does some basic software development, database software, system software integration.

Its software engineers, or programmers, are not too large, with less than 200 people.

Now, these 200 people are all fighting at night!

Today the company took over an outsourced programming business, one line of code for 6 yuan!

And the company is unprecedentedly generous, promising programmers 5 yuan per line!

These programmers often take on private jobs in private.

The market price ranges from 2 gross to 1 yuan per line of code.

5 bucks?

The person entrusted is either a madman or a fool!

The only thing is that the requirement must be completed in the intranet, and what confidentiality agreement needs to be signed!

Moreover, the time is relatively tight, within 30 hours, it must be done!

It really doesn't matter, going home is also doing private work, and it's just so good for two dates, it's not as refreshing as this job!

"5 pieces ... 5 pieces... Another 5 pieces! "

The more you work, the happier you are, the more you work, the more spirited!"

Only Wei Liqiang, while writing the code, was full of doubts in his heart.

"This program I wrote is really strange!"

"It just doesn't have any actual function at all..."

It should be said that yes, I don't see any features that have any application value!

"The purpose of this program is to reclassify all the files in this folder."

"A specific form is attached to it, and there are some serial number similar things in it!"

"The purpose of the program is to index all the files in this folder by serial number," "

reclassifying them into dozens of different combinations."

"What are you doing so hard? Isn't it finished for direct classified storage? "

Do you want to write a special program to categorize?" Something is wrong, right? This is! "

Also, for each file in a different combination of categories, or programs,"

"one or two are randomly selected and hashed."

"If the verification is successful, give up the next step!"

"If the verification is unsuccessful, it will be singled out to form one or two combinations."

"What is this for?"

"Play the program to find fault?"

"The point is that after you find fault, what exactly are you going to do?"

"It's really weird about this app!"

The more Wei Liqiang thought about it, the more puzzled he became, and while thinking about it, he suddenly hit a spirit!


"This program, how the more you look at it, the more it looks like a... Computer viruses!? "

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