Looking at the flamboyant mutated weasel, sneaking into the hole under the grass shop.

Feng Yue turned over and continued to sleep.

The movement inside the camp is getting more and more noisy.

"Are you up, sir, it's time for breakfast!"

the nice words, with a hint of trembling, sounded outside the cabin.

The bearded man who heard the cry opened his eyes with a puzzled face, and opened the small door of the wooden house curiously.

When I saw several women standing at the door, who were very good looking and in shape, I was immediately stunned.

To tell the truth, whether in peacetime or in these last days, the bearded man has never been treated by a beautiful woman.

Looking at the few women in front of him who didn't dare to look at him, the bearded man felt that his heartbeat was accelerating.

"Plop, plop", it's amazing!

" That ...... Gee...... May I ask, are you sure you're calling us to dinner?"

"Yes, my lord!" said the leader said that the camp was able to survive yesterday's emergency thanks to the care of the two adults. "

My lord, it's a savior for everyone in our camp, give it to us...... Everything you need for two adults. "

Although the woman's words, at the end of the day, have been like a mosquito.

But the bearded man still listened to the truth, and what they said was ......

Meet all the needs of yourself and Feng Yue, tsk ......

"Well, you wait outside for a while, I'll ponder and ponder first.

Hearing him say this, several women outside immediately responded in unison: "Everything is subject to the arrangement of the adults!"

"Commander, look at this treatment! I ...... Gee...... I ......"

The bearded man who closed the door immediately jumped on the spot excitedly.

Even the weasels hiding under the grass bunk were startled by the movement he had made.

A triangular head poked out, staring out uneasily.

"Bring in the food, do whatever you want, just don't get in the way of my eyes. "

Each takes what he needs, and the seal will not stop it.

It's all men, bearded people's thoughts, where can he not see it?

Hearing him say this, the bearded man was overjoyed, and he thought that he would refuse seriously.

As a result, he actually agreed.

"Commander, those women outside are really good, are you sure you don't want

to?" Feng Yue glanced at him, no matter how good-looking the women here are, can they compare to Bai Wei?"

Hearing him say this, the bearded man immediately said no more.

"Hey...... Okay, okay. "

Boom ......"

There was a sound of shaking outside, looking at an earthen house that suddenly appeared.

Watching the bearded man with the women, he walked in.

Feng Yue rolled over and looked at the mutant weasel hiding under the grass bunk, his eyes full of uneasiness.

Through the art of mind reading, he knew that this guy had confused the bearded man in order to get revenge on the survivors in this camp.

Ever since he lived here with himself, he would sneak out every night.

I've been here for almost half a month, and the guy with the illusion ability has been clueless.

This guy has already stolen a round and round food.

"You went out to steal food last night?" Hearing

Feng Yue ask himself, the change weasel hurriedly shook his head.

Then he realized that something was wrong, and nodded hurriedly.

"The claws are outstretched, and I take a drop of blood. Hearing

him say this, the mutant weasel immediately leaked out of fright.


The pungent and smoky smell instantly enveloped the entire wooden house.


Feng Yue grabbed the long knife and retreated, while using vines to drag the mutant weasel.

I've wasted half a month here, maybe a fifth-order creature has appeared outside now.

Whether it's because of this mutant weasel or not, the illusionary powerhouse appears, you have to try it first.

"Give me a drop of blood obediently, if you dare to fart again, I'll chop you!"

God testifies that it really didn't intend to fart.

It was just that he suddenly heard that Feng Yue wanted a drop of blood from it, and he was frightened.

Yes, I can't help it.

At this time, when he heard Feng Yue's threatening words, he was immediately so frightened that he clamped his hind limbs and collapsed on the ground, trembling.

Looking at the honest and cooperative weasel, Feng Yue skillfully took its blood and fused it.

Not to mention, it's really useful!

Although it is not a very powerful method, it is still somewhat useful to confuse others.

"Let's go! For the sake of your ability to provide me, I can not kill you. As for whether you can live in the future, it depends on your own creation. Loosening

the rattan that bound the mutant weasel, Feng Yue was also relieved.

If I had known the source of the illusion, it would have been the mutated weasel in front of me.

Where would I be here, wasting so much time?

Now that I'm in power, it seems like it's time to get out of here.

I looked up at the earthen house at the door, and the beard hadn't come out yet.

The stench inside the wooden house is definitely not gone.

It's impossible to go back.

Raising his eyes and glancing at the camp behind him, Feng Yue decided to go in first to have a look.

At the very least, before leaving, get some dry food with you.

Before he entered the camp, Feng Yue found out that something was wrong.

Compared to before, the situation in the camp now seems a little strange.

At this time, if it had been a few days ago, the people in the camp would have already begun to come out to work.

A vague smell of blood wafted over with the sound of the wind.

This made Feng Yue frown instantly.

"From now on, I am your new leader, and if anyone disagrees, he can speak now, and I will satisfy him!" a

burst of arrogant words came from behind the house.

Feng Yue tightened the long knife in his hand and walked in the direction where the voice came.

After turning past the wooden house that blocked his view, Feng Yue saw the scene in front of him.

Almost all the people in the camp are now gathered here.

The ground in the middle of the crowd was covered with blood.

A young fellow, spitting stars, spoke to the crowd.

"As you can see by now, the leader has committed suicide in order for me to take over the camp.

"That's because he feels that his strength is not strong enough, and only me, I Zhanpeng!, can guarantee your safety."

Feng Yue, who heard his words, noticed that the corpse lying in a pool of blood was indeed the leader of the camp he had seen yesterday.

And Zhan Peng is the one who the bearded man mentioned to him yesterday, the one who asked him to send ten energy crystal nuclei.

Now it seems that he has successfully awakened his abilities and become a new awakened one.

And the first thing he did after gaining the ability was to kill the leader of the camp.

Yesterday's leader, however, has the ability to ignite the fire system, although he is only second-order, but in this camp, he can be regarded as a rare master.

This Zhanpeng, with the strength of the Awakened One, actually killed the original leader.

This made Feng Yue curious about the abilities he gained after awakening.

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