On the other side, the poisonous spider and the others had already escorted Dark Ten back to the base of the Planet Protection Organization.

Drunken Dream disappeared after escorting Dark Ten back, presumably in some corner where he was drinking again, while Han Bin stayed with the poisonous spider.

As for how to get information from Dark Ten's body, that is Dr. Bai's business, and Han Bin has rarely had time to rest since he joined the base.

The only regret is that his exclusive pillow is now Dr. Bai's assistant, and to assist Dr. Bai in completing interrogation and other tasks, Han Bin can only be wronged and wronged in the arms of the poisonous spider.

"Hey, hey, little perverted cat, why do you look disgusted, it's bad to stay in the arms of the old lady, although it's not as good as that little girl, but it's still okay. Han

Bin looked at the poisonous spider with a reluctant look on his face, and he was also an existence with organizational strength and figure, although it was not as exaggerated as Ye Xiaoye.

It's been five or six hours since I got back to the base, and this little perverted cat has always had this expression.

If you can't beat this little perverted cat, the poisonous spider will definitely teach this little guy who doesn't know what to do or bad a good thing to do.

"Forget it, the old lady is tolerant and generous, she doesn't care about you, she takes you to eat delicious food, whether you go or not. Hearing

the delicious food, Han Bin's eyes immediately lit up.

I haven't eaten a good meal since I came back from rebirth, so I can take advantage of it to eat a good meal now, you know, Han Bin also has millions of talent points, and the food he eats these days is simply indescribable.

The cats got up and were about to leave, but before they could take a few steps, Dr. Bai's voice sounded behind them.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave, and you're on a mission.

The cat looked back at Dr. Bai behind him, although the species were different, but the expression was strikingly similar.

The poisonous spider pursed his mouth, looked at Dr. Bai aggrievedly, and said, "Dr. Bai~ People have been on several missions in a row, so let the family and the kitten take a rest." "

The lethality of poisonous spiders is still terrifying, even the elderly Dr. Bai is a little overwhelmed by the poisonous spiders like this.

"Ahem, this is the last mission, and I'll give you time to rest when this mission is done. The

face of the poisonous spider suddenly fell, and the last time it seemed to be the last one, and this time it was the last, when is the head?

Dr. Bai also knew that he had said several last times, but this time the task could only be completed by Han Bin and the poisonous spider, so he could only continue.

"The messages on the Dark Ten have been set out, and one of them is like this: 'All the kings of resentment will not really die after the physical death, and their souls will remain and continue to be preserved. ’。 The

poisonous spider recalled the picture at that time, and said: "At that time, the attacks of the little colored cat directly penetrated the so-called Devouring Resentment King, and there should be no so-called souls left." "

The soul seems to be a little too mysterious.

Dr. Bai knew that the poisonous spider might have such a question, and turned around and gestured to Ye Xiaoye behind him, Ye Xiaoye hurriedly stepped forward, opened the tablet in his hand, and after pressing it a few times, a blue fluorescent projector appeared in the eyes of several people.

On the fluorescent projector, a picture of a volcano appears in everyone's eyes, and at the very top of the volcano, a very familiar figure is releasing a rotating hole to absorb the volcano's magma.

"Little Seventeen, isn't he searching for and rescuing survivors!" Poisonous

Spider and Han Bin recognized Robot 0-17 at once, but now Robot 0-17 is unleashing the ability to devour the King of Resentment, devouring the sky and the earth.

That's telling.

"This is a footage transmitted back by a Level 0 member who went on a mission around the volcano, and I suspect that the soul devouring of the King of Resentment must have invaded the 0-17 program. After the video was played, Dr. Bai looked at the two people opposite him and said.

The expression of the poisonous spider is obviously aware of the ability released by robot 0-17, and this rotating hole ability does not exist in Dr. Bai's configuration of robot 0-17.

Then all the conjectures are very reasonable.

The poisonous spider never thought that the robot 0-17 search and rescue survivors actually had a problem with the search and rescue.

In a sense, this mission is not a newly released mission, but a follow-up to the previous unfinished mission, and the poisonous spider suddenly has no complaints in his heart.

Han Bin was a little depressed, and said that he would go eat something delicious.

Of course, he still knows that robot 0-17 is more important, after all, it was robot 0-17 who brought him to join the base of this planet protection organization at that time.

Since the content of the task and the reason for the task have been determined, the poisonous spider can't say anything more, so he asked directly.

"Doctor, when are we leaving.

"Let's go!" Dr. Bai replied quickly this time, barely thinking about it, and said, "0-17 has already discovered the Level 0 personnel on the other side of the volcano, and I have already transmitted the location to you, so I must rush to the scene and stop 0-17 before the Level 0 personnel have an accident!"


On the other hand, the member of the mission on the edge of the crater is codenamed Little Mantis, and his weapons are two exaggerated half-moon hand-held knives, which are nicknamed because they resemble praying mantises.

His number is 0-22.

He never imagined that one day, the members of the organization would appear in a situation opposite to him.

The Level 0 member of the video that was previously transmitted to Dr. Bai was him.

His gaze fell firmly on the person opposite, the person floating in the air, who was still ahead of him.

Although the numbered number does not necessarily represent the individual's strength ranking, just like a drunken dream, although the ranking is 24, the strength is definitely not at the level of 24.

But the strength of the robot 0-17 is definitely worthy of his seventeen name, the most important point is that the maker of the robot 0-17 is 0-3 Dr. Bai, although no one has explained it, but everyone has tacitly regarded the robot 0-17 as a standard existence.

The little mantis has seen the robot 0-17 before, after all, this somewhat dull iron bump is still quite popular in the base.

But now the robot 0-17 is no longer the cute appearance it was before, and the robot 0-17 in front of the crater has a rotating hole that is wide open, just like milk tea, absorbing the magma from the volcano into the hole.

And as time passed, the surface of the robot was also changing, the originally smooth and smooth surface began to become sharp and hideous, and after the absorption, the original blue-white color scheme also changed to red and black, and there was even magma flowing slowly on its surface.

Such a robot 0-17 gave the little mantis an extremely depressed feeling.

I don't know what exactly happened to him.

The new mecha that the Doctor made for Droid 0-17 doesn't look like it.

And on the edge of the volcano, the little mantis should have no other tasks if he remembers correctly, and looking at the appearance of robot 0-17 does not look like it is doing a task.

Of course, the most important thing to do now is to stay here obediently and wait until the organization's reinforcements arrive before making the next move.

After all, the little mantis is not yet confident enough to feel that it can beat the robot one-on-one 0-17.

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