Remembering that Han Bin, who has a lot of special abilities on his body, can be regarded as opening another new door, and Han Bin has felt all kinds of abilities one by one.

Han Bin likes the ability to simulate a scene very much, he can simulate a scene in his brain, this scene is basically undoubted with reality, in the soft pillow, Han Bin is very happy while enjoying it, while trying the special ability in his body.

And Ye Xiaoye was walking on the streets of Tianpan with Han Bin in his arms, and all kinds of high-tech buildings here were far beyond Ye Xiaoye's cognition.

There is a feeling of traveling to a futuristic world.

Soon, Han Bin found an ability that would help him find the bastard.

The appearance of that bastard, the smell or something can be said to be deeply imprinted in Han Bin's mind, it is absolutely impossible to forget, this breath capture can be said to be very suitable.

Add a million smells to all the release, all kinds of smells follow the air into Han Bin's nasal cavity, coupled with the ability to simulate the scene, the 3D model of the entire Tianpan appeared in Han Bin's mind.

And Han Bin watched everyone's every move on the heavenly disk from the perspective of God.

In addition to not being able to be accurate to everyone's appearance, but everyone's movement position can be accurate.

The zombies in the test center have begun to spread, which is also considered to be Han Bin's expectation, they will definitely be confident that they will not bring any weapons in the past, if they do not spread, it would be strange.

Found it! On a street corner in the heavenly disk, a puppet model is clinging to another puppet, as if doing something very happy between friends of the opposite sex.

The hormonal breath mixed with the breath that disgusted Han Bin drilled into the tip of Han Bin's nose, although there was no appearance, but Han Bin would not admit his mistake.

It is a memory engraved in the depths of the soul.

"Little girl, I'll find you a place to rest, you stay in the room and don't come out, do you hear?

Han Bin's voice sounded in Ye Xiaoye's head, and his voice carried an undoubted implication that Ye Xiaoye was not allowed to resist at all.

Ye Xiaoye also nodded obediently: "Oh." "

My cat seems to be able to speak and become so strong, is it always like this before, or after being able to speak.

My cat can't be a goblin, right?,It's like in the anime of that list.。


found a high room for Ye Xiaoye to live in, and once again told him not to go out, Han Bin's figure flashed in place, and he went in the direction in his mind.

When the figure in his mind appeared in front of him again, Han Bin's eyes were already full of anger.

The two people below have finished their work, and they are leaning together and talking about love.

"Dead ghost, what's the matter with asking me out this time, it can't be because you miss me. The

woman was shyly lying in the man's arms and sprinkling Jiao, this woman's identity is not simple, she is the daughter of the director of an important organ in the Tianpan Control Center.

It can be seen that this man is not simple, the man's name is Liu Quehe, and his promotion path can be described as unusually smooth.

It's not because of how strong his ability is, but his means of coaxing women with one hand are simply superb, from the little doll who has just come of age for a long time, to the aunt who is fifty or sixty years old, he can be confusedly obedient by his mouth.

This woman is exactly what he is targeting now.

"Oh, the baby is so cute, of course I just want the baby to come out. Sweet

words are easy for Liu Quehe, coupled with targeted countermeasures, the woman in front of her is already immersed in Liu Quehe's gentle sea.

This is the object of Liu Quehe's attack, in order to rise in his position, as long as this position goes up, this woman will have no use value for him.

When the time comes, it's good to lose it.

The poor woman didn't know what Liu Que was thinking in her heart, and she only felt that this was the man she could trust in her life.

"I hate it, don't worry, I know that the baby loves me, don't worry, I will say a few more words to the baby from my father."

Liu Quehe's face suddenly showed a smile, and his facial features were very ugly when he was crowded together, but I don't know why, Liu Quehe seemed to have special abilities, and in the eyes of the woman opposite, this was the beauty with characteristics.

"Baby is so good, I magpie and this life is a baby person, and I will continue to be a baby person after I die.

"Bah, stay with me, don't talk about death or something, it's not good, I'll be distressed." "

Well, baby, it's the best. The

two of them packed up their clothes like this, and after Liu Que and the woman went back, they sorted out some messy clothes.

This one is over, and there is the next higher target waiting for him to hunt.

But before he could move forward, a feeling of gravity imbalance suddenly appeared on his body, and in the next second, contrary to any scientific theorem, he actually floated directly and flew towards the sky.

Where had he ever seen such a situation, and under the fright, a stench suddenly came from below it.

Pee ......

Han Bin controlled the gravity around him and pulled Liu Que He, who was fainting at the same time, away from him, and at the same time showed a disgusted expression.

How was he deceived by such a guy in his last life?

Han Bin wasn't in a hurry, just floating in mid-air and looking at Liu Quehe who was unconscious opposite.

About three minutes later, Liu Quehe woke up again, but, seeing that he was at such a high altitude, his eyes rolled and he passed out again.

Han Bin came interested.

This guy is timid beyond his expectations, so calm and handy around women, it's a shame to be afraid of such a little height.

Han Bin's little bit is not a little bit, it is about a thousand meters away from the heavenly disk, you know, the heavenly disk is already three or four thousand meters above the ground.

How many times does this guy have to be in a coma before he can get used to it?

Han Bin controlled gravity to wake Liu Quehe up, and immediately after waking up, he fell into a coma, and then shook him after he fell into a coma, and after repeating it thirty-seven times, Liu Quehe's eyes looked down numbly.

His nerves no longer allowed him to be unconscious.

Why, why is he here.

Trying to raise his head, opposite him, a black cat with smooth hair and outstanding appearance was staring at him closely.

Why, he thinks this cat is so attractive and good-looking.

Soon, the energy of this emotion was once again overshadowed by fear.

Why, why exactly is he here.

Subconsciously wanted to be unconscious again, but this time, Han Bin would not let him faint again.

The controlled gravity confined Liu Quehe's body to a large zigzag.

Slowly pushed in front of him, and the two pairs of eyes were directly aligned.

Liu Que swallowed a mouthful of saliva heavily, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but his body had been controlled, and he obviously had no right to act.

For some reason, he saw endless anger in the eyes of the cat opposite.

It was an ocean of rage, and in the middle of it.

I'm standing on it.


I swallowed a mouthful of saliva again, the temperature at this height is extremely low, but Liu Quehe is so hot that he wants to sweat.

He'd seen that look before.

Before the end of the world broke out, he followed a group of ruthless people in society to get a little boy, and this was the kind of look that the boy's father had when he found his group.

This cat wants to kill itself!

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