Somewhere in the camp, Zhan Peng, who had returned from hunting, cautiously returned to his residence.

After making sure that no one was approaching, he quickly took out an energy crystal nucleus glowing with milky white brilliance from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

The crystal nucleus melted in his mouth, and he didn't even have time to taste it.

But the surging vitality born in his body made his body tired and swept away in an instant.

These days, I have been following the bearded man.

According to the leader's intentions, he monitored his every move.

But as the strength shown by the bearded man became more and more amazing, Zhan Peng understood one thing.

It's simply impossible to keep an eye on a bearded man.

He can wave his hand and shoot an arrow, raise his hand to form a wall.

In front of him, he was an ant at all except for the survivors of the human race who belonged to him!

If he wanted to kill himself, it would be a matter of moving his fingers.

So, he rebelled!

Because of this, the bearded man gave him ten energy crystal nuclei and told him to eat one every hour or so.

When all ten crystal nuclei were eaten, he could become as powerful as them.

At that moment just now, it was the fifth energy crystal nucleus he had swallowed.

You only need to swallow the remaining five, and everyone in the camp will be impressed with you.

In order to prevent himself from falling asleep because he was too sleepy, Zhanpeng took the initiative to walk out of the barracks and replaced the personnel on duty.

He didn't do less of this kind of thing before.

The only difference is that he was forced to do it before. And this time, it was he who took the initiative to do it.

"Well done! You kid still knows that he feels sorry for people, and if I develop in the future, I will definitely not treat you badly.

Watching the man happily return to the camp, the smile on Zhanpeng's face gradually turned cold.

You don't have to wait until later, you just need to wait until dawn, and you will take good care of you!

When you take all the crystal nuclei, not to mention those who bully you, even if you are the leader of the camp, you will not pay attention to it anymore.

Because then, I will be on an equal footing with him.

The campfire inside the camp was still burning.

The night watch, every once in a while, would add new wood to the fire.

Zhan Peng kept track of the time when the flame burned, and every time he added firewood to the fire, he would quietly swallow an energy crystal nucleus.

Even though it was late at night, there were still many people who didn't sleep.

The prey brought back by the hunting party needs to be disposed of as quickly as possible and made into bacon that can be easily preserved.

It was some older survivors and women, trying to make bacon.

Among them is a woman that Zhanpeng has a fancy, and that is a young woman in her twenties.

It's a pity that for him who didn't mix well in the camp, he could only watch her climb into someone else's bed in order to survive.

The chief's bed, to be exact.

Otherwise, such a good job as bacon would not have been her turn to do it at all.

There were people and women in the camp.

The "click......"

fist was creaked by Zhan Peng.

There are two more!

You only need to swallow the last two energy crystal nuclei to become a strong man like the bearded man.

When the time comes, you will get back what you have lost

! Those who bully you will pay for it! The

smell of bacon wafting through the camp makes the mutated mutated weasels hiding under the grass shop of the wooden house sneak into the night.

What it didn't know was that the moment it stepped out of the wooden house, Feng Yue, who had been asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

Before dawn, Zhanpeng swallowed the last energy crystal nucleus.

He could feel that a terrifying power seemed to have awakened in his body.

Surprised and excited, he learned to be a bearded man and tried to control the ground in front of him.


there were some doubts, Zhanpeng was not discouraged.

The strange power in his body can't deceive people.

There is no doubt that he has now become an Awakened One. It's just that I haven't found the right ability for myself.


a very short period of time, Zhan Peng tried all the abilities he knew.

The bearded earth-based ability, the boss's fire-based ability, and the logistics master's water-based ability that manages the camp's logistics ......

But the ending is the same!

Except for a strange power in his body, he is still as ordinary as before.

"Liars! are all liars! ...... hateful"

sat on the ground with a decadent face, and Zhanpeng's expression became hideous.

"Damn! Damn!" "


Following the prestige, it was the woman she had taken a fancy to, holding the machete in her hand with a frightened expression, pointing in one direction.

"Zhanpeng, hurry up!

Before he could think about it, his companion, who was on duty at night, had already armed himself and ran over to that side.

Unwillingly got up from the ground, Zhan Peng followed and ran towards the place where the meat was smoked.

"It's a mutated weasel that came to steal meat and eat it. By

the time Zhanpeng arrived, the companion who rushed over first had already asked the reason.

Seeing that the woman was still trembling, Zhan Peng's gaze never looked away.

As a fat poor in the camp, the women ate well.

Compared to other people who don't have enough to eat, she maintains her figure very well.

The convex and backward curls make people want to take a few more looks.

Especially now, the panic and helplessness she showed after being frightened by the mutant weasel.

It's even more involuntary, giving birth to an urge to hold her in your arms and protect her.

"Don't worry, it's just a greedy weasel, don't worry, with us here, it shouldn't dare to come again."

Zhanpeng's words made the trembling woman feel much more stable.

The companions who were on duty at night, hearing him say this, rarely did not refute.

He just glanced at him in a slightly surprised way, and then stood silently to the side.

And the woman suddenly walked to Zhanpeng's side and looked at him pitifully.

"I'm scared now, please stay and protect me, okay?"

The sudden scene made Zhanpeng's breathing become short.

At this distance, he could clearly see the looming furrow on the woman's body.

"Plop, plop!"

Under the blank brain, Zhanpeng could hear his heartbeat.

In the body, the originally strange power seems to have found a breakthrough.

Could it be that the power of his awakening is to make others obedient?

Zhan Peng, who suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, was suddenly startled by the thought that suddenly popped up of himself.

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