Just when Qin Hao was immersed in his powerful strength, a cat's meow directly interrupted his intoxication.

"Meow!" (I said you broke that robot, why did you take me to the organization!)

Han Bin looked at Qin Hao, who was floating on the opposite side and was guilty of the second disease, and was a little angry.

Originally, Han Bin thought that the two of them would just end with a simple fight, but now, Qin Hao has destroyed all the chips of the robot 0-17, so how can he find an organization to join.

This cat meow attracted Qin Hao's attention, and his gaze swept over Han Bin's body with disdain.

In his world, creatures that don't even have a human form are even more despicable, even inferior to the robot that has fallen to the ground.

Qin Hao didn't understand what that cat meow meant, and of course, he wouldn't learn the language of Xi animals because of this lowly brute.

In his eyes, Han Bin is just a plaything that is a little smaller.

However, this plaything is so good-looking that even if he is a god, he is jealous of Han Bin's appearance.

"Weak creatures dare to look directly into the eyes of God!" The

golden pupils were directly facing Han Bin, and the golden light was sheng.

Now that he had lost interest in these toys, he waved his hand to look for the object on the heavenly disk that would allow the "door" to open completely.

While abandoning the human body, Qin Hao also abandoned the memory of the human being, and could only vaguely remember that the object that could completely open the door was on the heavenly plate, and he didn't remember what it was.

However, for him now, killing everything is not a problem, let alone finding a small object on this small heavenly disk.

When all the doors are opened, he will become the god who rules the planet.

The figure flickered, and in the next second, Qin Hao's figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already floating in front of Han Bin.

The eyes shone brightly, like an ancient divine light shot out of the endless darkness, with the majesty of despising everything and destroying all things.

The right hand was slowly raised, and the terrifying energy was swaying through the body, and the powerful power gathered in the palm of his hand.

This blow was his strongest blow, and he wanted to see what kind of strength he had reached now.

Under his estimate, this blow, even the Tianpan would be directly turned into ashes, which could accommodate tens of millions of people, and the Tianpan, which was equipped with countless high-tech weapons, was vulnerable to him.

This blow will be able to roll up the wind and clouds and drive all things, which is his strongest blow.

And this lowly creature in front of him should be glad for his fate, able to be killed by God's strongest blow at the last moment of his life.

The surrounding airflow had already begun to revolve violently around Qin Hao, and when the energy converged to the peak, Qin Hao threw a punch violently.


speed was so fast that it seemed to distort the space, and the air around it was stagnant.

The terrifying power swept through and formed a huge shock wave that shot directly on Han Bin's body, and under such a terrifying shock wave, all the places on the heavenly disk below that touched this shock wave turned into ashes.

Suddenly there was dust everywhere, and the surroundings became gray.

Only Qin Hao's eyes were still bright in the gray sky, and he withdrew his arm to make a move, and Qin Hao looked into the distance.

In this world, sure enough, invincible is always lonely.

Han Bin, who was brushing his hair in the fog, stared at the stinky guy in mid-air.

This guy's fist is just like that, he can blow his hair a little bit out, what is going on with the appearance of "Lao Tzu is invincible in the world".

Is this the legendary self-confidence back?

This guy is just like that, he can be so confident, that robot 0-17 is much stronger than him, at least people can understand what they are talking about, this guy will be a stinky fart in addition to stinky fart.

Qin Hao planned to solve Han Bin with one move, and it just so happened that Han Bin also had this plan.


Han Bin doesn't like to use the technique of instantaneousness, he doesn't have any momentum at all, he still likes to rush directly to the target's side.

Of course, Han Bin's speed was naturally not slow, and the airflow brought by such a fast sprint was no less than that generated by Qin Hao's previous use of the final blow.

A huge wind wave suddenly appeared, and the surrounding area that had been covered in dust was swept back to a clean appearance under the sweep of the powerful wind and waves.

And Qin Hao, who was standing in mid-air, looked at Han Bin who rushed up with a stunned look, and even the golden light in his eyes was stagnant.

How is this possible!

How is it possible

to withstand his strongest blow and still be able to act so freely

! Not to mention this kind of lowly creature, how can this creature be able to withstand his strongest blow, this, this is impossible!

Qin Hao's self-confidence comes from his own strong strength, which is also the factor that he has always considered himself a god.

He is invincible.

But once this kind of thing goes against his beliefs, his self-confidence built up by the rapid explosion of power will be quickly shattered.

In Qin Hao's brain, Han Bin should have turned into ashes like a hole in the heavenly disk below.

His self-confidence was shattered!

This is why the moment Han Bin moved, Qin Hao's first reaction was not to respond accordingly, but to stay in place and be stunned.

At this moment when Qin Hao was stunned, Han Bin's figure also rushed to Qin Hao's side.

The small mouth was tightly closed, and the terrifying energy gathered in the body.

Everyone uses their strongest ability to deal with themselves, and if they don't show some real skills, how can they be worthy of the attention of others.

A full output breath for our confident brother.


Qin Hao's frightened eyes, his golden pupils trembled as he looked at Han Bin's open mouth.

It's an energy that can't be defended against at all.

The lost memory suddenly reappeared from the depths of his mind, and it turned out that what he was looking for on the heavenly disk was right in front of him.

It's the cat in front of you!The

terrifying purple-black beam of light shot out from Han Bin's mouth in an instant, directly passing through Qin Hao's body, and the gray-black skin with a metallic luster turned into ashes the moment the purple-black beam appeared.

Qin Hao didn't understand until he died, why a terrifying cat that looked more handsome than a god would appear on this planet.

It's a pity that I can only think about it in hell.


Han Bin, who had released his breath, burped again, and hurriedly patted his somewhat bulging stomach with his little paws.

Is this because I ate too much, or because of this breath?

It's strange that my stomach is bloated after every time I release my breath.

I need to find a chance to see a doctor.

Uh, should I go to the doctor or the veterinarian now?

Although he is a cat, he is still a human being in the depths of his soul.

Han Bin pondered this question as he fell downward.

He's going to see Robot 0-17.

He'd really like to go to that organization, and maybe he'll be able to get some useful information from that robot.

As for this god

, he is invincible, but that's it

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