The firestorm lasted for a full five minutes in the mission hall before dissipating, and by the time the white ants and others hiding in the cabinet came out, the entire mission hall had turned black.

The trail of the zombies has vanished, apparently wiped out in the previous firestorm.

Everyone cautiously moved to the main hall of the mission hall, where a huge black ball slowly floated in the center of the explosion.

What is

this? If they remember correctly, that position should be the place where Drunken Dream and the arrogant man fought before, could it be that the two of them are inside this black ball?

This group of people guessed correctly, the two of them are indeed inside the black ball.

Three minutes after the explosion ended, the black ball turned into a bits of black light and disappeared into that location.

Click, click!

Two sounds of falling to the ground rang out.

If it's not a drunken dream and an arrogant man, who else will it be.

The white ants and the others stared at the two people sitting on the ground panting with wide eyes, and an idea invariably appeared in their hearts.

They were monsters, and they didn't take any damage at the very center of the explosion at this level.

The arrogant man's face no longer has the arrogant appearance before, but has been replaced with an expression of escaping after the catastrophe, and the black ball is exactly what he released.

This ability is called absolute dark matter defense.

It was an absolute defense in the true sense of the word, and the moment the explosion occurred, he released the absolute dark matter defense, wrapping himself and the drunken dream.

Releasing this black ball also cost him a lot, the most important of which was the loss of twenty years of life.

Of course, he still knows which is more important than living 20 years less and not being able to live anymore.

As for why Drunken Dreams is wrapped in absolute dark matter defenses, the reason is simple.


arrogant man got up a little embarrassed, kicked the drunken dream away with a heavy kick, and his weird anti-colored eyes were full of anger.

"Grandma's, Lao Tzu lost twenty years of life for no reason. In

the heart of the arrogant man, a deep flame of anger was burning, so he kept his drunken dreams until now.

He won't let Drunken Dream die so easily, he wants to torture him, he wants to regain his lost twenty years in Drunken Dream's body.

Punch after punch, kick after kick fell on Zui Meng's body, at this time Zui Meng had no idea of resisting, he didn't die just now, it's good to die now, and he can see his wife and children sooner.

As for resistance, his strongest killing moves were all defused by others, and resistance had no meaning at this time.

The white ants and others shrank themselves in the corner, and it was obviously not a wise choice to show their heads at this time.

That man can even resolve the strongest killing move of a level 0 master, and when they go up, isn't that just going to be cannon fodder.

They don't have the courage to step forward, so naturally someone will come forward.

"I said, isn't it a bit bad to do this at our planet conservation base. The

arrogant man gave the drunken dream in his hand another punch, threw it on the ground, and looked at the place where the voice appeared.

He was angry, and there were still people who dared to come forward at this time.

That's good, just to put out the anger for him.

At the entrance of the mission office, two figures with a kitten slowly walked out of the shadows and came to the middle of the mission hall.

It was the poisonous spider and others who completed the mission and returned to the base to restore their lives.

The eyes of the white ants hiding in the corner suddenly burst into light

!0-17 Robot Seventeen, 0-7 Poisonous Spider

!Two Level 0 powerhouses!Saved!

But soon, their attention was focused on the good-looking kitten in the arms of the poisonous spider.

Strange, what's the situation with the kitten in the arms of the poisonous spider, the poisonous spider has a pet? It's weird and good-looking.

The poisonous spider looked at the already charred and blackened mission, and then looked at the drunken dream that fell to the ground covered in blood.

It's rare to see this guy so embarrassed.

Anyway, what kind of person is this person, it's really ugly, it's still good-looking little perverted cat in his arms.

Robot 0-17 has entered a combat state, his eyes are emitting a dangerous red light, and the chip of his brain is working, directly locking on the arrogant man opposite.

Han Bin, uh, forget it, Han Bin is still rolling in the arms of the poisonous spider.

Drunken Dream, who was lying on the ground, reminded while coughing.

