Drop -

It stands to reason that there is only one free time a day, and if there is an alarm at night like this, then something big is expected.

Soon, all the prisoners were summoned to the square.

And in the center of the square, a dried corpse was removed, although it was no longer visible, but it was not difficult to distinguish that it was the leader of one of the two major forces of the prison, Kanna.

The Captain of the Prison Guard Brigade, Sizhe, was already standing by Karna's side, waiting for the inspectors to give the final results.

In prison, under his nose, such a thing is absolutely not allowed.

The black-robed woman had put her black cloak back on, standing at the front of the crowd as if nothing had happened.

And the old man who was in the same room with Han Bin looked at Han Bin beside him in some surprise.

The little guy has been in a state of excitement since he woke up.

What's so exciting about this

? It's exciting to sleep in prison for the first time? Isn't

it normal for people to be afraid of people who come to prison?

"I'm very sad that something like this happened in prison, because under my nose, someone actually lost his life, he didn't even have time to accept the judgment of the Cosmic Rules Bureau, he didn't even have time to enjoy the taste of freedom.

Sizhe looked distressed and talked at Kanna's side, but everyone knew that most of them could not leave this prison, and they were afraid that they would have to stay here for the rest of their lives.

This Xizhe is a complete hypocrite.

"So, for the sake of this innocent life, I will definitely catch the murderer, and all the evidence points to one person.

Xizhe's gaze shifted to the black-robed woman.

"So, who will this murderer be, is it you, is it you, or is it you?"

Xizhe pointed at several people in a row, and finally landed his finger on the black-robed woman.

"I think it's probably you. The

woman in the black robe was naturally not the one who would be parried by Xi Zhe's fingers, and a cold voice came from under the black robe, and she said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Sir, everything must be evidenced, and I have no way to escape from the iron gate in the prison, let alone make this guy into such a dry corpse." "

Evidence?" Xizhe looked at the black-robed woman with a laugh, and said, "Isn't this evidence obvious, who doesn't know that you and he are the two biggest leaders in this prison, and you just broke out before he died, doesn't all this evidence refer to you." The

head of Xizhe's analysis is the Tao, and if you think about it carefully, it is the same as what he said.

Of course, in the end, evidence will have to be presented.

The people Xizhe wants to get rid of the most in his heart are the black-robed woman and Kanna, if he can bring down both of them at this time, the biggest beneficiary is Xizhe.

Just kidding, the biggest power holder in the prison, the most convincing person in that group of prisoners, is not Xizhe, how is this possible.

"Isn't that far-fetched, sir, if I have what it takes to kill Khanna, why don't I do it sooner rather than wait until the time like this? The woman's explanation is not unreasonable.

It was at this time that the person who was collecting evidence handed over the information to Xi Zhe, and a smile suddenly appeared on Xi Zhe's face: "If you want evidence, I'll give you evidence." Then

, Sizhe pointed to the corpse of Kana behind him.

"The results of the deposition of the guy's body showed that there was a claw scratch on his neck, and the lady had been hiding under the black robe, was she afraid that her claws would be exposed.

Xizhe pressed forward step by step and came to the side of the black-robed woman.

"The evidence is conclusive, unless you can take off your black robe and reveal what you look like inside, otherwise, well, you know the result.

Xizhe's face looked like the overall situation had been decided, and the feeling of everything being controlled in his hands was wonderful.

The black-robed woman trembled uncontrollably, then let out a long sigh and took off the black robe on her body.

A badly burned body draped in a sackcloth appeared in everyone's sight.

As for the claw, it is even more impossible, because the position of the arm is empty, and she is a disabled person.

The people around them suddenly gasped, they didn't expect that the figure under the black robe would look like this.

No wonder she had to wear a black robe all the time.

Only Han Bin looked at the black-robed woman with an interested look in his eyes, although his appearance changed, but the breath given to Han Bin did not change.

It seems that this Catwoman has an extremely strong shape-shifting technique.

Xizhe looked at the woman in the black robe on the opposite side, and his face was blue and white.

This feeling of being slapped in the face was very unpleasant, which made his face a little unbearable.

"it, find it, find it for me, you have to find someone with claws in this group of guys!"

Even if the old man wanted to hide Han Bin no matter how much he wanted, he was still pulled out by that group of people.

All the clawed men stood in the center of the plaza below, and Sizhe looked at each of them with a grim face, comparing them to the figures on Karna's body one by one.

"What is this?"

When he came to Han Bin's side, Xizhe directly burst into foul language.

This thing looks like a cat, but it looks like a duck's flippers on its hands, and it's so good-looking.

Very disgusted, he left Han Bin's side and walked towards the next person.

There was a hidden smile on the corner of Han Bin's mouth, it is impossible for this kind of thing to be framed on himself, the Transfiguration Technique, simple, he will too.

After everyone checked, they didn't find a match for the scratches on Karna's body.

In the end, in Xizhe's scolding voice, this search came to an end, and as for the black-robed woman, Xizhe took a deep look.

Although the figure under the black robe was so badly damaged, Xi Zhe's intuition told him that this matter was definitely related to the woman in the black robe.

As for how to find evidence in the future, that's a matter for later.

Now there is no chance to attack the black-robed woman.

After returning to the room, the excitement in Han Bin's eyes became stronger and stronger, he was more and more interested in the identity of this cat woman, what kind of existence it was.

Similarly, in the room, the old man was looking at Han Bin with a feverish look.

"You can really use abilities in this prison. Of

course, he also lowered his voice, after all, he couldn't be heard by the guards outside.

He clearly saw that Han Bin's small fleshy paws had turned into duck flippers.

In Han Bin's body, the old man saw the hope of leaving here!

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