In the base of the Planetary Conservation Organization, something has come to fruition.

It stands to reason that the most orderly task release office is now a mess, with a group of people standing outside the table at the mission release office with a sign with a few big characters written on it in their hands, as if they are about to revolt.

The administrator of the mission release yawned as he looked at the crowd standing in front of him protesting but not daring to make much of a move.

Most of this group of people are level 3 people, and there is even a group of people who have not yet reached level 3.

As for why he is standing here, it's not because of Dr. Bai's latest announcement on the bulletin board.

A newcomer directly ascended to the 0-0 position, and the specific situation was not clear to the administrator, but as soon as the news was released, the group of people who had been at level 3 for a long time, and those who had struggled for a long time and had not reached level 3, couldn't sit still.

It's not that joining the organization is to start from level 3, they have worked hard for most of the day to reach level 3, or even level 3, why can that newcomer be one step ahead of others and directly climb to the 0-0 position.

Didn't this organization break its own rules?

So there's a scene of this group of guys protesting here.

However, in the heart of the administrator, he looks down on this group of protesting guys from the bottom of his heart, and he has time to say something unfair here, why should others go directly to the 0-0 position, it is better to go back and enhance his ability.

With a disdainful smile on the corner of the administrator's mouth, I really want to give you a 0-0 position, so you can sit safely.

At the same time, I also became interested in the 0-0 newcomer, what kind of person would make the three leaders of the base directly determine the position of 0-0 without asking the opinions of the previous two.

Does that mean that if the first and second leaders know, they will not hesitate to admit the identity of 0-0.

Now the administrator's interest is getting even stronger.

What kind of talent can make the strongest people in the three organizations admit that they are better than themselves at first sight.

But what should be dealt with now still has to be dealt with, otherwise this group of troublemakers will not be called a problem if they have been blocked here, which will seriously affect the task reception.

As for who that person is, we can only find out later.

Although the administrator of the task office is not a person at level 0, he is also a well-known existence at level 1, so the administrator is together, and the group of troublemakers on the opposite side invariably take a step back.

On the administrators who got up, they felt the pressure.

"Want to make trouble?"

The administrator's words were very short, only three words, but the pressure on the opposite person was not half a star, and sweat suddenly slid down his forehead.

The qualitative nature of these three words is not the same, they are here just to have a statement and then be able to quickly transition to level 3, or leave level 3.

But according to what the administrator said, the nature is completely different, and making trouble in the organization doesn't require a level 1 action, just take out a level 2 one, and it's enough to solve all the things present.

It's terrifying, is this the aura and pressure brought by a level 1 person?

The man who was the leader knew that he had to stand up at this time, and under the terrifying pressure emanating from the administrator, he said with a stutter: "I, I, we have no intention of making trouble, we just, we just think it's a little too unfair to do this, we just want an explanation, you, you don't have to be so excited." This

is very unconfident when he says this, and coupled with the pause in his stuttering, it seems even more cowardly.

This is also the reason why administrators look down on this group of people.

Come out and mix, no strength, no background.

At a glance, it turned out to be a small deflated three.

It's not funny.

"Go back and practice your speech Xi come back again, shame on you. The

Administrator spoke very politely, and as he spoke, he took a step forward, directly causing the leader to fall to the ground in fright.

This group of guys who are not in the climate are not even making trouble, and they still want to leave level 3 with this, which is really embarrassing.

Seeing that the group of people who were making trouble were all thinking of retreating, the administrator shook his head and was about to return to his place.

But unexpectedly, another voice appeared, and this voice was completely different from the so-called leader before, it was very smooth, as if it was very confident.

"What does the administrator mean by that, don't you explain the sudden 0-0?" It

makes sense for this group of people to find the administrator, most of the people at the 0 level are usually out on tasks, and they can contact the people at the 0 level, and the only one who can contact the 0 level is the administrator of the task department.

To the administrator's surprise, in this group of level 3 guys, there are really people who have the confidence to stand up and speak.

Turning around, I looked at the figure that had come out of the crowd.

The Administrator felt that his performance just now was already very arrogant, but the person who came out now seemed to be much more arrogant than he was before.

It's as if he was born for arrogance.

And the administrator is a character who eats soft and does not eat hard, for this kind of person, it is impossible to ask the administrator to speak well.

"Why, eh, yo, arrogant. The administrator glanced at this arrogant person up and down, and said: "Eh, I won't tell you yet, what, if you're not convinced, I'll just pick it out, like you guys who only know how to call non-stop all day long, I know all the calculations in my heart, and I'll stay at level 3 in this life." This

can be said very seriously, but the hearts of those people are holding back the fire but they dare not say anything.

After all, the strength of the administrator is there, and if he talks back now, he is looking for death.

Level 1, abuse them is the same as playing.

But the person who can stand up and speak now is not comparable to the group of guys who shrank behind and didn't dare to make a sound, with an arrogant smile on the corner of their mouths, and looked at the administrator opposite with the same pride.

"As far as I know, leaving Level 3 is not just about evaluating strength and completing tasks. As he spoke, his eyes were firmly fixed on the administrator opposite: "Administrator 'you' have been in this level 1 position for a long time. This

sentence immediately caused an uproar in the surroundings.


an old man in the organization, how can an administrator not know about challenging the order?

In the Planetary Conservation Organization, if you are not satisfied with the status quo, the lower position with a certain degree of confidence in your own ability can challenge the high position, and the winner of the challenge will replace the number of the high position, and the defeated high position will be postponed by one place.

It can be said that there is a challenge opportunity as an incentive in the planet conservation organization.

After all, the higher the level, the better the benefits, and it is still very attractive.

And what this person means by this person is to challenge the administrator.

The administrator's face froze.

Perhaps because of the opponent's incompetence, the Administrator erupted in a loud laugh.

"Hahahahaha!" "

Level 3 people don't want to challenge level 1, even if it's level 2, they can make them eat a big pot, this guy is really very self-aware."

The arrogant man also looked at the administrator and smiled, his smile was the same as his character, with arrogance.

Soon the laughter subsided, and the administrator's eyes stared sharply at the arrogant man opposite.

"I just haven't done it for a long time, so I'll sharpen your sharpening knife! I hope you, a level 3 whetstone, can give some strength. The

arrogant man also stepped forward, and looked at the administrator without fear, full of gunpowder.

"I hope 'you' don't sharpen your old knife when the time comes!".

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