After that, Liu Quehe

completely lost the power to act, and under the effect of gravity, Liu Quehe was manipulated by Han Bin to make all kinds of actions like a toy.

The mixture of humiliation and pain came from all over Liu Quehe's body, and his reputation was actually ruined by a cat now.

He really couldn't figure out where he had messed with the cat.

In other words, what kind of cat is this, why is this ability so rebellious?!!

Liu Que wanted to shout out in pain, but his jaw was held down tightly, and he couldn't open his mouth to make a sound at all, so he could only make some dull sounds in his throat.

The cat seems to hate humans in general and has a terrifying abusive tendency.

But what Liu Quehe didn't know was that Han Bin was only like this to him, and Han Bin felt angry even if he abused him thousands of times, all of which Liu Quehe owed Han Bin.

It's almost time -

Han Bin stopped what he was doing, and Liu Quehe on the other side passed out again because of the continuous torture, and this time, Han Bin didn't wake up Liu Quehe.

With the unconscious Liu Que and slowly descending, the heavenly disk at this time has been reduced to hell on earth.

The speed of the zombie outbreak was too fast, because it started to break out from a residential area, so it was completely attacked by zombies before it had time to prepare.

Except for the control center, the entire Tianpan was attacked by zombies, and there were screaming crowds and bitten figures everywhere.

It can be known how morbid Tianpan's confidence in himself is.

Believing in his high-tech level too much, he only had one negligence, and completely sent away everyone in the entire Tianpan.

Han Bin didn't feel cruel, and this group of well-dressed beasts must not have felt cruel when they were hiding from the global human beings and quietly ascending to the heavenly disk to avoid the end times.

They took away the backbone that was supposed to fight against the end times, and they abandoned all the people who believed in them.

These are reincarnations, and they deserve them.

So Han Bin didn't feel cruel, and even a little happy.

Find a place with the highest concentration of zombies, wake up Liu Que He in his hand, and then float quietly above the dense group of zombies.

Liu Que, who woke up, and the cold sweat on his body suddenly broke out, and the group of zombies below were like pets waiting to be fed, with their teeth covered with carrion, waiting for the cats on the side to feed.

Liu Quehe hurriedly turned around and wanted to plead with Han Bin.

Although Liu Quehe didn't know why he pleaded with a cat, it seemed that the cat on the side could control his fate now.

Just as he was about to speak, a feeling of weightlessness and falling suddenly appeared, and Liu Quehe's body fell directly into the zombie group.

didn't even have time to shout a scream, Liu Quehe was completely eaten away, and he didn't even have a chance to become a zombie.

Han Bin's eyes looked indifferently at everything that happened below, and he looked at Liu Que indifferently and was solved by the zombies little by little.

Liu Quehe in the previous life didn't give Han Bin a chance to beg for mercy, and disappeared in Han Bin's eyes with a package full of food.

Forgive Liu Quehe, it's impossible, beg for mercy? Don't even think about it.

What I tasted in the previous life, in this life, you will never be able to run.

After solving Liu Quehe, Han Bin's heart was full of happiness.

Of course, scum like Liu Que and others can't stay in this world.

So Han Bin also added a little bit of material, so that Liu Quehe's bones turned into scum.

After doing this, a feeling of gain and loss suddenly appeared in Han Bin's heart.

In fact, his biggest wish when he was reborn was revenge, and if he got revenge, his strength would be useless.

There is nothing in this world that can mention his interest anymore, let's fight, there is no existence on this planet that can match his combat power.

Is this the loneliness of invincibility?

Just when Han Bin was immersed in his invincible sadness and wanted to go back to find an exclusive pillow, a figure stopped him directly.

"Hello, I'm member number 0-17 and would like to invite you to join our organization. The

person who suddenly appeared startled Han Bin, this person was actually not in his sense of smell.

Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the person in front of him seemed to be a robot.

Han Bin said, how could anyone directly escape his sense of smell capture, that would be too strange.


Seeing that the person who came had no malicious intent, Han Bin also asked.


Bin didn't use telepathy, firstly, because the person on the other side is not a person, and the telepathy is mostly useless, of course, Han Bin also has a way to make the other party understand what he means, as for why he didn't do it, it's because of the second reason.

He wanted to try the depth of the other party, if he didn't know what he was talking about, he couldn't do such a simple thing, and if he didn't go to such an organization, it would be mostly a showcase.

The robot on the opposite side did not disappoint Han Bin.

"We organize the full name of the planet protection organization, which specializes in recruiting talented people on the earth, independent of all countries, to complete all the relevant things to protect the planet, and the earth's apocalyptic zombie virus has also been experimentally researched by relevant personnel, and it will take about a year or so to complete the production of the antidote.

"My mission this time is to come to Tianpan to investigate matters related to Tianpan, and on the way, I discovered your ability to levitate, so I invited you to join our planetary protection organization. Hearing

that the antidote could be completed in about a year, Han Bin nodded with satisfaction.

Look at people, this is a person who does practical things, unlike the group of hypocrites on the heavenly disk, who talk about saving human beings all day long but do nothing to enjoy themselves on the heavenly disk.

What the robot said made Han Bin very tempting, different from other countries, protecting the planet, it sounds cool, and it is also very suitable for Han Bin.

With him to protect this planet, absolutely secure.


Han Bin shouted again, this time it meant that it was okay for me to join, but I had to bring someone with me.

Although Han Bin really wanted to join that organization, he didn't want to abandon his exclusive pillow.

Really comfortable.

The robot pauses for a moment, as if a program in its brain is searching for the relevant structure.

"The organization has a clear rule that no one other than the inviter is allowed to enter the organization unless the inviter can reach the level of 0.

"Meow?" (zero level? What does this mean?)

This time the robot replied quickly: "0 is the order of the members invited to the organization, there are a total of 0123 four levels, 3 is the weakest, 0 is the strongest, and the number after each number is to rank it, my number is 0-17, that is, the seventeenth place in the first gradient." "

Newcomers enter the base from 3 first, and the selection is conducted every six months, and the first place at each level can be promoted to the next level, of course, if it is a member with special strength and strong ability to stably estimate to reach 0, you can also bring a person designated by the inviter to enter the organization. The

robot spoke very thoroughly, and Han Bin understood it quickly.

This is very clear, that is, if he shows the strength to reach level 0, he will be able to enter the organization with his pillow.

It's easy.

"Meow!" (you see)

Han Bin shut up and charged up, facing the sky, terrifying energy converged, and a purple pillar of light shot out instantly.

Because he was already familiar with this skill, Han Bin was already able to directly release purple breath.

Because he was afraid that his strength was not at the level of enough, this time Han Bin released the increased breath ability of all talent points without any reservations, and this energy was not comparable to the energy that attracted the black market before.

There is even a tendency for purple to turn black.

At the moment when this energy appeared, the robot began to calculate its energy.

The chip in his brain was designed to help him perform trillions of calculations per second, and the moment the purple breath appeared, his brain chip was operational.

But it didn't take long for the calculation to show garbled characters in the robot's original blue eyes, and finally turned into red with wrong codes.

The position where the chip was placed was also burned by the high-speed transportation, and soon, black smoke even came out of its head.

The calculations are overloaded...

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