The other end of the teleportation array was directly connected to the cosmic prison, and the black and white duo threw Han Bin into a dimly lit room before disappearing.

By the way, he was blindfolded the whole way to the room, but Han Bin could still feel that there were a lot of eyes around him.


room was dim and damp, and the bed was simple, just a few wooden planks spliced together.

In the same room as Han Bin was an elderly man, and Han Bin didn't seem to stop coughing since he entered this room.

His cough was heart-rending, as if he was about to cough out his internal organs.

In addition to the bed, there is a simple table in this room, which is empty because there is no furniture.

As for the toilet, don't think about it, in this cosmic prison, the time to go to the toilet is uniformly fixed, and you can only go to it twice a day.

Other times.

Either hold it back, or solve it directly in the room, so many of the rooms in this huge cosmic prison smell of foul odor.

In the mouths of the prison higher-ups, it is called the will of the prisoners.

The people in the prison also resisted this, but the cosmic prison had no choice but to set up a device to shield their abilities, that is, all they could use in this prison was physical strength.

And such a rebellion is destined to not make too many waves.

Han Bin looked at his paws thoughtfully.

The room was not big, and at a glance, he could see almost everything, and Han Bin's attention shifted to the old man on the side.

The old man is indeed old, and the skin and dark spots on his body are intricate, and because he has not been able to get nutritional supplements for a long time, the whole person looks thin and thin.

But those eyes were indeed unexpectedly very energetic, in such a place full of despair, Han Bin actually saw a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the old man.

This is an old man with a story, Han Bin thought secretly.

While Han Bin was looking at the old man, the old man was also looking at Han Bin.

The prison houses criminals from all the planets of the universe, so there are all kinds of creatures, and it's not surprising that a four-limbed reptile is there.

But it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful one.

"Ahem...... You should be able to understand me, little one. The

old man's voice had a gentle feeling, and it was difficult to associate the words old man in front of him with the criminal.

"Meow. (Hello old man.)

Han Bin nodded in response, the cat language translator that Dr. Bai configured for Han Bin was still there, so the old man could also understand what he said perfectly.

The old man's eyes glanced at the small machine next to Han Bin's neck.

Interesting little things.

"In this prison, you have to be careful, you are such a good-looking little guy, I am afraid that many people have bad intentions. The

old man reminded that over the years, he had changed countless fellow inmates, and those eyes were not good at seeing people.

As soon as Han Bin came in, he found that he was different from others, whether it was in terms of temperament or appearance, it showed that Han Bin was not simple.

For this, Han Bin was a little unimpressed.

I'm a cat.,Although my appearance is very high.,But the people in it shouldn't mutate to this extent.。

Han Bin didn't have too many ideas about chrysanthemums, but the old man's reminder was kind, and the gratitude that should be expressed should still be expressed.

"Meow. (Thank you.)

The old man didn't expect Han Bin to thank him, after all, the people who came here didn't explode at him, it was already a very good thing.

"Here, there is an hour of free time a day, and at that point, we are able to leave here for a short period of freedom. Without

asking Han Bin if he wanted to hear it, the old man said to himself.

"The rest of the time, I can only stay in this small room, and food will be delivered once a day to ensure basic life needs.

Han Bin nodded in understanding.

"Most of the people who came here were waiting for the conviction of the Cosmic Rules Bureau, and when they came, they said that they would go after staying here for a while, but. Speaking of this, the old man paused slightly, then shook his head with a meaningful smile, and said, "I've been waiting for this time for fifty years. The

old man's eyes seemed to be lonely, or helpless, and in the past fifty years, his unwillingness from the beginning has become numb.

But there was still light in his eyes, because he knew that he had been wronged, and justice might be late, but he would never forget him.

Han Bin's eyes trembled.

Fifty years

?These fifty years have not yet waited for the conviction of the old man, so what is it to keep this here, house arrest

? "Meow?" (Why don't you protest?) Han Bin raised his own question.

The old man continued to smile bitterly and shook his head, and said, "It's useless to protest here, that group of guys from the Cosmic Rules Bureau don't care about the life or death of the people here, maybe when they remember, they will take a person away to convict." The

old man paused, his eyes looking straight ahead.

"Actually, the people in this are numb and cruel under such captivity and torture, no one explains, but they all know that most of them will not be able to leave here in this life.

Now Han Bin didn't understand it even more, the prison in the old man's mouth was so desperate, but in the old man's eyes, there was hope that was completely inconsistent with this despair.

"Meow?" (what about you?)

Although there are only two words, the old man knows what Han Bin means by this sentence.

He shook his head with a smile and said, "It's funny, I'm the leader of a high-civilization planet, and after I was captured here by the Cosmic Rules Bureau, I completely cut off contact with the planet." What

the old man said didn't seem to have anything to do with Han Bin's question, and the old man continued: "That planet was originally a low-civilization planet, and the status of low-civilization planets in the universe is extremely low, and it took my family thousands of years to complete the promotion to a high-civilization planet. "

The rules formulated by the Cosmic Rules Bureau are all biased towards high-civilization planets, and the suffering of low-civilization planets can be felt very deeply by the old man.

"And now is the most critical time, my planet cannot live without me, and I believe that as long as I persevere, there will be a day when I will go out. When he

said this, the light in the old man's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Returning to one's own planet and freeing the people of one's planet from the coercion of the unequal rules of the universe is the old man's lifelong wish of the old man's family.

Not to mention fifty years, even if it is another fifty years, he will hold on to return to his own planet.

Han Bin looked at the old man and his heart shook.

Such a leader who is dedicated to his own planet, such a person who still has hope in such a place in order to go back fifty years later, deserves Han Bin's respect.


A shrill alarm sounded in the prison, and the old man coughed and stood up and walked towards the door.

"Let's go, it's free time, you're different from the others, stay behind me later, don't make a sound. "

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