"This is a document sent by the Bureau of Cosmic Rules. "

In the base of the Planet Conservation Organization, a document was handed from Dr. Bai's hand to Han Bin's little paw.

It has now been a month since the alien spacecraft passed through the crack in the universe and was destroyed by Han Bin.

In this month, the remaining mutant zombies on the blue star were quickly cleaned up, and the remaining survivors were also screened and arranged in two areas.

As for what will develop into the future, it is not up to the planetary conservation organizations to manage, their mission is to protect the blue star from devastating harm.

And they did, and at a cost.

And the vaccine for the zombie virus has finally been developed by Dr. Bai after so long after the outbreak, and it has been arranged for mass production and injection.

How far they can recover in the end depends on the survivors themselves.

The information of the isolation layer was also informed to Dr. Bai through Han Bin and others, and Dr. Bai immediately started capturing extraterrestrial information after learning the news.

Sure enough, there began to be many regular waveforms that continued to probe the blue star.

And the most regular waveform information has been compiled into a document in Dr. Bai's hands, there are two in total, one is about the rules between the universes.

Every planet with the ability to receive the universe will receive such a document, which lists the common rules between the universe, large and small, as Chen Sang said before, low-civilization planets are not allowed to shoot at high-civilization planets, and they are among them.

These rules are tightly formulated and cannot be violated, just like the laws on the Blue Star.

And the Cosmic Rules Bureau is an existence like a police station, and as long as someone violates the rules of the universe, they will be caught back to the Cosmic Rules Bureau.

Another document Dr. Bai had was a notice to take Han Bin into custody.

Han Bin killed a large number of high-civilization planetary lifeforms, and in two days, someone will be sent to the Blue Star to take Han Bin away.

The people around were all looking at the document angrily, but Blue Star was still in its infancy for this vast universe, and although they were angry, they had no ability to change the outcome.

For this result, Han Bin also expected it.

The people on the side, especially Ye Xiaoye, were by Han Bin's side all the time after learning the news, although they didn't know why their cat became so strong, but Ye Xiaoye still felt that Han Bin was his little treasure from the bottom of his heart.

And during this period of time, Han Bin also enjoyed a rare quiet time in Ye Xiaoye's arms.

Two days passed in a flash, and on the beach of the Planetary Conservation Organization's base, a fluorescent portal slowly appeared there.

Two figures slowly stepped out of the portal, their feet landing on the delicate sand.

One black and one white, standing on the left and right.

They came here for only one purpose, which was to take Han Bin away.

The scenery here may be beautiful, but it's definitely not enough to attract these two figures, there are many more beautiful scenery in the universe, and it's better to see those than to look at the beach and the waves.

They are responsible for the arrest of members who break the rules Over the years, they have caught too many people like Han Bin in the universe who don't care about the rules of the universe.

They have only one destination, and that is a prison nestled in the depths of the universe.

Cosmic Prison.

The people who were escorted to the Cosmic Prison stayed in it for a period of time before they were called for approval by the Cosmic Rules Bureau.

As for this period of time, it will depend on luck.

Han Bin could have rebelled against this group of guys, but he actually recognized a reality very early.

is with the blessing of hundreds of billions of talent points, he is invincible.

If you want to use force, let alone these two people, black and white, even if all the people from the Universe Rules Bureau come, there is no way to move him in the slightest.

But in the space of a month, he figured out a lot of things.

In fact, force cannot do some things, and those things have to be changed with heart.

And this cosmic prison is where Han Bin is going to experiment.

So for the arrest of these two people, Han Bin did not resist but chose to leave with these two people.

Of course, choosing to leave with them does not mean that Han Bin agrees that this so-called cosmic rule is correct.

The purpose of what he wants to do has not changed, which is to change the rules of this bullshit universe and seek justice for all injustices.

This is the mission of his strength.

On the beach, people from the planetary conservation organization who have a good relationship with Han Bin have arrived.

Little Praying Mantis, Divine Shooter, Cook, Poisonous Spider, Bai Shu, Ye Xiaoye, etc., and even the newly repaired robot 0-17 also came to the beach to bid farewell to Han Bin.

Although several people knew that Han Bin was invincible and would not have an accident, it was inevitable that they would still be a little reluctant at this time.

Dr. White and the Revelator did not come out, and after the Blue Star was exposed to the universe, the burden on their bodies became even more severe.

They are seizing the time to develop a force that can protect Blue Star's survival in the vast universe.

As for Han Bin, they are not worried at all.

There is no one who can hurt this guy yet.

The black and white were also a little surprised when they saw Han Bin.

Of course, it's not surprising that Han Bin is a cat, there are a lot of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods in the cosmic prison, and there is nothing strange about a cat.

They were surprised by Han Bin's appearance, which is rare in the universe.

However, with such a high appearance, in the cosmic prison, a lot of things will happen.

After all, there are a lot of perverts in it.

Reluctance could not leave anyone, they still came as scheduled, and in the reluctant sight of several people, Han Bin was taken away by the black and white and disappeared into the portal.

On the other side, Dr. White and the Apocalypse were staring at the massive metal stone in a secret room deep in the Order.

There is a certain connection between the stone and Han Bin, and when he learned that there is such a thing as a cosmic crystal, Dr. Bai suspected that this huge metal was very likely to be a cosmic crystal.

Han Bin had already handed over the matter conversion cosmic crystallization to Dr. Bai, and the more he studied, the more he found that the cosmic crystallization was not simple.

Whether the blue star can survive in the universe depends on the extent to which the transformation and crystallization of matter can be used.

Today is the day Han Bin leaves, and Dr. Bai naturally knows it.

When Han Bin was on the Blue Star, there was only one fixed sentence on the back of the metal, and Dr. Bai guessed that if Han Bin left the Blue Star, the back of the metal would change.

If there is a change, it will completely prove that Han Bin is 0-0, and most of this metal is also a cosmic crystal, and it is biased towards the ability of prediction.

Finally, it was time for Han Bin to leave.

Dr. White and the Revelator hurried to the back of the metal, and although there was still a dense sentence written on it, the content on it had changed.

"What was said above. The Revelator looked back at Dr. Bai, a text that only the well-studied Dr. Bai could read.

Dr. Bai stroked the lines on it with his hand and slowly spat out a few words.

"Cosmic prison, chaos!".

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