Han Bin's idea would definitely be white-eyed if it was known by a few people around him, and some people would actually feel sorry for themselves for being too invincible, what kind of person, Ah No, what cat.

This mission was originally thought to take some effort, but because of Han Bin's monster-like existence, the mission was completed very smoothly, and even captured a prisoner of a hostile organization, which can be described as a lot of gains.

By the way, Dark Ten originally wanted to sneak away, but he became honest after being caught by the poisonous spider and beaten up.

After losing the energy support of the door, the celestial disk completely lost power and began to fall towards the ground.

This Tianpan plan, which was secretly carried out by the high-level leaders of various countries at the beginning, and did not care about the lives of the people at all, can be said to have completely disappeared from this world.

The Level 0 personnel who were originally going to come to Tianpan to support also took on a new mission under the signal of Dr. Bai, and the poisonous spider and others returned to the base with Dark Ten.

Robot 0-17 didn't go back, he went to the complex below the celestial disk to search for the survivors.

If the sky disc falls, these poor creatures who stay below will die in the violent impact of the collision, and with both search and high-speed rescue capabilities, robot 0-17 is more suitable.

The blue eyes quickly scan in the building below, the built-in thermal scanning machine is turned on, and under the high-speed calculation of the chip, a suitable and fastest route is quickly planned in the brain of the robot 0-17.

The jets on the hind legs are activated with all their might, and the body of the robot 0-17 turns into a streamer of light and flies towards the buildings.

The time it takes for the Frisbee to fall is ten minutes, and during that ten minutes, robots 0-17 have to rescue more than 300 survivors in the area below.

This is no small task!

Almost as fast as possible, the bewildered survivors were sent to the safety of the zombie-free flat by the robot 0-17.

Finally, at the moment when the heavenly disk bombarded the ground, more than 300 survivors were all transported to the flat ground by robot 0-17.


At the moment when the heavenly disk collided with the ground, a huge roar erupted behind him with a terrifying impact.

All the buildings and zombies in the city turned into scorched earth in an instant.

Robot 0-17 stared at the collision behind him silently calculating the data of the explosion, which is his Xi, strictly speaking, a program arranged in the brain, he will calculate and record the data of various energies.


, a stone smashed into the metal skull of robot 0-17, and robot 0-17 looked back at the group of angry survivors behind him.

Robot 0-17's blue eyes flashed, and according to the logic of the brain, he rescued this group of survivors, and the expressions of this group of survivors should not be angry.

The chip in the brain of the robot 0-17 began to heat again, because the current situation was beyond the scope of the calculation logic of his brain chip, and he didn't understand why this was happening.

Soon the group of angry guys explained the reason for the robots 0-17.

"Why! Why is it coming to our rescue now, you know how hard it is for us in the last days.

"Grandma, you're from the army, where to hide and eat and drink spicy

food, you!" "Why save us, why didn't you come earlier, and don't care what we do, it's better to let us die inside!"

"You know how long we've been starving in there, you know a fart, you're a tin sheet! What about the army! I want to see the people of the army"


All sorts of curses came out to save them too late, and pebbles rained down on the metal head of robot 0-17.

Robot 0-17 analyzes the insults, the light in his eyes flickering, and finally converging into a puzzled expression on his face.

He couldn't understand why this group of people cursed themselves like that.

He's just there to get his job done.

As the cursing lengthened, mixed with the sound of stones hitting the surface of the body, the sound reception system of Robot 0-17 fell into a state of confusion.

This chaotic state converges in the brains of Robot 0-17, and the data error prompt bar begins to surface in front of Robot 0-17's eyes, and his logic analysis system collapses.

And when this kind of program crashes, it means that the current robot is the weakest time, which means that it is easy to be invaded by "viruses".

Just as Robot 0-17 stood in place, his eyes flashing gibberish, a transparent gray gas that was so transparent that it was almost invisible burrowed through the back of Robot 0-17's head.

Just as the gray gas burrowed into the body of robot 0-17, a piercing alarm sounded inside the body of robot 0-17.

[Warning!Warning!System Built-in Program Error!System Built-in Program Error!]

Robot 0-17 standing in place had red and blue eyes flashing alternately, and the group of survivors in a state of anger on the opposite side did not notice anything unusual about Robot 0-17.

[Warning!Warning!Unknown intrusion inside the system,Warning,Warning!]

The sound of warning became more and more sharp and piercing, and the flickering frequency of the lights in the eyes of the robot 0-17 soared at an extremely high speed.


A loud explosion seemed to suddenly appear in the robot's mind, and all sounds disappeared at this moment, and even the lights in the eyes gradually dimmed.

But after only a moment of dim time, the lights came back on, although it was still the same blue as before, but in the depths of this blue, there seemed to be a touch of gray constantly wandering.

The survivors on the other side are still hurling insults and throwing pebbles at robot 0-17, they are smart enough to stay away, and if robot 0-17 breaks out, they will have time to escape.

It's a pity that they didn't correctly estimate the strength of the robot 0-17.

The blue eyes indifferently swept over the more than 300 people on the opposite side, and the brain program began to work, framing each person on the opposite side one by one, which means that they have been locked by the robot 0-17.

And the group of guys on the other side didn't seem to have the slightest intention of stopping, and even scolded and brought up the rhythm.


!" "Garbage!" "Die!"


In the eyes of robots 0-17, the group has turned gray and white.

Slowly raised the arms of the machine, in the middle of the palm, in the circle of the abdomen, the light turned on, and the terrifying energy was gathered in an instant.


world fell silent after a violent explosion.

There was no invective, no stone on the head.

Robot 0-17 flames rose from the soles of his feet, flew high into the air, indifferently glanced at the traces left on the ground, and flew in one direction.

This range is found in the Robot 0-17 map reserve.

There, there is one of the highest volcanoes on the planet.

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