On the way to the Planet Protection Organization, Han Bin had guessed where the organization's base would be built.

After all, the scale of this organization should be quite small, but there is no news report about this organization in the usual news.

So Han Bin guessed that it should be in the ocean or underground.

It was indeed guessed by Han Bin, it was under the ground of an ocean.

Led by robots 0-17, a person, a cat, and a robot came to a small beach.

This small beach is not a simple small beach, it was still a famous tourist attraction before the outbreak of the end times, I saw the robot on the beach a few times regularly, and a circular circle of light appeared on the beach.

It should be something like a portal, the kind on the heavenly disk.

motioned for Ye Xiaoye to take Han Bin to stand up, and was teleported in the next second.

Because of the experience of having one time, Ye Xiaoye will not be as flustered as the last time.

Coming out of the portal, Han Bin and Ye Xiaoye's first feeling was full of a sense of technology, and the decoration style with blue and metallic colors as the main tone was very cool.

Robot 0-17 led the people behind him forward, and he had to test Han Bin's ability first.

"Yo, Little Seventeen, the mission failed and became like this. Suddenly

, a voice sounded in the corridor, and before they had gone far, the light of the portal behind them flickered, and soon, a tall and hot woman in a power suit walked out.


sound of swallowing saliva sounded, it was not a robot, it was not Ye Xiaoye, of course it was the saliva swallowed by our male protagonist Han Bin.

"Yo, there's such a beautiful little cat here. The

woman stepped forward, hugged Han Bin in Ye Xiaoye's arms, and gently blew in Han Bin's ear.

This cat has been staring at her body since she appeared, isn't it just a perverted cat.

Han Bin's small body softened directly.

Ye Xiaoye is the cute type, and the woman with a hot figure in front of her is definitely a proper royal sister style, Han Bin understands it.

Cuteness is vulnerable in the face of sexiness.

Robot 0-17 introduced on the side: "Number 0-7, code name Poison Spider."

"Little Seventeen is still so cute. The poisonous spider hugged Han Bin, who was already soft, to the side of the robot 0-17, stretched out his beautiful fingers and touched the little robot.

She just likes Xiao Seventeen's serious introduction.

Robot 0-17's eyes flickered slightly, and the chip in his brain quickly analyzed.

In the human world, this is called molesting oneself.

But according to the results of the previous data analysis, if she retreated, the woman would have to gain an inch, so staying where she was now is the best choice.

Sure enough, seeing that the robot 0-17 stayed in place without reacting, the poisonous spider lost interest, and then shifted his gaze to Ye Xiaoye on the side.

At the first sight of Ye Xiaoye, the poisonous spider was attracted by the huge pillow.

Looking down at himself again, the poisonous spider, who has always been confident in his figure, will inevitably be a little ashamed of himself.

This little guy is so spectacular.

"There's also a cute little sister, come, come and let my sister hug.

Faced with the teasing of the poisonous spider, Ye Xiaoye stood in place and was a little at a loss, so he could only look at Han Bin on the side with a distress call.

Cats help.

But now Han Bin has completely fallen into the arms of poisonous spiders.

This woman is the same as her code name, poisonous.

In the end, Ye Xiaoye did not escape the "claws" of the poisonous spider, and was pulled into the arms of the eldest sister.

"These two are newcomers, is Little Seventeen going to take these two little guys to the test? Robot

0-17 nodded, and just wanted to refute that he only took Han Bin to the test, but the poisonous spider left directly with the two of them, leaving only a word for robot 0-17.

"Little Seventeen, hurry back to the doctor to repair your body, I'll help you go just when I'm fine, in vain."

After saying this, the poisonous spider disappeared around the corner with the two of them.

Robot 0-17's head, which can complete hundreds of millions of operations per second, didn't react at once, what is this woman's idea?

Because the poisonous spider always likes to play tricks on the robot 0-17 before, so the robot's brain has a special set of algorithms for the poisonous spider.

The move of the poisonous spider can be said to be beyond the algorithm.


In the time that the robot was thinking, the poisonous spider had already led the two of them to a room with various instruments, the room was very large, but only the poisonous spider and others came in.

Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, there would still be a staff on duty here, but after the outbreak of the apocalypse, there were many fewer people who could be found, and the room for the test was idle.

As for the idea of a poisonous spider guessed by robot 0-17, it's pretty simple.

The first is to want to stay with such a good-looking cat for a while, and second, that is to ask this little girl how she developed to such a big age, and see if there is any progress.

Along the way, the questions asked by the poisonous spider were embarrassing for both a person and a cat.

However, under the pressure of the poisonous spider "big sister", Ye Xiaoye still answered obediently, although Han Bin listened embarrassed, but he was not a human being, and it was none of his business.

Speaking of which, although the body of the poisonous spider is indeed hot, in terms of the comfort of the pillow, it is still Ye Xiaoye's comfort.

Han Bin reminisced about the old again.

"What are the kittens thinking, it's time to start testing. The

poisonous spider gently leaned down and whispered in Han Bin's ear, which made Han Bin soft again.

This instantly made Han Bin's ability soften, and it seemed that he didn't miss the old anymore.

The detection instrument is not large, and there is a space in the middle that can accommodate one person to enter, so that Han Bin's small body still has a lot of rich activity space.

"Little color cat, my sister will explain to you, you just need to release your ability in it, rest assured, the metal used in the manufacture of this instrument is an extremely rare alien metal, no matter what, it will not be destroyed, rest assured." "

I saw that little bar on the side, and when you reach the first one, it means that your ability level can directly reach level 3, and if you add one more grid, you will have one more level, if you can't reach one grid, you can only stay here and slowly cultivate to level 3, and the people who come here, people who don't belong to the organization can't leave casually." The

poisonous spider pressed his head on Ye Xiaoye's shoulder and explained to Han Bin in the instrument.

She wasn't worried that Han Bin wouldn't understand.

The people who can be brought by the robot 0-17,According to the historical situation,It's not a simple thing.,Understanding people must not be difficult for this color cat.。

Ye Xiaoye, who was pressed by the poisonous spider, was a little shy, this sister's hands were so dishonest.

Han Bin naturally understood, and looked at this instrument with light in his eyes.

Although it is very cool to look at those tens of millions, hundreds of millions of talents before being reborn, Han Bin does not have a reference that can be tested.

All the enemies are directly secondary, and even the strongest Qin Hao is a one-move kill.

If it's really the same as the poisonous spider says, this is a good thing.

Han Bin's eyes lit up directly.

Try how high you can be with full output breath!

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