Chen Jian is also a member of the army of survivors, and since the outbreak of the end times, he is already lucky compared to others, occupying a supermarket with his classmates at the beginning of the end of the world.

The surroundings are also well protected, except for the darker living environment, there is no other bad situation, relying on the surplus grain in the supermarket and the goods in the warehouse to live until now.

There were seven people in the supermarket, all of whom had studied at the same university before, three girls and four boys.

At noon today, the streets suddenly burst into cheers, and the seven people looked out through the only small window reserved in the supermarket.

The streets are full of emotionally uncontrollable survivors.

And all those nightmarish zombies disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"Chen Jian, this is, the end of the world is over?"

a girl in the team hesitated for a moment before asking Chen Jian.

The end times broke out for so long, they have become Xi to this kind of life hidden in the dark, and suddenly saying that the end times are over is a little untrue for them.

But before they could think deeply about whether the end of the world was over, a violent crash came from the door of the supermarket.

The seven of them suddenly became nervous.

In the last days, the slightest disturbance will stir their tense nerves.

Zombies, zombies?!No

, no.

If it was a zombie, how could there be so many survivors on the street, isn't this looking for death

! Then there is only one possibility, it is a person!

It stands to reason that if it was the same kind of people, Chen Jian and they should have opened the door in the past, but they are not sure whether the end of the world is over, and all actions have to go through the brain.

And in the last days, sometimes the human heart is more terrible than the zombies.

Just when a few people hesitated to step forward and open the door, the door was directly violently broken open by people outside.


door slammed into the ground, stirring up clouds of dust.

The harsh sunlight shone into the house through the doorway, and because they had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time, the seven people in the room closed their eyes the moment the door was broken.

By the time I got used to the sun and opened my eyes, a group of green-eyed survivors had rushed into the supermarket, frantically grabbing food from the shelves.

The seven of them huddled in the corner and did not make a sound, they knew that going up at such a time to provoke this group of hungry and faint people was no different from looking for death.

But looking at the appearance of this group of people, it seems that the end times are really over.

Several people's hearts shook, emotions surged, and their noses were sour.

I want to cry.

Just as they were about to cry, a tall, extraordinary-looking man came up to them and looked at them with an elegant and easy-going smile on his face.

As for why he looks extraordinary, because this person is actually wearing formal clothes, and there are even a few bodyguards around him to protect him.

This is a rare occurrence in the last days.

"Little brothers, I don't know if you are interested in joining our 'Rebuild Your Home' organization. The

man's smile was contagious, and he extended a hand towards the seven as he spoke.

The man's name is Ye Jingshu.

The end times may be a disaster or a misfortune for others, but for Ye Jingshu, this is an opportunity for a global reshuffle!

Others are afraid of his greed, and it is very appropriate to use it on him.

He is ambitious, and since the beginning of the end of the world, he has begun to gather people, and now, thousands of people have gathered around him.

When the end of the world broke out, the global order was chaotic, even the military or the official were overwhelmed, so to speak, the global order has fallen into chaos, and all the officials are almost in a state of paralysis.

Whoever has the first opportunity means who can become the master of this planet in the future.

It was a big gamble.

The bet is on the time when the end of the world will break out, and the bet is that the end of the world will end in the end.

As it turned out, he got his bet right and became the biggest winner.

The time for the outbreak of the end times was far shorter than he imagined, and the end was very sudden, and at the end of the end of the end of the world, the era of his Ye Jingshu was coming!

And what he had to do now was to rely on force, words, and temptation to roll more and more people standing behind him, and in the end, he would naturally become the new master of this planet.

This is Ye Jingshu's ambition!

And Chen Jianqi, who had just come out of college and had just experienced the baptism of the last days, could withstand the temptation of Ye Jingshu's words, and almost agreed without hesitation.

Whether it is Ye Jingshu's formal and high-end clothes, or the bodyguard standing behind him.

Even before the outbreak of the end times, it was definitely a good existence, not to mention the current end times, so as soon as Ye Jingshu's olive branch was thrown, several people did not hesitate to squeeze it in their hands, as if it was some precious treasure.

Rebuild the homeland, you see, what a good name, why not add such an organization!

Ye Jingshu had a meaningful smile on his face.

After the end of the world, there are too many such people, they are eager to have a backbone to support their beliefs, and Ye Jingshu is now playing the identity of the backbone.


All the survivors gathered by Ye Jingshu stood in a huge square.

Originally, this was the most prosperous city center of a city, but because of the outbreak of the end times, it became full of holes.

The survivors gathered here still had food in their hands, talking and putting it in their mouths, even though their stomachs were already full.

They've been hungry for too long, and they don't want that feeling of hunger to come back to them again.

What is seven points full, eight points full is the healthiest.

Don't be hungry even if you're holding on.

"What are you doing when you call us here, hiccup~~~

" "I heard that it has something to do with that rebuilding home organization.,That's it.,That's what kind of organization is called Ye Jingshu."

"Hey, it doesn't matter what organization he is, the end times are over, as long as you can give me a bite to eat, I'll be enough, I can't stand the feeling of being hungry." "


Most of the people in the square have such an attitude.

It's none of their business who or what they do, as long as they can feed them, and whoever asks them to do something, they will do it.

Of course, there are also some intellectually online people who realize that today's assembly is not simple.

Soon, in the suspicious eyes of everyone, Ye Jingshu walked onto the only high platform in the square, holding a microphone in his hand, and a sound system matching the microphone was placed on the side.

This was given to him by Chen Jian from the previous supermarket.

Because of this sound, Chen Jian and others have the honor of standing on the edge of the high platform.

Ye Jingshu's gaze swept over the crowd below, and in his mind, these people were already his "people".

He is the ruler over these people.

And what the king wants to do, that is, to spread his thoughts to his own people, what Ye Jingshu wants to do today is this.

Ye Jingshu's eyes erupted with endless ambition and essence.

After a brief trial of the microphone, a sentence spread throughout the square through the speaker.

"This era belongs to us!".

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