In fact, the robot 0-17 is still quite handsome, in Han Bin's opinion, although his current body has become a cat, but he still has a love for machines and devices in his heart.

Every man has a mecha dream, and that's not just talk.

The current situation of robot 0-17 can be described as quite tragic, and there is no intact place on the body, all of which are fist marks left by Qin Hao's attack.

If you want to say that the most tragic place is definitely the head of robot 0-17, in the center of the head, a hole before and after a hole is very terrifying.

Among them, there were also broken circuit tubes that were bubbling with electricity, and the eyes that had been shining with a soft blue light turned lifeless gray.

Well, there's one place that's very strange.

The belly of the robot 0-17 also seems to be a little swollen, although the bulge is very subtle, but Han Bin, who has super eyesight, still found something different from before.

This robot is also flatulent, how

swollen does it have to be to swell the metal to bulge, Han Bin looked at his stomach and suddenly had a feeling of being a little bit of a witch.

What is it that my fleshy belly is bulging, other people's metal belly is bulging, that's awesome!

But this idea seems a bit unrealistic, Han Bin touched his hair and pondered, could it be that this robot is pregnant? It seems that this idea is even more unrealistic,

then it is still flatulence.

But in Han Bin's shocked eyes, the abdomen of robot 0-17 became more and more bulging, and in the end, the piece of iron at the original belly was suddenly lifted away.

First, a small head was revealed, and the blue fluorescent eyes looked around, and then, a small figure crawled out along the body of robot 0-17.

A miniature version of the robot 0-17 is about the same size as a jingle cat.

Han Bin's three views on the side are about to break.


saw that the little robot 0-17 came out and came to Han Bin's side, looking up and down with blue eyes, as if it was matching the data in the brain.

Soon, a data stream flashed in his eyes, which should have completed the docking with the previous data.

"Meow?" (You're not dead?, are you its child now?)

Han Bin asked curiously, is it really a long time to see, this curiosity can't be suppressed directly.

"I am equipped with a backup chip and a backup energy source, and when the main chip is destroyed, the backup robot will be activated to store and receive data. The

robot explained to Han Bin.

It's also an existence ranked seventeenth in level 0, how can it be so easy to die.

After explaining, the robot turned around and scanned the surroundings, finding that Qin Hao's figure was gone, and then its blue eyes looked at the door floating in the middle of the sky.

This door is still only open with a small opening, and the current mini robot 0-17 does not have the ability to fight, so this time the reconnaissance mission of the Tianpan will be postponed.

The organization has a rough estimate before releasing the task, but at the moment, it seems that the situation of this door is higher than the estimate.

It is likely that there is an alien civilization behind the door.

But it seems that the current door needs a carrying medium, and this celestial disk exists as the carrying medium of the door.

It stands to reason that the celestial disk should fall to the ground after losing energy, but now it is still floating in mid-air, and there is a high probability that the celestial disk released energy to support the celestial disk.

First go back to the organization to report the situation, analyze the task data, and then return to Tianpan to execute the task.

Compared with Han Bin's stupid method of attracting the Tianpan, the planetary protection organization has long locked the location signal area where the Tianpan is located, and it can be said that Tianpan's every move is under the monitoring of the planetary protection organization.

"Your Excellency, it's time for us to go. "

Meow!" (Okay, then go with me and bring someone first.)

Han Bin must bring his own personal pillow, without the pillow, his cat life is unsatisfactory.

This was the only longing for people he had left since he became a cat.

Robot 0-17 has also seen Han Bin's terrifying energy breath before, although the brain has not calculated the result, but after estimating, Han Bin should be able to reach the level of 0, so there is nothing to question.

When the two returned to the place where Han Bin had found a place for Ye Xiaoye, Ye Xiaoye had just finished taking a shower and changed his clothes.

Seeing it, Han Bin's eyes lit up.

Although Ye Xiaoye is not the kind of person who can be instantly amazed by what he looks at, but he is the kind of person who feels more and more when he looks at it, and after such a care, it is called a good look.

Han Bin directly kicked his little foot and landed in Ye Xiaoye's arms.

"Oh, what are you doing. "

After Han Bin jumped up, he was not honest, and he rubbed hard.

It's so fragrant!ah, it's so soft!

's cat seems to be getting more and more sticky to herself, and Ye Xiaoye can't cry or laugh.

"Your Excellency, it's time for us to go. It

wasn't until the electronic synthesized sound started that Ye Xiaoye noticed that there was a small sound under his feet.

"There's a robot here. "

Different from the previous robot 0-17 in the body, the current mini 17 is still very cute, so Ye Xiaoye held Han Bin with one hand, and picked up the robot with a slight pinch with one hand, and put it in front of him to look at it carefully.


0-17 wants to resist, but now his body is too small and he doesn't have any ability to resist, so he can only let Ye Xiaoye fiddle.

"Cat, where is he taking us?" Ye

Xiaoye didn't know what the robot meant before, just ask the cat in his arms at this time, his cat is not a simple cat, maybe it is a goblin.

Han Bin was tossing in Ye Xiaoye's arms while using his heart to transmit the voice.

"He's going to take us to a safe place where there are no zombies, and when you get there, you can have a good rest, and we'll go there together. "

That's it!" Ye

Xiaoye's eyes burst with excitement.

If there is one thing that the greatest wish in the last days is, it is definitely to have a place that is not discovered by zombies.

"Thank you little robot! And thank you cat!" Ye

Xiaoye gave a fragrant kiss on the side, and Han Bin's body was directly numb.

However, the robot on the side obviously couldn't understand Han Bin's feelings, and even the chip in his brain was still analyzing whether the woman in front of him was going to eat herself just now.

The probability of the result of the analysis is as high as 80%, and in the human world, the action that requires the movement of the mouth is eaten for a large part of the time.

Moreover, human beings in a state of hunger in the last days are very terrifying.

The human escape robot hurriedly jumped out of Ye Xiaoye's palm, and after saying a word come with me, it was about to fly forward.

If he were the main body, he would still be able to fly with two people, but now he can only lead the way.

He knew that it wouldn't bother the cat behind him.

In Ye Xiaoye's exclamation, Han Bin flew up with her and followed the robot leading the way in front.

Leaning comfortably on the pillow, Han Bin stretched his limbs comfortably.

Planet Conservancy, I'm here!

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