Behind Bai Shu, there were nine large and small light clusters, but the combined volume of these nine light clusters was not as large as the one light cluster of the Resentment Emperor.

What shocked the Emperor of Resentment was that after these nine clusters of light, there, there was a cluster of light no smaller than the size of the Blue Star (the planet where the White Book lived).

On the surface of the light cluster, a series of transportation pipes connect the light cluster of the white book, and transmit energy to the light cluster of the white book.

What kind of ghost light group is this?!What the hell is the delivery pipe?!

From birth to the present, the Emperor of Resentment has taken the bodies of countless people, but he has never seen anything like Bai Shu.

This huge ball of light has defied all the cognitions of the Emperor of Resentment.

No way, how could this world have such terrifying abilities.

Bai Shu looked at the dark space in a little confusion, and also found the light cluster behind him, the nine small light clusters seemed to be very intimate with him, and took the initiative to move closer to him.

And the big lump behind him should be the delicious one...... Ahem, only the medicine given by the good-looking cat.

As soon as he thought of the shocked resentful emperor on the other side, Bai Shu guessed the matter.

Resentment this race has an ability called snatching, and I heard the poisonous spider say it before, so this should be the space where snatching will go.

"You want to take away me?"

Bai Shu glanced at the Resentment Emperor opposite, and the huge light cluster behind him began to vibrate under the influence of Bai Shu's thoughts, and leaned against the Resentment Emperor opposite.

A planet-sized ball of light smashed towards a person, and that scene was still very shocking.

Looking at the light cluster that was getting closer and closer, the resentful emperor wanted to cry.

He had thought that after being resurrected, he would be able to rise up and enslave the group of people who had sealed him under his hands.

But this time, before I even passed the novice village, I met the boss that could only be encountered in the final level.

How to play this



Consciousness returned to his body, and Bai Shu looked at his somewhat gray hand.

It was a wonderful feeling just now, and although the consciousness had left his body, not much time had passed around his body, as if it had only passed for a moment.

But in that dark space, Bai Shu seemed to have stayed for a long time, and he could try again if he had the chance.

Previously, when he was in the pitch-black space, Bai Shu threw the huge ball of light directly towards the Emperor of Resentment on the opposite side, and the Emperor of Resentment forcibly left the dark space at the moment when he was about to be smashed by the ball of light.

And this time the detachment paid a big price for the emperor of resentment.

The Emperor of Resentment who returned to his body no longer had the grace and luxury he had before, and he could even see a trace of panic on the face of the Emperor of Resentment, and even the crown on his head had become a lot darker.

The telekinetic storm and the Twelve Kings Wheel have almost been consumed, and on Bai Shu's body, the armor condensed from the essence of countless zombies has also entered the finishing stage.

There is no way to solve the dead end! A

trace of unwillingness flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of Resentment, he had been sealed in the door for countless years, waiting to be liberated from the door.

But after being liberated from the door, he was about to be killed here before he even had time to regain his strength, and a deep sense of grievance appeared in his heart.

At the same time, there is also the fear of the white book, or rather, the maker of the previous tube of medicine.

Just relying on a tube of potions can raise the strength of the person on the other side to this level, such a level, such a strength has even surpassed the level of the super civilization planet, and it is even above it.

What is on the super civilization planet, he has already reached the point that as the Emperor of Resentment, he does not have the ability and qualifications to explore.

And such a terrifying existence appeared on such a low-civilization planet.

What the hell is going on in this world!

Looking at Bai Shu, who had completed the condensation of his armor and was approaching him, a trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of Resentment, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed.

Since he can't survive, then the people on this planet will definitely not have a good time!

Bai Shu doesn't like the kind of TV series-style ending, and he has to make a killing speech when he kills his opponent.

The blood-colored armor on the body perfectly fits the curves of the body, and can contract and release with Bai Shu's thoughts, which is also easy to carry and can be directly incorporated into the body.

And not to mention the energy contained in it, how could the life armor condensed by the essence of more than six billion zombies be weak.

Coming to the body of the Emperor of Resentment, his hands were raised high, and between his hands, a dazzling red light appeared, faintly turning into the appearance of a long sword.

Without any hesitation, he slashed towards the neck of the Emperor of Resentment.

It was also at this time that the Emperor of Resentment suddenly erupted.

"Since I can't live, you all will send me to hell!" The

voice that had been like a bell turned hysterical at this time.

He was lucky, thinking that Bai Shu was just a bluff and not a real life essence power, but when Bai Shu approached, the burning sensation on his body told him.

That's true! That means that the Emperor of Resentment has been completely driven to a dead end.


! If he wants to die, then don't live!

At the moment when the blood-colored sword slashed down the Emperor of Resentment, Bai Shu didn't have time to stop it, and a gray-gold shockwave was released from the Emperor of Resentment's hand and rushed towards the planet behind her.

After smashing on the planet, there was no earth-shattering scene, only a faint ripple appeared on the surface.

Bai Shu frowned, she would even rather appear than a scene that destroyed the world.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

She could feel that something seemed to be missing from the planet behind her, but she couldn't tell what it was.

It's a hard feeling.

Bai Shu looked at the body of the Emperor of Resentment, which was losing energy support and began to float in the universe, and grabbed the head of the Emperor of Resentment, staring at the Emperor of Resentment whose breath was rapidly dissipating with scarlet eyes.

"What have you done

!" Emperor Resentment had a crazy smile on his face, his voice was hoarse like a madman, and he had completely lost the majesty of the

Emperor! "Die! Die

!" "You don't seem to know what my abilities are!"

And Bai Shu was completely enraged by Emperor Resentment, and in the frightened eyes of Emperor Resentment, he bit off a piece of meat from Emperor Resentment's face, and kept chewing it in his mouth.

Even the resentful emperor who was about to die still felt fear at this moment.

Is this person a monster?

She's eating her own flesh!

The ability that Baishu gained after being a zombie is called devouring, that is, eating and eating.

After she eats the meat, there is a certain probability of gaining the ability and memory of the eaten, and if the emperor doesn't say it, then it's easy to eat him.

If you don't have a memory, it's easy, just eat more.

When the Emperor of Resentment was eaten away until his skull was exposed, Bai Shu finally obtained the fragment of memory he wanted.

In the perception of the Emperor of Resentment, Blue Star seems to be protected by an unknown force, which protects Blue Star from being perceived by the outside planet.

But this power is where it comes from, and the Emperor of Resentment can't understand.

Just now, the power released by the Emperor of Resentment broke the protection of this layer of unknown power, it was a blow used by the Emperor of Resentment to burn his life, there was no way to make up for it, and there was no way to make it up.

This means that the blue star will be completely exposed to the stage of the universe in the future.

And Blue Star has just experienced the crisis of the zombie apocalypse, which means that if exposed to the universe at this time, it will face more unknown, even unfaceable dangers.

Bai Shu smashed the head of the Emperor of Resentment with a punch, and shook his hand in disgust, and even felt a little disgusted.

She dislikes such a person's flesh and blood.

He died with a lot of innocent people.

Zombies hate you.

"It's really a pity for you to die!" After

dropping these words, Bai Shu flew towards the blue star.

Han Bin's potion effect is almost up, and staying in space for a long time will also have an effect on her.

The corpse of the Emperor of Resentment was floating in the universe, and it happened that a comet flew by, which directly took his corpse into the distance.

The super-overlord of a generation of super-civilized planets, the Emperor of Resentment, has fallen.

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