"Ahem, be careful, he's a member of an alien dark organization, and he also has an ability similar to absolute defense, ahem. The

white ants and other Level 1 personnel on the side listened with a puzzled expression, and the absolute defense can understand, it is the big black ball in front, they have also seen it, as for what that alien dark organization is.

But the moment the poisonous spider heard about the alien dark tissue, his face became serious.

This guy turned out to be a member of this organization.

The relationship between the planetary protection organization and the alien dark organization can be said to be mortal enemies.

It's no wonder that Xiao Mengmeng, who doesn't usually like to do much, has fought to this point.

The arrogant man's face was a look of disdain, a woman, a robot, and a broken ...... Good-looking cats, what kind of waves can they make, but it's just right, use them to extinguish the fire.

twisted his neck, and the arrogant man was about to step forward and make a move.

As soon as the poisonous spider was about to move, Han Bin in his arms flew directly towards the arrogant man opposite.

"Eh, what are you doing, little perverted cat!"

Subconsciously, the poisonous spider was worried about Han Bin's safety, but thinking of Han Bin's terrifying combat effectiveness, his heart fell as soon as he mentioned it, and even the robot 0-17 on the side canceled the battle mode.

If the cats want to make a move, what does it matter to them.

It's good to watch a play, there is no shortage of anything, just a watermelon.

In the eyes of White Ants and others, Han Bin rushed towards the arrogant man, which was undoubtedly no different from suicide.

They have seen the strength of the arrogant man with their own eyes, and even the strong man of level 0 has no choice but to help the arrogant man, isn't this little kitten rushing to death.

The arrogant man's face showed a disdainful smile, looking at Han Bin, who was flying towards him quickly, he raised a hand, and then stretched out a finger.

A small creature like this, he can explode with one finger.

Such a disdainful and arrogant expression lasted until Han Bin came to him and raised his cute paw.


A sentence spewed out directly from the arrogant man's mouth, after he entered the current state, he was able to perceive the danger around him in advance, and the moment Han Bin raised his claws, an extremely terrifying sense of danger appeared in front of him.

If you want to say that the previous drunken dream gave him a sense of crisis was a bottle of water, and now Han Bin is a vast ocean.

Han Bin, who was originally a little cute thing, instantly turned into a giant beast, as if he was about to swallow him with his mouth wide open.

What kind of monster is this!

Without any hesitation, the absolute dark matter defense was released again, and in front of Han Bin, a black ball suddenly appeared.

Just at the moment of appearance, Han Bin's little paw touched the black ball.

Boom! The

ball that was directly hit by the terrifying power became dented, and in the next second, the absolute defense that prevented the strongest blow of the drunken dream exploded directly into scum in the surprised eyes of the white ants and other level 1 people.

And the arrogant man inside the black ball was subjected to the terrifying power of Han Bin's follow-up claw, and flew out directly.

The speed of the upside-down flight was so fast that no one present could see clearly.

Even the drunken dream lying on the ground stared at this shocking scene.


pool of blood suddenly appeared on the wall of the charred mission at the burnt black mission, which was the blood stain left by the arrogant man who flew out at high speed after hitting the wall and bursting open.

Except for the mentally prepared poisonous spiders and the emotionless robots 0-17.

The audience was shocked! The

person who could see the arrogant male figure flying out was naturally only Han Bin.

As for the expression on the face of the arrogant man......

He's seen too much, and what he means is, why are you able to break through my defenses, you're a monster, and so on.

It's boring.

I heard someone say just now that this man has absolute defense, and Han Bin's curiosity was directly raised.

He wanted to see if absolute defense could prevent his breath.

In order to prevent a one-hit kill, Han Bin didn't even release his breath directly, but chose to throw a punch.

Who knew that guy was so uncompetitive, he couldn't even defend against his most ordinary punch, and claimed that it was an absolute defense.

Han Bin was very sassy and stroked his slender beard with his small claws.

Absolute defense? That's it

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