The scenes of the previous battle in the universe were all watched by everyone on the beach.

After the death of the Emperor of Resentment, the telekinesis exerted on them also dissipated, regaining control of their bodies.

And the blood-colored long bridge made of more than six billion zombie corpses naturally they also saw it, so does this mean that this era ruled by zombies is over?

Bai Shu guessed the following thoughts that might appear in his heart, so the first sentence was related to zombies.

"The end times are still going on, and what I absorb is only the life essence of ordinary zombies, and some zombies with special abilities, and some zombies with the potential of kings will not be affected by my previous influence. "

Although on this planet, because of Baishu's full sacrifice, the number of zombies is rapidly decreasing to an extremely terrifying degree, but those zombies with good strength and the potential of kings will not be willing to be controlled by Baishu.

There are also zombies on the blue star, which are the elite zombies left after a round of screening.

And such a situation is likely to give the survivors the illusion that all the zombies are dead and the end of the apocalypse, and when they let down their guard and cry bitterly, they are likely to be swept by the second round of the remaining elite zombies.

When there were many ordinary zombies before, this group of elite zombies may be a little more convergent, after all, the amount of "food" is not much for them, it is still a little convergent, and the huge number of ordinary zombies is also a threat to them.

But now, they have no scruples at all, which means that they will enter a kind of slaughter.

At this time, it is really the most dangerous time for Blue Star.

The Apocalypse and Dr. Bai also realized the severity of the problem, and hurriedly began to prepare for the personnel transfer of all planetary protection organizations, whether they were on a mission or in the base, they had to operate.

And there had been a foreknowledge of today's events on the metal stone before, so the Apocalypse and Dr. Bai were not too flustered, and the specific response regulations had been prepared a long time ago, and now they just need to take them out and operate.

When the two were about to leave, Bai Shu stopped them again.

"One more thing, I extracted from the memory of the Emperor of Resentment that Blue Star seems to have a layer of protection that was destroyed by his last blow, and then Blue Star will be exposed to the universe or something, I don't know what will happen specifically. Bai

Shu felt that it was still necessary to say this matter, after all, it was about the safety and survival of Blue Star.

The Revelator and Dr. White nodded in understanding, and hurried away.

In the face of such a critical matter, the relationship between Bai Shu and Dr. Bai has rarely eased somewhat.

After the revelator and Dr. Bai left, a figure flew over and hugged Bai Shu directly, not disgusted by Bai Shu's current appearance, rubbing in Bai Shu's arms.

"Ah, my books are so good that I killed that bastard guy in one fell swoop.

Looking at the poisonous spider in his arms, Bai Shu's face had a dry smile.

My sister really likes to stick to it no matter what she becomes.

He touched his sister's head, of course, carefully avoiding the sharp spots on his palms.

At the same time, there was another thing in mind.

In the mind of the Emperor of Resentment, Bai Shu actually felt the fear of that light group.

Or rather, the fear of the master who created the light.

In the cognition and mental consciousness of the Emperor of Resentment, it is impossible for someone like Han Bin to exist.

Bai Shu's eyes narrowed slightly.

The image of a cat came to her mind.

The previous Bai Shu only felt that Han Bin was very powerful and could create such a powerful potion, but he didn't have a specific understanding of Han Bin's strength.

But with the help of the memories in the mind of the Emperor of Resentment, Han Bin's strength has a more intuitive concept for Bai Shu.

The Emperor of Resentment himself was far beyond the life on the Blue Star for the existence and power of life, but even such a powerful existence could not explain and understand Han Bin's identity at all, and only fear remained.

This made Han Bin's identity confusing.

According to the cognition in the mind of the Emperor of Resentment, it is impossible for an existence like Han Bin to appear on a planet like Blue Star, so what is Han Bin's purpose on Blue Star.

Bai Shu's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking deeply, the mysteries on Han Bin became more and more.

Such a person, no, what is the purpose of the cat on the blue star, and where does it come from.


The Revelator and Dr. Bai moved quickly, and it only took less than ten minutes or so to complete the assignment.

Every team of four people forms a team and goes to various parts of the world to complete the remaining zombie annihilation plan, and each person is equipped with the latest zombie detector developed by Dr. Bai to ensure that there are no zombie mistakes.

And the members who were still on the mission also received Dr. Bai's message and formed a team outside on their own to complete the plan to annihilate the remaining zombies.

Han Bin didn't plan to team up with the poisonous spider, because as long as she teamed up with this guy, she would definitely find all kinds of reasons to let herself make a move, and then she fished on the side.

How can this work?!

Han Bin made those potions so that he could touch the fish himself, so in this way, it is better for him to team up with a little mantis than with a poisonous spider.

But the poisonous spider came up with a reason why Han Bin had no refusal.

In their team, they recruited cooks.

At the mention of the three words of cook, Han Bin's mouth began to secrete saliva, and the tenacious taste of iron plate squid suddenly emerged from his mind.

Hungry ......

Under such temptation, Han Bin still chose to team up with the poisonous spider.

It's okay to move your fingers when you eat, after all, it's not too tired, Han Bin thought.

In the end, Poison Spider, Bai Shu, Cook, and Han Bin Zuchen made a four-person squad, and such a strange lineup looked at the other people in the base for a while.

This lineup doesn't look like it's going to kill zombies, it's not like it's going to save people.

A cat, a man covered in poison, a cook, a zombie ......

Han Bin used his beauty to trick the survivors out, and then the poisonous spider was responsible for killing, the cook was responsible for cooking, and finally fed to ......

Can't can't, can't think about it, the picture is too "beautiful", it's going to collapse.


As Bai Shu expected, the survivors, after seeing a large number of zombies die, thought that this group of monsters had finally been punished and disappeared into the world.

They covered their faces and ran out of their cowering place with tears in their eyes.

Standing on the street full of congealed flesh, they screamed heart-rending to the sky, such a long period of depression was finally released, and the despair in their hearts all exploded at this moment.

When the apocalypse broke out, they were careful not to make a sound, for fear that the group of monsters would find them through the location of the sound.

But now, it's all over.

They want to shout! They want to shout

out all the grievances in their hearts! The

depression of the last days is really so suffocating that this group of survivors is about to despair, and the end of the end times is already a luxury for them, but they didn't expect that one day, this luxury will come true.

Everywhere in the world, weeping people can be seen wherever there are survivors.

The better ones stand and cry, and the emotions are out of control and cry directly on the ground, and there are also people who don't cry frantically smashing the items around them and getting angry.

It was as if the end times were really over.

But what they don't know is that a terrifying killing machine far beyond the previous one is brewing in the dark.

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