Covered in black mist, his skin took on a strange grayish-black color, as if his skin had been infused with metal.

Those eyes glowed with a golden glow, as if God had stepped out of the darkness.

His original name was Qin Hao, no, it was the human name Qin Hao, he had transformed into a god, and the human name could no longer be used to call him.

The power of the door was far beyond his imagination, and he signed a contract with the door at the cost of being imprisoned forever, and the door only opened for a moment, and the power in his body continued to emerge like a spring.

Although he is now restricted by the door to find energy for him, but in the same way, there is a power that cannot be possessed by a human body, which also shows his strength.

In this world, no one can stop him!

Han Bin glanced at the "god" on the opposite side, and then at the robot 0-17 on the side.

The one on the other side won't be a robot, what does the chip have to burn to keep emitting black smoke?

If it's really a god, it should be a door god who comes out of the door, but I've never seen a door god covered in black smoke.

At this time, robot 0-17 has completely entered the combat state, and the white steam on its body has begun to gush out continuously.

One black and one white stood opposites, and the moment the red and golden eyes met, an invisible storm exploded between the two of them.

"After the model data analysis is completed, Qin Hao, the operator of the Tianpan Plan, the highest person in charge of the control center, detects that it has a dangerous threat to the planet, the combat state is ready, the highest indicator of the battle, obliterate!"

After this sentence was finished, the flames on the legs of the robot 0-17 rose, and the entire figure rushed directly towards Qin Hao on the opposite side, spraying flames at the end of its mechanical arm.

The flame drew a beautiful semi-circular arc in the air with his fist, and under the acceleration of this flame, a punch smashed mercilessly towards Qin Hao's front door.

With a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, Qin Hao gently stretched out his hand to stop the robot 0-17's extremely fast punch.


heavy punch smashed into Qin Hao's palm, and Qin Hao's face didn't change for a moment.

Then he threw it hard, and the energy in his body exploded, and the terrifying power directly threw out the body of robot 17.

Robot 0-17 is made of extremely heat-resistant and dense metals, not to mention that there is only a small body, and its weight is not lighter than a small truck.

But even with such a weight, he was still thrown out by Qin Hao with a slight flick.

This is not as simple as throwing off a robot, this is throwing off a small truck

!" "With your body that is not even a human, what are you fighting with me, don't underestimate me too much!"

In the next second, the robot 0-17, which had just been thrown out of the flung state, turned back sharply.

Behind him, a figure appeared at some point, and the pupils of robot 0-17 worked rapidly, and finally came up with an astonishing result.

80 meters per second!

That's the speed of a normal high-speed train.


fist with terrifying power smashed the body of robot 0-17, and the shell made of high-density metal was directly smashed out of a fist print, and the figure of robot 0-17 was unexpectedly blasted out.

It's not over yet, after the start of this punch, Qin Hao seems to have turned on the combo mode, and appeared beside the robot 0-17 before he stopped from the flying state, and then blasted out another punch.

From Han Bin's point of view, it was now a black ray of light that was rapidly bombarding the white light

! Bang bang!

There were more and more fist marks on his body, and in the continuous flying state, the eyes of the robot 0-17 were still staring at Qin Hao for data analysis.

This is where robots are stronger than ordinary humans, and in this case of continuous bombardment, the human brain will enter a state of temporary death when stimulated by pain, and even if it recovers, it is difficult to think as clearly and logically as a robot.

Moreover, the chip prepared by the robot 0-17 is a very top chip, and the logical operation at this time is even clearer and terrifying, during this period of time, he has thoroughly grasped the regular order of Qin Hao's appearance.

When Qin Hao appeared behind Robot 0-17 again, Robot 0-17 reacted.

Even if the body of the robot 0-17 is already scarred by now, as long as the chip is not destroyed, he can make a counterattack.


The fist of the flame propulsion acceleration smashed Qin Hao's body, and the power of this punch was like the impact of a car driving at high speed on the street.

Qin Hao's body was directly repelled by the robot 0-17 for several meters.

As soon as he hit it, the robot 0-17 wanted to rush forward and continue to inflict damage on Qin Hao, this was the brain chip that told him what he should do now, but he made a fatal mistake.

When he was trying his best to calculate Qin Hao's landing point, he ignored the most important point, which was Qin Hao's own defensive power.

Although the impact of the punch just now was very strong, if you wanted to directly beat Qin Hao to stiffness, it still didn't reach this level.

The moment the robot 0-17 approached Qin Hao, the eyes that emitted golden light stared directly at him.


The left hand stretched out suddenly, this time, Qin Hao did not knock the robot out, but directly grabbed the shoulder of the robot 0-17, and the huge force directly pinched out five finger prints on the metal of the shoulder.

"I've lost interest in playing with you. Although

the robot's 0-17 moment did not cause damage to Qin Hao's body, for Qin Hao, that blow was a big insult.

He did not allow the toy in his hand to fight back.

With a bright light in his eyes, his right hand made a spike and stabbed towards the head of robot 0-17.


metal of the head of the robot 0-17 is the hardest part of the body, all of which are used to protect the brain position chip, but no matter how hard it is, under Qin Hao's blow, the head of the robot 0-17 is directly pierced like a papier-mâché.


sound of electricity sounded in Qin Hao's palm, and he pulled his hand out suddenly, and the electric current rattled around his palm, but Qin Hao ignored it completely.

The same attacks as the car couldn't hurt him before, and this mere current is nothing.

In the center of the palm, a blue chip lay quietly there, and the blue light in the eyes of the opposite robot 0-17 had dissipated.


The palm of the palm was forced, and there was a popping sound.

When I opened my palm again, there was only some crystal powder left inside.

Blowing away the powder in his hand, Qin Hao threw the robot 0-17 in his hand towards the bottom of the heavenly disk like a ball of scrap metal.

In this world, no matter who you are, there is only one end to confronting God.

That's death!

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