There was only one thought left in the minds of a group of Level 1 personnel.

What the hell is this cat sacred?

"I, I think I've heard that the new 0-0 doesn't seem to be human.

The white ant said one thing he had heard, because he was very concerned about the news related to the ranking of the base, so he had heard some rumors about the number ranking.

Judging from the current situation, this cat is likely to be the legendary 0-0

Before, although this group of level 1 guys didn't show it, in their hearts, to be honest, they were still a little unconvinced, but they knew how to restrain more than those level 2 and level 3 guys.

It is only now that they know how naïve their disbelief is.

Grandma drop, if you have such strength, let alone 0-0, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 no one dares to have an opinion.

"Hello, excuse me. At

the entrance of the passageway, a somewhat delicate voice sounded.

This voice is unfamiliar to others, Han Bin will not be familiar with it, not who Ye Xiaoye will be.

With an acceleration, Han Bin fell straight into Ye Xiaoye's arms.

Oops, I haven't hugged my royal pillow for a long time, and I'm panicking.

Level 1 personnel, such as the white ants on the side, were silent.

This new assistant of Dr. Bai is also the object of heated discussion in the base, and Dr. Bai's assistant is a dream job for many people, as long as he becomes it, it can be said that he will reach the sky in one step.

But no one expected that this job would fall on a person who is also a newcomer.

And looking at this Dr. Bai's assistant and the cat suspected of being numbered 0-0, the relationship is still very close.

Are these two people together

? They have already seen Han Bin's terrifying combat power, so this assistant of Dr. Bai, is it also a monster with explosive combat effectiveness?

Ye Xiaoye touched Han Bin's little head, and then walked towards the center of the hall of the scorched mission office, although he had not seen it with his own eyes, he must have experienced a great battle here.

is also a person who has been tempered in the last days, so Ye Xiaoye's receptivity is still very strong.

"Miss Poison Spider, Mr. Robot 0-17, and Mr. Drunken Dream, Dr. Bai please come over.

Ye Xiaoye said with a smile on his face, and as he spoke, he walked to the side of the drunken dream who fell to the ground, took out a good-looking small box from the pocket of his clothes, and opened it.

Inside the small box, a pill lay quietly.

Ye Xiaoye took it off and put it into the mouth of the drunken dream.

This is the pill that Dr. Bai prepared for him, in fact, he knows everything that is happening in the mission department, but compared to the civil strife in the mission department, there are more important things happening.

After resting for a minute, Drunken Dream's dying state became the same as ordinary people.

You must know that the injuries on Zuimeng's body just now, but at least eight bones were broken, plus different degrees of damage to the internal organs, ordinary people would have died a long time ago, and Zuimeng has relied on his terrifying strength to survive until now.

The efficacy of this pill can be described as exaggerated, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle medicine.

Seeing that the drunken dream was almost recovered, the group walked towards Dr. Bai's laboratory, and Dr. Bai also arranged for special personnel to be in charge of the situation in the mission hall, and they would arrive after a while.


door of the laboratory with a sense of science and technology was opened, and everyone entered the laboratory one after another.

Han Bin's eyes were on the humanoid mecha placed on the side, which should be the new equipment of robot 0-17, I don't know if I can ask Dr. Bai to make one for himself.

Mecha is really handsome.

It has only been a day since Dr. Bai left and returned from Han Bin and the others, but the messy hair and heavy dark circles under his eyes all reflect Dr. Bai's tiredness in the past few days.

"It's coming.

Dr. Bai's voice was a little dull, and it was clear that he hadn't spoken much that day.

As he spoke, Dr. Bai's eyes remained glued to the screen.

The content on the screen is simple, in the sky, a door with a gap opens, slowly releasing black mist outward, and below, a huge construction area like a ruin.

Han Bin recognized Tianpan at a glance, after all, the pretending criminals on the Tianpan last time were quite impressive.

"The arrival of the alien dark organization this time is not an accident, they are declaring war on our organization, and at the same time, they are also sending a signal that they have been lurking for so long and are finally coming. "

Dr. Bai knew that this group of guys would definitely come, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Even has infiltrated the organization, level 2 and level 3 personnel have not been as rigorous in management in recent years as before, and it is here that the arrogant man is given a chance.

But the arrogant man's motive Dr. Bai was a little unguessable, this time the civil strife was not as big as imagined, and after the arrogant man came to the base, it seemed that the loss of the civil strife was only one mission hall and a group of Level 23 personnel.

And the arrogant man's behavior is more like provoking trouble and looking for a fight?

Dr. Bai, who can be said to be the top brain of the planet, can't figure out the motives of the arrogant man.

Of course, there are more important things now than figuring out the motives of arrogant men.

"On the day you set off to the island to kill the demon zombies, the door on the heavenly disk suddenly received a large amount of energy, which means that the door on the heavenly disk is about to open. "

No one knows what's in the door of the heavenly disk, but it's not a good thing after all.

Dr. Bai turned around, his originally clear and calm eyes covered with bloodshots.

"The highest level mission! Prevent the door from opening! Now there are only four of you who can go to the Heavenly Disk, but once the door on the Heavenly Disk is opened, countless people will die because of it, and even this planet will be destroyed after the door is opened!"

"And the purpose of our organization is to protect this planet.

Although Dr. Bai was very tired, he said these words with a sonorous and powerful voice, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

Han Bin listened to it on the side, and it was a blood boiling.

"Received!" Dr

. Bai's gaze swept over everyone's faces one by one, and finally fixed on Han Bin's body.

The key to this mission is still Han Bin, strictly speaking, this should be the first official confrontation between the planetary protection organization and the alien dark organization.

What is unknown to the planetary protection organization is the strength of the opposite side, and what is unknown to the opposite side is the strength of Han Bin.

Let's see whose unknown is stronger.

"Don't worry, after that, I will send them to the Heavenly Disk to support you if there is level 0 who have completed the mission. "

The difficulty of this mission has far exceeded any previous mission, and as for the Level 1 personnel, they are no longer useful at this time, so there is no need to send them.

The severity of the matter this time has greatly exceeded everyone's imagination, and several people dare not slack off, and they are about to prepare to leave.

"Wait a minute. Before the people and the cat were about to leave, Dr. Bai stopped them and said, "Come with me, I have prepared some things for you before the mission starts."

Several people followed Dr. Bai to the corner of the laboratory, and with the sound of a door opening, a display case hidden behind the wall appeared in their sight.

After Han Bin saw the things in the display case, his eyes couldn't take his eyes off anymore, and they were glowing, as if they were flashing little stars!

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