The news of a level 3 rookie challenging a level 1 administrator has spread throughout the organization, and almost all level 2 and level 3 members within the organization have been drawn over.

As for level 1, in their opinion, it's just another whimsical new melon egg, and as for what the ending is, they've seen a lot.

It's just that Level 1 beats Level 3 tyranny, and then another Level 3 member loses his dreams.

They've seen a lot.

There is a special place for challenges in the organization, which is very empty and has auditoriums that can easily accommodate everyone.

The administrator and the arrogant man have also stood in a place specially divided into combat fields.

Such an arrogant newcomer made the administrator very unhappy, looking at the man opposite who still looked arrogant when he arrived here, he sneered and said: "I hope your strength is as arrogant as your attitude."

"You level 1 people are so fond of nonsense?" The arrogant man replied directly with a rhetorical question, saying, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

"That's what you want. "The administrator originally wanted to give the arrogant man a chance to give up, but now it seems that there is no need for this.

Blood surged through the Administrator's body, and a wild force awakened in the body.

The Administrator's body began to undergo a mutation, with gray hair growing rapidly, and nails and teeth sharpening.

The onlookers around looked sideways.

This is the Administrator's famous stunt - werewolfization.

It is precisely by virtue of this werewolf that the administrator has the current level 1 identity.

After the completion of the werewolfization, the Administrator's speed, strength, and recovery ability will be greatly improved, and the Administrator's combat effectiveness will reach another terrifying height at that time.

Although there are more onlookers at level 3, it stands to reason that they should support the level 3 personnel below, but in their hearts, in fact, the arrogant man has no chance of winning at all.

That's the deterrent effect that comes with Level 1.

The speed of werewolf transformation is very fast, almost completed in a few seconds, and the administrator after completing the werewolf transformation has a trace of ferocity and wildness in his eyes compared to the calm of the previous people.

His sharp fangs and nails glow coldly, and his slightly arched back helps him bounce stronger.

On all fours, the current Administrator resembles a hungry wolf in human form.

His nose twitched slightly, and the smell of the arrogant man on the other side entered his nose, which meant that he had locked on the "prey" opposite.

Crawling on the ground on all fours, he rushed towards the arrogant man on the opposite side at a running speed that was not inferior to that of an adult wolf.


a distance close to the arrogant man, the administrator's limbs violently exerted force, and his whole body jumped in the air, like a wolf jumping up to hunt its prey.

The people around stared at the scene off the field.

Is this what a Level 1 member is capable of?

In their opinion, the arrogant man was now standing motionless because he was stupid by the strength of the administrator after his transformation.

Maybe if they were them, they shouldn't be much better than that arrogant man.

But this was not the case in the administrator's heart, and the moment he approached the arrogant man, a sense of danger that could only be felt after transforming into a werewolf appeared in front of him.

This sense of danger had helped him overcome countless difficulties in his previous missions, and now, this sense of danger came from the arrogant man opposite.

But the culling action has been made, and there is no room for retraction.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the arrogant man, the administrator was ruthless, and his leaping body suddenly raised his hands, ready to pounce on the arrogant man like a wolf pounced on its prey.

But the moment he got closer, the arrogant man moved!

Just one turn, and he accurately dodged the administrator's pun.

After the administrator was disappointed, a very strong sense of crisis came from behind him, and he slid his limbs and wanted to run forward, but the arrogant man was faster.

A violent blow from the rapid movement of an object reached the Administrator's back.

The moment the words came to the Administrator's

mind, a sound of bones breaking sounded behind the Administrator.

In a split second, with just one move, the Administrator fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

The audience was shocked.

The arrogant man wiped his shoes on the administrator's body with disdain, and it was really boring to fight with such a person who could only talk big.

"Although, if I beat this guy, I should already be level 1. The

arrogant man stood in place, put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, and said such a sentence.

The audience around them was silent, not knowing what the arrogant man wanted to express.

"But in my opinion, level 1 is garbage!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the crowd suddenly became restless, and the 2nd and 3rd levels of onlookers suddenly boiled.

This is the first time anyone in the organization has said this.


arrogant man flipped the fallen administrator over with one foot, and slapped the unconscious administrator's face with his hand.

"It's not just level 1, level 0, it's also garbage!" This

sentence came out, and everyone was about to explode, this is no longer arrogant, this is absolute arrogance.

But I don't know why, in this arrogance, it makes people feel indescribably domineering.

Directly say that level 0 is rubbish!

This is really excessive.

"Why, why should our strength be defined by this so-called organization, why have we struggled for so long, and we are still at level 3, or even level 3, why!"

This sentence is like a spark thrown into an oil barrel, instantly igniting all the emotions of the people around us.

"We know our own strength, why are we defined by them, how can this group of so-called level 1 and level 0 bastards be better off than us!" The

surrounding level 3 and level 2 personnel all looked at the arrogant man in the center with red eyes, and the jealousy and anger in their hearts surged up in an instant.


This so-called task administrator shirked and didn't explain to us why the newcomers were 0-0, why, why they could be 0-0 as soon as they came, and we had to struggle a little bit, does that mean that the other levels 0 and 1 were set at the beginning, does that mean that no matter how long we struggle, we can only stay at 23, not even 3!".

If the Administrator is awake, or if there are other Level 1 people here, they will definitely refute the arrogant man's words.

This is an absolute fallacy, and if that's the case, then why did the challenge mechanism exist in the first place?

But the people around him have been completely consumed by jealousy, and it is impossible to think of this.

Everyone around them held their breath, and their emotions had reached a peak by this time.

With an arrogant smile on the corner of the arrogant man's mouth, he slapped the administrator's face with a crackling sound.

And this sound, like the sound of war drums, stimulates the nerves of the people around them.

yes, isn't this high level 1 just being trampled under the feet like a dog now, so are those bastards really all such waste?


So the uprising! Our rank should be defined by ourselves!" The arrogant man saw that his emotions had reached the point, and he stood up sharply and raised his arms.


"Uprising!" "Uprising!" "Uprising


cries abounded, one after the other.

The arrogant man kicked the administrator's body away and said arrogantly in a louder tone.

"Then fight! Let that group of rubbish know that we are the real 0 and 1

!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight

!" "Fight!"

Listening to the voices of the people around him, the arrogant man is like a leader surrounded by everyone.

There was a smile in his eyes, a sickly smile on the achievement of his goal.

The more chaotic, the better!

No one knows, because a small conflict announced by Han Bin's number only slightly boosted emotions, and the first civil strife of the planetary protection organization began!

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